1,473 research outputs found

    Narrow band imaging and long slit spectroscopy of UGC 5101

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    UGC 5101 (z = 0.04; D is approximately equal to 240 Mpc) is one of the so called Ultraluminous IRAS sources. Two important properties of the members of this group are their L(sub IR) is greater than or equal to 10(exp 12) solar luminosity, and their space density in the universe up to z is less than 0.1 is equal or even larger than the space density of the quasars. Further noteworthy features of the Ultraluminous IRAS sources are their being morphologically peculiar and the fact that they all seem to host active nuclei in their center. We have observed UGC 5101 in an effort to study the interplay between the gas ionized by the central active nucleus and that gas ionized by other processes which may hold important clues to the understanding of the entire picture of this object. In particular these other ionizing processes could well be massive stars formed recently after the galactic encounter and shocks possibly also related to the galaxy collision. The data that we discuss were obtained between Dec. 1989 and Jan. 1992 with the WHT 4.2 m telescope using the two-arm spectrograph ISIS. Several spectral frames were obtained at three different position angles: PA 84--along the tail of the galaxy; PA 32--along the dust lane; and PA 110. The blue spectra are centered on the H beta line, while the red spectra are centered on the H alpha line. In the configuration we used for the long slit spectra, the spectral scale was 0.74 A per pixel, and the spatial scale was .37 arcsec per pixel; we also observed the H alpha region with a spectral scale of .37 A per pixel, at position angle 84. The narrow band images were obtained at the auxiliary port of ISIS, with a scale of .2 arcsec per pixel, and were centered at the H alpha wavelength, and on the adjacent continuum. The H alpha images and the spectra support the following model. UGC 5101 hosts an active nucleus; the NLR extends up to about 1.5 kpc and shows a complex velocity field, superimposed on the rotation curve of the galaxy. Besides the NLR, in the H alpha image are visible tow bright cones that extend up to 3 kpc along PA 32. The long slit spectra at PA 32 show that the velocity field of the gas in these regions is peculiar, while the ionization structure of the gas is similar to that of the NLR

    International Commercial Gestational Carriage: enforcement of contracts for services in the European Union

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    The options of procreation, reproduction or bringing into existence a child of a particular parentage, including motherhood, are related to the advancement of science. Nowadays it is possible for a woman to become pregnant and afterwards give birth to a child which, by using medical assistance, is actually made from other womans oocyte. The term gestational carriage refers to being pregnant and thus carrying a child gestationally which, based on a contract, is done as a service for another woman who has intended to become mother of the child. The right to move and receive services in the European Union is hindered if no enforcement of contracts for services of international gestational carriage can take place across member states’ borders. Movement is not free if it is subsequently leaving the concluding parties of these contracts – intended mother and gestational carrier – and the children born as a result of the consequential services in limping legal situations. This thesis, with the aim of applying law to subject matter of this thesis, characterizes arrangements for gestational carriage as the essence of employing an assisted reproduction method. It illustrates how differently the European Union states have reacted to the use of this procreation service and the interest in legalization of children born as a result of this. Concluding that member states’ substantive laws do not support the enforcement of these contracts internationally, this thesis focuses on an overview of how European Union law relates to the matter. It demonstrates that European Union has not initiated and implemented suitable arrangements in this situation. It has not still used its competence of creating private international law measures that could, by allowing each state to preserve their traditions in the sensitive issue of employing procreation methods, ensure the best interests for children created in a nontraditional way. This thesis considers that European Union may draw inspiration for reconciliation of the involved interests from several legal instruments of other organizations that address similar matters. The thesis mainly focuses on the Hague Conference on Private International Law measures even if these measures are not aimed at nor are incidentally relevant for enforcement of contracts for services of international commercial gestational carriage. This is true not only because of scope of application for these instruments but also due to the fact that, if they actually offer a workable legal status establishment for children, as, for instance, adoption, they do not ensure the realization of rights for use of nontraditional procreation methods across borders in the European Union. Thus substantive law of all its states regarding the receiving and preserving of status for children born as a result of gestational carriage arrangements in a unified way are not accorded. Convergence is a utopian idea, considering that in various cultures the understanding of what is the correct attitude towards women, their way of creating children and how to correctly treat these children, for various reasons as, for instance, religion, is divergent. It is utopian to imagine that there will be no use of right to procreate provided for in international human rights documents by employing methods that are as convenient as possible. From this, the thesis concludes that in the absence of globally applicable solutions the European Union may, according to its competence and the arsenal of legal instruments available to it, sufficiently facilitate enforcement of contracts for services of international commercial gestational carriage in its territory by providing not only theoretical free movement and freedom to receive services but also the real implementation of these rights. It may do so by ensuring that private international law harmonized by its regulations assists in mutually recognizing legal statuses necessary for the children born as a result of employing gestational carriage arrangements to have, at the very least, a mother that was intended and a state that can ensure their best interests for the rest of their lives

    Bank fragility and financial stability policies

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    Relativistic Celestial Metrology: Dark Matter as an Inertial Gauge Effect

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    In canonical tetrad gravity, it is possible to identify the gauge variables, describing relativistic inertial effects, in Einstein general relativity. One of these is the York time, the trace of the extrinsic curvature of the instantaneous non‐Euclidean 3‐spaces (global Euclidean 3‐spaces are forbidden by the equivalence principle). The extrinsic curvature depends both on gauge variables and on dynamical ones like the gravitational waves after linearization. The fixation of these gauge variables is done by relativistic metrology with its identification of time and space. Till now, the International Celestial Reference Frame ICRF uses Euclidean 3‐spaces outside the Solar System. It is shown that York time and non‐Euclidean 3‐spaces may explain the main signatures of dark matter in ordinary space‐time before using cosmology. Also dark energy may be connected to these inertial gauge effects, because both red‐shift and luminosity distance depend on them

    Extending An Accounting Information System Learning Aid To Firm Valuation

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    This article reports a case on firm valuation.  Students are required to determine the fair market value of a company’s stockholders’ equity by projecting the company’s earnings and then discounting the projected earnings to a present value.  The case extends an earlier case on the accounting information system and allows students to visualize the effects of future earnings and cost of capital on firm valuation.  Student perceptions of the case were very favorable

    Nutritional Management and Outcomes in Malnourished Medical Inpatients in 2020: The Evidence Is Growing!

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    Access to adequate food is a fundamental human right [...]
