16 research outputs found

    Gubici prilikom košenja lucerke samohodnom kosačicom-gnječilicom "Fortschritt" E-302

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    This paper shows the losses created during alfalfa mowing process performed by self-propelled and hay crusher “Fortschritt” E 302. The losses detected during research process have been divided into two groups: losses caused by increased incision height (over 6 cm), and losses caused by crushing. The total losses made during mowing by the tested mower were calculated by adding the incision height losses and crushing losses. The research results indicate that the minimal losses caused by the incision height are 1,08 % of yields, at the aggregate mowing speed of 4,90 km/h. Aggregate mowing speed increase tend to slightly increase the losses up to maximum values of 1,31 % at the mowing speed of 9,52 km/h. The crunching losses ranged from minimal 0,27 % at the minimal aggregate mowing speed. The average total losses were 1,52 % of yields at the average aggregate mowing speed of 6,89 km/h.U radu su prikazani gubici koji su nastali prilikom košenja lucerke samohodnom kosačicom-gnječilicom "Fortschritt" E-302. Gubici koji su se javili prilikom ispitivanja, svrstani su u dve grupe, kao gubici usled povećane visine reza (iznad 6 cm), i kao gubici usled usitnjavanja(delovi biljke koje nije moguće zahvatiti radnim organima kosačice, te ostaju neiskorišćeni na parceli). Sabiranjem gubitaka usled visine reza i gubitaka usled usitnjavanja, dobijeni su ukupni gubici pri radu ispitivane kosačice. Određivanje gubitaka vršeno je u četiri probe. Rezultati ispitivanja nam pokazuju da su minimalni gubici usled visine reza iznosili 1,08 % od prinosa, pri brzini kretanja agregata od 4,90 km/h. Sa povećanjem brzine kretanja agregata uočava se tendencija laganog povećanja gubitaka do maksimalne vrednosti od 1,31 %, pri brzini kretanja od 9,52 km/h. Gubici usled usitnjavanja su se kretali od minimalnih 0,27 %, pri maksimalnoj brzini kretanja, do maksimalnih 0,36 % pri minimalnoj brzini kretanja agregata. Prosečni ukupni gubici iznosili su 1,52 % od prinosa, pri prosečnoj brzini kretanja agregata od 6,89 km/h

    Rezultati ispitivanja uskoredih sejalica pri setvi raži u agroekološkim uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije

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    Rye is a farming culture that is important as bread wheat. It is excellent fodder either the green or in the bran, flour or grain. The rye grain is used for the production of alcohol, vinegar and starch, cellulose, lignin, furfurol, good quality paper and seeds in the pharmaceutical industry. The process of production of rye grain on the principle of ''grain-grain'', can also occur through the sowing of winter rye. Sowing units take up important role in the technological process of sowing of winter rye as the dominant in agro-ecological conditions in northern Kosovo and Metohija. The very process of sowing is followed by a series of specific features that interact with the effects of applied work of narrow line seeder significantly affect the amount of actual yield of winter rye and profitability of its production. It is practically impossible to remove omission in the process of winter rye sowing. The aim of this research was to determine the quality and reliability of different narrow line seeder of rye based on field-laboratory research and exploitation in the agro-ecological conditions of northern Kosovo and Metohija, depending on defined parameters. These results indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the applied sowing aggregates concepts.Raž predstavlja ratarsku kulturu koja je značajna kao hlebno žito, odlična je stočna hrana, bilo za zeleno, bilo u mekinjama, brašnu ili zrnu. U industriji se zrno koristi i za proizvodnju alkohola, skroba i sirćeta, celuloze, lignina, furfurola i hartije dobrog kvaliteta a klica u farmaceutskoj industriji. Proces proizvodnje raži po principu ''zrno-zrno'', može se odvijati kroz setvu ozime i jare raži. Značajno mesto u tehnološkom postupku setve ozime raži kao dominantne u agroekološkim uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije, zauzimaju setveni agregati. Sam proces setve praćen je nizom specifičnosti, koje u interakciji sa efektima rada primenjenih uskoredih sejalica značajno utiču na visinu ostvarenih prinosa ozime raži i rentabilnost proizvodnje ove ratarske kulture. Učinjene propuste u procesu setve ozime raži kasnije praktično nije moguće otkloniti. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se na osnovu poljsko-laboratorijskih i eksploatacionih istraživanja utvrdi kvalitet rada i pouzdanost u radu različitih uskoredih sejalica pri setvi raži u agroekološki uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije, u zavisnosti od definisanih parametara. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na prednosti, odnosno na nedostatke primenjene koncepcije setvenog agregata

    Primary spinal glioblastoma multiforme. Single center experience and literature review

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    Abstract Objectives Spinal glioblastomas represent a rare entity accounting for ca 1–3% of all intramedullary tumors; data about survival, prognostic factors and therapeutic protocols are quite poor. Even with an aggressive multimodal management the spinal glioblastoma patients' survival remains poor, with rapid progression of the disease. This study reports our experience with the management of the primary intramedullary glioblastomas, also in regard to the current literature data. Patients and Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 5 patients treated at the Department for Neuro-oncology and Spine Surgery of the Clinical Center of Belgrade, Serbia, between January 2007 and December 2016 for a primary intramedullary glioblastoma. Demographic characteristics, pre-operative data and post-operative results were then compared with previous literature regarding spinal GBMs and attempt to identify potential prognostic factors. Results Gross total resection was achieved in two patients, while a subtotal resection was performed in the latter 3 cases; as per protocol, all patients underwent to surgery, followed by radio and chemotherapy. There were no intraoperative complications and no patients developed a new postoperative neurological defect; the median overall survival was 6 months. Progression or recurrence of disease was noted in all patients at the 3-months follow-up, despite the adjuvant treatments. Conclusions To the date, there is a lack of consensus on specific management of spinal glioblastomas: the extent of resection can play an important role, but it appears to be not preeminent. A shorter interval between symptoms onset and treatment and a smaller extension of the tumor seem to be correlated with better outcomes and a longer overall survival. However, there is not an adjunctive viable standardized postoperative therapy yet, which results in concrete and persistent improvement of overall survival and progression free survival

    Applying eXplainable AI Techniques to Interpret Machine Learning Predictive Models for the Analysis of Problematic Internet Use among Adolescents

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    This research focusses on the potential application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in the analysis of behavioural addictions, specifically addressing problematic Internet use among adolescents. Using tabular data from a representative sample from Serbian high schools, the authors investigated the feasibility of employing eXplainable AI (XAI) techniques, placing special emphasis on feature selection and feature importance methods. The results indicate a successful application to tabular data, with global interpretations that effectively describe predictive models. These findings align with previous research, which confirms both relevance and accuracy. Interpretations of individual predictions reveal the impact of features, especially in cases of misclassified instances, underscoring the significance of XAI techniques in error analysis and resolution. Although AI’s influence on the medical domain is substantial, the current state of XAI techniques, although useful, is not yet advanced enough for the reliable interpretation of predictions. Nevertheless, XAI techniques play a crucial role in problem identification and the validation of AI models

    Puncture site bleeding complications in patients with Clopidogrel hyper-response: Three case reports

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    Dual antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel and acetylsalicylic acid) is a standard for the embolization of planned intracranial aneurysms with CNS stent due to the possibility of stent thrombus formation. All anti-aggregation drugs, including those listed, have bleeding as a side effect. Three patients with aneurysm had an elevated response to antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel, which was confirmed by a multiplate test on the "VerifyNow" system. After reducing the dose of clopidogrel or after interrupting it, with the introduction of low molecular weight heparin for the duration of five days, aneurysms were successfully resolved by intracranial implantation of the stent. Perioperative angiograms and postoperative CT angiograms have verified hematomas at the place of punction of the femoral artery. Bleeding was resolved by the femoral artery suture by a vascular surgeon. All patients were discharged home without further complications and with dual antiplatelet therapy. By measuring the platelet function in vitro, the degree of inhibition of platelet activity achieved by the action of the drug can be assessed. A specific test can identify those patients who are highly responsive to the drug with increased platelet reactivity and the possibility of increased risk of bleeding. Our suggestion is to reduce the dosage of clopidogrel or to leave it out for 24 hours with preventive doses of low molecular weight heparin or to change the strategy of treatment of intracranial aneurysm, i.e. avoiding implantation of CNS stent

    Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in a patient with Pallister–Hall syndrome

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    Pallister-Hall syndrome (PHS) is extremely rare autosomal dominant disorder with typical clinical features such as presence of polydactyly, hypothalamic hamartoma, bifid epiglottis, anal, renal, genitourinary and pulmonary abnormalities, mainly located in the midline of the body. Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea is also a rare condition, and it is used to describe nasal discharge of CSF unrelated to previous trauma, localized tumour, surgery, or previous radiation therapy. The exact cause is not yet fully understood. We report a case of adult female patient previously diagnosed with PHS and late onset of spontaneous nasal liquorrhea, due to defect in the anterior skull base. Although it can be incidental finding, we believe that described defect in the body midline can be another presentation of congenital craniofacial abnormality which are common in PHS

    Thick Resistive Film Application on Steel Bars for Structural Health Monitoring

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    This paper aims to examine the applicability of thick-film piezo-resistive sensors on steel bars for the structural health monitoring purposes. A thick film ceramic piezo-resistive sensor was manufactured and used to investigate the possibility of its application on a bar. To form the device, Bi2Ru2O7 resistive thick-film composition was used in combination with Pd/Ag conductive composition on alumina ceramic substrates. Six conductive pads divided the resistor into seven identical segments. Sensor was subjected to a three-point bending test. After it was glued to a steel bar like a common foil strain gauge, a four-point bending test was performed on a sensor placed on the upper side of the bar. Under strain, sensor experienced reversible deformation that was registered as a change in the resistivity of the film. Evaluation of the sensor included measurements of the resistance change under the applied strain, determination of the gage factor and investigations of its physical integrity and temperature stability

    Rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta rada kombana pri žetvi heljde u agroekološkim uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije

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    Wheat harvesting today is being done in single phase, by using wheat combine with different technology scheme of harvesting device. For all of these commonis isngle phase harvesting, with different work quality. Many factors influent on work quality, starting from plant status, combine adjustments, defining of relevant parameters, condition and staff skills. If the key parameters are not adjusted, quality of work is significantly decrease, with increase losses of harvested mass. The applied methods are standard for these issues, and are related to the field-lab and exploiting trials of harvesting combines. The aim of this bienal trials was to determine quality of work, by field-lab trials depending on the defined parameters. Finally based on achieved parameters, proove advantages and disadvantages of applied concept.Убирање хељде се може обавити вишефазно и једнофазно, применом жетвених комбајна са различитом технолошком шемом уређаја за вршидбу. За све комбајне заједничко је да се жетва хељде обавља једнофазно, уз различит квалитет рада. На квалитет рада комбајна утиче већи број фактора, почев од стања усева, подешености комбајна, односно дефинисаности релевантних параметара, исправности, обучености руковаоца. Уколико релевантни параметри нису усклађени, онда се квалитет рада комбајна нарушава у значајној мери, чиме се повећавају губици и удео примеса у овршеној маси. Примењена методика је стандардна за ову проблематику, а односи се на пољско-лабораторијска и ескплоатациона испитивања жетвених комбајна. Циљ наших двогодишњих истраживања квалитета рада комбајна при жетви хељде је да се пољско- лабораторијским испитивањима неких комбајна утврди квалитет рада, у зависности од дефинисаних параметара, те да се са основу добијених резултата укаже на предности, односно на недостатке примењене концепције

    Rezultati eksploatacionih ispitivanja kombajna za ubiranje zrna sa oglednih polja

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    The collection of grain from trial fields are performed by the harvesters of different technological and technical solutions. The very process of collecting seeds is very complex and sensitive, and accompanied by the attributes that are not characteristic of mercantile harvesting grain. Therefore, the harvesting of grain from trial fields are given special attention in order to achieve optimal effects of applied combines and of obtaining more realistic results with the experimental fields. The aim is to show how the applied technology and technical solutions and the parameters affecting the quality of combine harvested crops of seed mass, as well as exploitation indicators combine.Убирање зрна са огледних поља изводи се комбајнима различитих технолошко техничких решења. Сам процес убирања зрна је веома сложен и осетљив, а праћен је специфичностима које нису карактеристичне за убирање меркантилног зрна. Због тога се убирању зрна са огледних поља посвећује посебна пажња у циљу остваривања оптималних ефеката рада примењених комбајна и добијања што реалнијих резултата. Циљ рада је да се прикаже како примењена технолошко-техничка решења и дефинисани параметри комбајна утичу на квалитет овршене масе семенских усева, као и на експлоатационе показатеље комбајна

    Upotreba allele specific pcr-a u ispitivanju prisustva polimorfizma β -kazeina kod holštajn-frizijskih krava

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    Following the “one health” principle, we have conducted optimization of a protocol for β-casein genotyping in cattle in order to select cows with exclusively the A2A2 genotype. Gastrointestinal proteolysis of A1 β-casein in humans releases beta-casomorphin 7, which is believed to cause a number of diseases/conditions (diabetes mellitus type 1, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, sudden infant death syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, gastrointestinal discomfort, and prolonged gastrointestinal passage time). On the contrary, A2 β-casein does not cause similar effects on human health, due to its different metabolism. DNA extraction was conducted from blood samples belonging to the laboratory archive of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade. Determination of genotypes was performed using the Allele Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (AS-PCR) method. The amplification was preceded by determination of proper primer annealing temperature (65.50 °C), in order to ensure optimal genotyping results. The results obtained indicated a higher frequency of the A2 allele (0.56) compared to the A1 allele (0.44). Furthermore, in 7 out of 35 tested samples, the A1A1 genotype (20.00%) was found, in 17 samples, the A1A2 genotype (48.60%) was found, and in 11 samples, the A2A2 genotype (31.40%) was found. The molecular methods used ensured reliable β-casein genotyping that would enable selection of cows with the A2A2 β-casein genotype, implying production of.Kazeini čine 80% ukupnih proteina mleka, dok β-kazein i njegove varijante A1 i A2 zauzimaju značajno mesto u istraživanjima različitih autora. Metabolisanjem A1 tipa kod ljudi oslobađa se betakazomorfin-7, koji može da izazove niz oboljenja (dijabetes melitus tip 1, ishemijsku bolest srca, arterosklerozu, sindrom iznenadne smrti odojčadi, autizam, šizofreniju, nelagodnost u gastrointestinalnom sistemu i produženo vreme gastrointestinalne pasaže). Nasuprot tome, metaboliti A2 tipa β-kazeina, usled drugačijeg metabolisanja, ne izazivaju slične efekte po zdravlje ljudi. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio optimizacija protokola za utvrđivanje polimorfizma β-kazeinskog gena u selekciji krava sa A2A2 genotipom, a prateći principe “jednog zdravlja”. Za analize su korišćeni uzorci krvi iz laboratorijske arhive Katedre za biologiju FVM UB. Amplifikacija i detekcija aminokiselinske razlike između dva tipa β-kazeinskog proteina izvođena je metodom alelski specifične lančane reakcije polimeraze (Allele Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction-AS-PCR), kojoj je prethodila optimizacija temperature hibridizacije prajmera. Vizualizacija rezultata izvedena je pomoću gel-elektroforeze koja je omogućila uočavanje PCR amplikona specifičnih za oba različita alela β-kazeinskog gena, veličine 244 baznih parova. Analizama temperature hibridizacije prajmera, temperatura od 65,50 °C pokazala se kao optimalna. Dobijeni rezultati isptivanja su ukazali na veću frekvencu prisustva alela A2 (0,56) u odnosu na alel A1 (0,44) u ispitivanim uzorcima. Istovremeno od ukupno 35 ispitanih uzoraka kod 7 uzoraka krvi je bilo potvrđeno prisustvo genotipa A1A1 (20,0%), kod 17 uzoraka genotipa A1A2 (48,60%), odnosno kod 11 uzoraka genotipa A2A2 (31,40%). Korišćenjem ove i sličnih metoda u programima uzgoja goveda, mogla bi se izvršiti selekcija goveda koja imaju A2A2 genotip β-kazeina, što bi uslovilo proizvodnju kravljeg mleka bez neželjenog A1 β-kazeinskog proteina i svih njegovih implikacija po zdravlje ljudi