33 research outputs found

    The role of alternative sigma factor S (σS) and sigma factor B (σB) in bacterial cell stress response and their regulation

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    Bacteria successfully take possession of almost every recess of the earth. However bacteria can be liable to big changes of environmental conditions in every settled biotope. Some of them living in a high specializated medium do not show usually ability of tolerate others media than their most favourable. In case of changes of medium parameters some of bacteria start to migrate and look for others media securing them proper growth and development approximate optimum conditions. There are also bacteria which are able to survive in spite of changes happen in their direct environmental. Their survival competence is caused by the lack of susceptibility on specified medium changes or ability of adaptation to new conditions moreover by taking the profits from the medium. The tolerance and adaptation bacterial cells to different conditions which following in the nearest environmental result from cells response on stress factors. Precised signals coming from the medium cause in the cells a number of changes happen in genes expression regulated on transcription and translation level. The information coded in bacterial genome enable cells to produce many different proteins. However not all proteins are synthesized in the same time and the process of their synthesis is subject to strict control. Cells under stress synthesize proteins which secure them survival in untipical for their growing conditions. The main roles in this process play alternative sigma factors. Bacterial cells contain also general sigma factor (for example σ 70 in Escherichia coli, σ 43 in Bacillus subtilis) responsible for transcription most of the genes. However alternative sigma factors rarely regulate initiation of transcription. They are active only in case of cell stress conditions and also they take part in gene expression conected with the life cycle of the cell and stationary or exponential growth phase of bacteria. The most important function in stress conditions of E. coli plays an alternative sigma S (σ S, σ38) factor. Because of its regulatory function a lot of attention is dedicated to researches refer to σS in a recent time. Sigma B – which is one of the best known alternative sigma factors in Gram positive bacteria – plays a similar role to sigma S. Factor σ B functions as a general response regulator to stress in such bacteria as Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Listeria . These two alternative sigma factors: sigma S and sigma B often, if not always work in connection with others form of regulation. Bacteria show ability of detection many signals coming from the environment by means of sensors systems situated in cell envelope. Although σ S and σ B play the similar role in the cell they are controlled by completely different mechanisms

    Seminaria i prace magisterskie jako element kształcenia specjalistycznego na studiach ekonomicznych - przykład Szkoły Głównej Handlowej

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    This article contains extensive fragments of a report from a study conducted in 1998 by the Warsaw School of Economics’ Center for Economic Education Development. The research was conducted among faculty conducting Master’s seminars. The materials presented here are the first attempt at judging the functioning of Masters’ seminars in the WSE’s teaching system, which was reformed in the beginning of the 1990s. The study analysed assignments, the organization of teaching, as well as the implementation and effects of the work conducted during Master’s seminars. Due to the nature of the target group (Master’ s thesis tutors), the report is not meant to offer source material for judging the quality of the subject matter of the theses. This can only be judged by the students, graduates and employers, who are the indirect recipients of educational services. The results of the study show the danger to this system of education posed by the individualization of every student’s course of learning. Many faculty members representing less “fashionable” fields face problems attracting students to their seminars. Moreover, the study noted a tendency to eliminate group seminar sessions, a fact detrimental to the quality of education.Artykuł zawiera obszerne fragmenty raportu z badań własnych Ośrodka Rozwoju Studiów Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, zrealizowanych w 1998 r. wśród ogółu nauczycieli akademickich prowadzących seminaria magisterskie. Przedstawiony materiał stanowi pierwszą próbę oceny funkcjonowania seminariów magisterskich w zreformowanym (na początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych) systemie studiów w największej polskiej uczelni ekonomicznej. Przedmiot analizy obejmuje zadania, organizację dydaktyki oraz przebieg i efekty pracy seminariów magisterskich. Z racji wyboru grupy celowej objętej badaniami (promotorzy prac magisterskich), prezentowane ustalenia nie pretendują do miana materiału źródłowego, pozwalającego na ocenę jakości oferty tematyki prac magisterskich. Weryfikatorami jakości oferty seminariów magisterskich mogą bowiem być studenci, absolwenci oraz pracodawcy - pośredni użytkownicy usług edukacyjnych. Wyniki badań wskazują m.in. na zagrożenia dla tej formy organizacyjnej zajęć wynikające z realizacji zasady powszechnej indywidualizacji studiów. Znaczna część samodzielnych nauczycieli akademickich, reprezentujących mniej „modne” specjalności, ma problemy z pozyskiwaniem studentów na swoje seminaria. Ponadto obserwuje się niekorzystne zjawisko eliminacji grupowych zajęć seminaryjnych, co negatywnie wpływa na jakość wyników studiowania

    Diversity of laccase-coding genes in Fusarium oxysporum genomes

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    Multiple studies confirm laccase role in fungal pathogenicity and lignocellulose degradation. In spite of broad genomic research laccases from plant wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum are still not characterized. The study aimed to identify F.oxysporum genes that may encode laccases sensu stricto and characterize the proteins in silico in order to facilitate further research on their impact on the mentioned processes. Twelve sequenced F.oxysporum genomes available on Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT website were analyzed and 3 genes that may encode laccases sensu stricto were found. Their amino acid sequences possess all features essential for their catalytic activity, moreover, the homology models proved the characteristic 3D laccase structures. The study shed a light on Fusarium oxysporum as a new source of multicopper oxidases, enzymes with possible high redox potential and broad perspective in biotechnological applications

    Dina lineata (O.F. Müller, 1774) – an interesting species of leech in astatic reservoirs of the city of Olsztyn and its surroundings

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    The aim of the presently study was to provide information about the occurrence of Dina lineata in selected reservoirs of the city of Olsztyn and its surroundings. The material was collected applying the qualitative method. The leeches were found in the overflows of Olsztyn lakes (Skanda Lake and Redykajny Lake) and small astatic midfield reservoir near Samławki

    Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke – Five years of experience in Poland

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    Objectives Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is not reimbursed by the Polish public health system. We present a description of 5 years of experience with MT in acute stroke in Comprehensive Stroke Centers (CSCs) in Poland. Methods and results We retrospectively analyzed the results of a structured questionnaire from 23 out of 25 identified CSCs and 22 data sets that include 61 clinical, radiological and outcome measures. Results Most of the CSCs (74%) were founded at University Hospitals and most (65.2%) work round the clock. In 78.3% of them, the working teams are composed of neurologists and neuro-radiologists. All CSCs perform CT and angio-CT before MT. In total 586 patients were subjected to MT and data from 531 of them were analyzed. Mean time laps from stroke onset to groin puncture was 250±99min. 90.3% of the studied patients had MT within 6h from stroke onset; 59.3% of them were treated with IV rt-PA prior to MT; 15.1% had IA rt-PA during MT and 4.7% – emergent stenting of a large vessel. M1 of MCA was occluded in 47.8% of cases. The Solitaire device was used in 53% of cases. Successful recanalization (TICI2b–TICI3) was achieved in 64.6% of cases and 53.4% of patients did not experience hemorrhagic transformation. Clinical improvement on discharge was noticed in 53.7% of cases, futile recanalization – in 30.7%, mRS of 0–2 – in 31.4% and mRS of 6 in 22% of cases. Conclusion Our results can help harmonize standards for MT in Poland according to international guidelines

    Kairos in Novo Testamento

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    Rdz 13, 1-7 w kontekście historii zbawienia

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    Der Autor stellte, gestützt auf die Einteilung der Heilsgeschichte in drei Epochen, den biblischen Kontext der Perikope Röm 13, 1-7 vor. Er machte auf die Beleuchtung aufmerksam, die dieser Perikope u. a. die Geschichte vom Turmbau zu Babel (Gen 11, 1 ff.), die an die Herrschenden gerichtete Ermahnung (Weisch 6, 1 ff.) sowie die Perikope vom Bezahlen der Steuer (Mt 22, 15 ff.) liefern

    Seminars and Master’s Theses as an Element of Economic Education at the Warsaw School of Economics

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    Artykuł zawiera obszerne fragmenty raportu z badań własnych Ośrodka Rozwoju Studiów Ekonomicznych Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, zrealizowanych w 1998 r. wśród ogółu nauczycieli akademickich prowadzących seminaria magisterskie. Przedstawiony materiał stanowi pierwszą próbę oceny funkcjonowania seminariów magisterskich w zreformowanym (na początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych) systemie studiów w największej polskiej uczelni ekonomicznej. Przedmiot analizy obejmuje zadania, organizację dydaktyki oraz przebieg i efekty pracy seminariów magisterskich. Z racji wyboru grupy celowej objętej badaniami (promotorzy prac magisterskich), prezentowane ustalenia nie pretendują do miana materiału źródłowego, pozwalającego na ocenę jakości oferty tematyki prac magisterskich. Weryfikatorami jakości oferty seminariów magisterskich mogą bowiem być studenci, absolwenci oraz pracodawcy - pośredni użytkownicy usług edukacyjnych. Wyniki badań wskazują m.in. na zagrożenia dla tej formy organizacyjnej zajęć wynikające z realizacji zasady powszechnej indywidualizacji studiów. Znaczna część samodzielnych nauczycieli akademickich, reprezentujących mniej „modne” specjalności, ma problemy z pozyskiwaniem studentów na swoje seminaria. Ponadto obserwuje się niekorzystne zjawisko eliminacji grupowych zajęć seminaryjnych, co negatywnie wpływa na jakość wyników studiowania.This article contains extensive fragments of a report from a study conducted in 1998 by the Warsaw School of Economics’ Center for Economic Education Development. The research was conducted among faculty conducting Master’s seminars. The materials presented here are the first attempt at judging the functioning of Masters’ seminars in the WSE’s teaching system, which was reformed in the beginning of the 1990s. The study analysed assignments, the organization of teaching, as well as the implementation and effects of the work conducted during Master’s seminars. Due to the nature of the target group (Master’ s thesis tutors), the report is not meant to offer source material for judging the quality of the subject matter of the theses. This can only be judged by the students, graduates and employers, who are the indirect recipients of educational services. The results of the study show the danger to this system of education posed by the individualization of every student’s course of learning. Many faculty members representing less “fashionable” fields face problems attracting students to their seminars. Moreover, the study noted a tendency to eliminate group seminar sessions, a fact detrimental to the quality of education