6 research outputs found

    Health and its conditionality as a factor for increasing the level of safety in society

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    We are constantly aging, and the majority of diseases result from an improper diet and lack of physical movement. Health and a fit body figure is a shared dream among everyone, no matter the continent or country one is living in. For the technological advance, change in the natural and social environment, humanity has to pay a great price. More often things lead to a disordered nervous system, weakened immune system and an impairment in the functionality of the morph functional structure. Diseases of the XXI century are the most common consequences of this state; including diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes (select types), tumors, osteoporosis, obesity, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system, back pain, neurosis, psychosomatic disorders, brain trauma, allergies and many more diseases. The purpose of the research was to determine pro-healthy behaviors of students studying in fields related to safety, selected two universities from Košice (Slovakia) and from Kraków (Poland) as a factor of increasing the level of security of the society. The research group consisted of 66 students of the Academy of Public and Individual Security in Krakow APEIRON and 70 students from the University of Security Management in Košice. An own structure survey questionnaire was used, containing 9 questions about nutrition and hydration of the body, as well as physical activity and sleep. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the following conclusions were made: the frequency and duration of physical activity undertaken among the researched students from both universities is at a similar and high level, physical activity is a priority for respondents in maintaining health and safety, both individual and in the population, nutrition, hydration and sleep in the daily life of respondents play a dominant role in health

    Old Age and Suffering in A Dimension of Beauty and Dignity of The Human Being

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    It can be said that the it is the most optimistic fact that human being although feels the effect of aging on his body, can have the way of thinking always open on the eternity – what keeps his soul in everlasting youth. We all ¬professors, priests doctors, nurses, parents, teachers, and students can build new social conscience about the importance of old. The old that can be understand as the capital of wisdom of our nation, internal guide, living link to the past, guardian for the young people… Modern men living in the world of thousands meanings have to wait many years or even generations to understand what the most important thing to him is… Although old people frequently need physical help from the young they can help the young to find their road through life. Building bridges between new and old generation

    On the Brink of Cultures – Serbs and Croats

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    Bałkany nazywane są „miniaturą Europy”, ponieważ na ich obszarze skupiły się różne grupy etniczne o odmiennych zwyczajach, tradycjach i wyznaniach religijnych. Przykładem konfliktu między takimi ludami mogą być stosunki serbsko-chorwackie. Analizując poszczególne elementy kultury i tożsamości Serbów i Chorwatów, niewątpliwie można dostrzec wiele odmienności. Różnice te, czasem faktycznie bardzo duże i niepozwalające na porozumienie, mogą pomóc nam zrozumieć, dlaczego te dwa sąsiadujące narody tak często występowały przeciwko sobie. Z drugiej strony odnoszę wrażenie, że ważny wpływ na ich stosunki ma historia. Mimo odmienności, nawet dużych, można zbudować relacje oparte na wzajemnym szacunku i zaufaniu. To, że mówi się różnymi językami, wyznaje się inną religię czy utożsamia się z innym kręgiem kulturowym nie sprawia przecież, że należy stać się wrogami. Hasłem Unii Europejskiej jest „Jedność – w różnorodności”, co oznacza, że nie musimy być tacy sami, by móc się porozumieć. A przecież poznawanie wzajemnych odmienności pozwala czerpać z innych kultur i przez to wzbogacać własną.The Balkans are called “the thumbnail of Europe” because there focused various ethnic groups with different customs, traditions and different religions on their area. An example of a conflict between such peoples can be the Serbo-Croatian relations. Analyzing the individual elements of the culture and identity of the Serbs and the Croats, undoubtedly we can see many differences. These differences, sometimes actually considerable and not allowing to the agreement, can help us understand why these two neighboring nations acted so often against each other. On the other hand, it seems to me that history has got a large impact on these relations. Despite the differences, even considerable ones, it is possible to build relationships based on mutual respect and trust. The fact that different languages are spoken, that different religion is confessed, whether one identifies with other cultural circle, does not mean that we should become enemies. The European Union’s motto is “Unity in diversity” which means that we do not need to be the same to be able to communicate. And yet, the experience of the reciprocal differences allows to derive from other cultures and improve our own culture

    Sport – Moral, Ethical Values and Risks (based on The Teaching of John Paul Ii)

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    John Paul II introduced a great input into catholic vision of sport. Being a continuator of Church reform (begun by John XIII and Paul VI) he improved this trend with his own experience and thoughts, he created scientific and educational backup for sport in many areas ontological, anthropological, axiological and theoretically theologically. John Paul II understood the holiness of human body and its role in human life, he understood the need of body fitness and he encouraged physical culture with his authority. He saw in sport a chance to enrich human body in ontological and humanistic and not hedonistic dimension. To promote good sport in October 2004 John Paul II created in Vatican “Vatican Sport Department

    Wojska specjalne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPublikacja objęta okresem karencji (embargo). Pełny dostęp do pliku od dnia 01.05.2018.Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu badawczego Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego nr WNoB/DS/3/2015-KO

    Distribution of Minimal and Maximal Values of the Location of the Centre of Pressure in the Frontal and Sagittal Planes in Healthy Boys and Boys with Mild Intellectual Disability Participating in 12-Week Equestrian Classes

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    Humans maintain balance in the vertical position through random movements that result from instability of the body supported in two points. These tracking movements are responsible for the motor activity focused on maintaining body balance. The role of the postural control system is to choose a strategy, that is, the behaviour as a response to stimuli and regaining the balance through coordinated activity of the muscles that stabilize the talocrural and hip joints that perform movements in the frontal and sagittal planes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of equestrian classes on postural balance in the frontal and sagittal balance in healthy boys aged 15 to 17 years and boys at the same age with mild intellectual disability. The study examined 100 randomized boys aged 15 to 17 years with mild intellectual disability and healthy boys. The study participants were divided into two groups: experimental group, who participated for 12 weeks in equestrian classes and the control group, with boys attending outdoor or indoor physical education classes. Before and after completion of the study, both experimental and control groups were diagnosed by means of Accu SwayPlus force plate. Maximum and minimum locations of the position of the centre of pressure (COP) with respect to the base of support on the platform were evaluated in the frontal and sagittal planes. The description of the parameters was based on the arithmetic mean, maximal and minimal value, scatter diagram and percentage distribution of values. Correlation of the parameters was also evaluated. Significant changes were found in the experimental groups after horse-riding classes, which pointed to the improvement in balance response, particularly in the sagittal plane, both in terms of minimal and maximal values. The character of these changes was similar: value of body sway in the sagittal plane was reduced and the higher percentage of minimal values was recorded for each parameter in both planes after the equestrian effect. Correlations were found between maximum position of the centre of pressure (COP) in the frontal plane and minimal and maximal position of the centre of pressure in the sagittal plane. All the significant changes and trends found for the experimental group which occurred after 12 weeks of equestrian classes suggest improved parameters of balance. The lack of changes in balance parameters in the control group shows that the equestrian classes help develop balance abilities in healthy boys aged 15 to 17 years and, to a lesser extent, in those with mild intellectual disability