62 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic removal of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of uncinate process of pancreas

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    The pancreas is an extremely rare location for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). We present a case of a patient with a GIST located in the uncinate process of the pancreas that was treated successfully with a laparoscopic technique. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy suggested a neuroendocrine tumor. Due to the fact that the image suggested a neuroendocrine tumor with a diameter below 2 cm, the patient was qualified for a laparoscopic procedure of tumor enucleation. Postoperative care proceeded in accordance with the principles of the ERAS concept. The postoperative course was uncomplicated. He was discharged home on the second postoperative day. In the obtained histopathology result a GIST was found. During a 6-month observation, including control computed tomography examination, no signs of tumor progression were found. Despite the fact that stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract localized in the pancreas are very rare, they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of tumors of this organ

    Quality of life after bariatric surgery

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    INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE: Morbid obesity together with obesity-related diseases has a negative impact on the quality of life. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life amongst patients with morbid obesity as well as the impact of bariatric treatment on body weight and obesity-related diseases in addition to conducting an analysis of changes in the quality of life after surgical treatments, in the context of the surgical procedure type and degree of body weight loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-five patients were treated for morbid obesity. The sample group consisted of 34 patients treated with laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and 31 persons qualified for laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB). The average body weight before the procedure was 146.2 kg. In the sample group, 89 % of persons qualified for the surgical treatments were diagnosed with hypertension and 52 % persons that were operated on were diagnosed with diabetes type 2 before the surgical procedure. Before commencement of the surgical treatment, the quality of life was assessed, which in both groups qualified for given types of bariatric procedures was considerably low. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Percentage excessive weight loss (%EWL) was 58.8 %. No significant differences in body weight loss were noted between the two types of procedures. Improvement was observed in the treatment of obesity-related diseases. Also, the quality of life was enhanced significantly. No differences were noted in terms of the quality of life improvement between particular types of surgical procedures. No significant differences were observed during the analysis of body weight loss impact on the quality of life improvement

    30-year International Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery Partnership : evolution from the "Third World" forward

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    BACKGROUND: Craniofacial diseases constitute an important component of the surgical disease burden in low- and middle-income countries. The consideration to introduce craniofacial surgery into such settings poses different questions, risks, and challenges compared with cleft or other forms of plastic surgery. We report the evolution, innovations, and challenges of a 30-year international craniofacial surgery partnership. METHODS: We retrospectively report a partnership between surgeons at the Uniwersytecki Szpital Dzieciecy in Krakow, Poland, and a North American craniofacial surgeon. We studied patient conditions, treatment patterns, and associated complications, as well as program advancements and limitations as perceived by surgeons, patient families, and hospital administrators. RESULTS: Since partnership inception in 1986, the complexity of cases performed increased gradually, with the first intracranial case performed in 1995. In the most recent 10-year period (2006–2015), 85 patients have been evaluated, with most common diagnoses of Apert syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, and single-suture craniosynostosis. In the same period, 55 major surgical procedures have been undertaken, with LeFort III midface distraction, posterior vault distraction, and frontoorbital advancement performed most frequently. Key innovations have been the employment of craniofacial distraction osteogenesis, the use of Internet communication and digital photography, and increased understanding of how craniofacial morphology may improve in the absence of surgical intervention. Ongoing challenges include prohibitive training pathways for pediatric plastic surgeons, difficulty in coordinating care with surgeons in other institutions, and limited medical and material resources. CONCLUSION: Safe craniofacial surgery can be introduced and sustained in a resource-limited setting through an international partnership

    Early implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol - Compliance improves outcomes : a prospective cohort study

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    AbstractEnhanced Recovery After Surgery protocol in colorectal surgery allows shortening length of hospital stay and reducing complication rate. Despite the clear guidelines and conclusive evidence their full implementation and putting them into daily practice meets certain difficulties, especially in the early stage.The aim of the study was to analyse the course of implementation of the ERAS protocol into daily practice on the basis of adherence to the protocol.Group included 92 patients (43F/49M) with colorectal cancer submitted to laparoscopic resection during the years 2013-2014. Perioperative care in all of them based on ERAS protocol consisting of 16 items. Its principles and discharge criteria were based on the guidelines of the ERAS Society guidelines. The entire analysed group of patients was divided into 3 subgroups (30 patients) depending on the time from ERAS protocol implementation. We analysed the compliance with the protocol and its influence on length of hospital stay, postoperative complications and readmission rate in different subgroups.The average compliance with the protocol differed significantly between groups and was 65% in group 1, 83.9% in group 2 and 89.6% in group 3. The compliance with subsequent protocol elements was different. The length of stay and complication rate was statistically different in analysed subgroups. The whole group demonstrated an inverse correlation between compliance and length of stay.This analysis leads to the conclusion that the introduction of the ERAS protocol is a gradual process, and its compliance at the level of 80% or more requires at least 30 patients and the period of about 6 months. The initial derogation from the assumed proceedings is inevitable and should not discourage further action. Particular emphasis in the initial stage should be put on continuous training of personnel of all specialties and continuous evaluation of the results

    Cost minimization analysis of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer within the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol : a single-centre, case-matched study

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    Introduction: The goal of modern medical treatment is to provide high quality medical care in a cost-effective environment. Aim : To assess the cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic colorectal surgery combined with the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol (ERP) in Poland. Material and methods : We designed a single-centre, case-matched study. Economic and clinical data were collected in 3 groups of patients (33 patients in each group): group 1 – patients undergoing laparoscopy with ERP; group 2 – laparoscopy without ERP; group 3 – open resection without ERP. An independent administrative officer, not involved in the treatment process, matched patients for age, sex and type of resection. Primary outcome was cost analysis. It was carried out incorporating institutional costs: hospital bed stay, anaesthesia, surgical procedure and equipment, drugs and complications. Secondary outcomes were length of stay (LOS), readmission and complication rate. Results : Cost of laparoscopic procedure alone was significantly more expensive than open resection. However, implementation of the ERAS protocol reduced additional costs. Total cost per patient in group 1 was significantly lower than in groups 2 and 3 (EUR 1826 vs. EUR 2355.3 vs. EUR 2459.5, p < 0.0001). Median LOS was 3, 6 and 9 days in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively (p < 0.001). Postoperative complications were noted in 5 (15.2%), 6 (18.2%) and 13 (39.4%) patients in groups 1, 2, 3 respectively (p = 0.0435). Conclusions : In a low medical care expenditure country, minimally invasive surgery combined with ERP can be a safe and a cost-effective alternative to open surgery with traditional perioperative care

    Laparoscopic gastric resections with per oral specimen extraction in the treatment of intramural gastric tumors

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    Cel: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie doświadczeń i wczesnych wyników leczenia guzów żołądka z zastosowaniem techniki usunięcia preparatu operacyjnego przez usta (POSE - per oral specimen extraction).. Materiał i Metodyka: Przeprowadzono retrospektywną analizę leczenia chorych, u których wykonano klinową resekcję żołądka techniką laparoskopową z powodu podejrzenia nowotworu podścieliskowego przewodu pokarmowego (GIST). W okresie tym operowano sposobem laparoskopowym 50 chorych z powodu podejrzenia GIST żołądka. U 12 chorych materiał pooperacyjny usunięto przez usta przy pomocy endoskopu (POSE). U pozostałych 38 chorych preparat usunięto przez minilaparotomię. Średni wiek chorych leczonych techniką POSE wyniósł 65,6 lat (48 – 81 lat). W grupie tej znalazło się 9 kobiet oraz 3 mężczyzn. Wyniki: Średni czas zabiegu z użyciem techniki POSE wyniósł 92,5 min (40 – 160). Wielkość usuniętych zmian wahała się od 14 mm do 40 mm (średnio 25 mm). Czas pobytu po zabiegu w oddziale chirurgicznym chorych leczonych techniką POSE wyniósł średnio 3,2 dnia (od 2 do 8 dni). Jeden chory (8,3%) wymagał dłuższego pobytu (hospitalizacja 8-dniowa) ze względu na obecność zbiornika płynowego w okolicy miejsca szycia ściany żołądka. Chorego tego leczono zachowawczo. U jednego chorego (8,3%) stwierdzono infekcję rany pooperacyjnej (rany w pępku po trokarze optycznym). U wszystkich chorych w naszej grupie ocena histopatologiczna potwierdziła radykalność zabiegu (R0). Wnioski: Wydaje się, że technika POSE jest kolejnym etapem rozwoju chirurgii małoinwazyjnej, który może stanowić pośrednie ogniwo w rozwoju technik operacyjnych przez naturalne otwory ciała. Usuwanie preparatu przez usta jest efektowną, skuteczną i bezpieczną metodą, posiadającą jednak wiele ograniczeń.Aim: The goal of this work was to present our experiences and results of treatment of gastric tumors using the per oral specimen extraction (POSE) technique. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis a group of patients treated with laparoscopic stomach wedge resection of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). During that time 50 patients underwent laparoscopy due to the suspicion of GIST. In 12 patients resected material was removed endoscopically per os (POSE). In the remaining 38 subjects it was evacuated through minilaparotomy. Mean age of patients treated using POSE technique was 65.6 years (48-81 years). There were 9 women and 3 men in this group Results: Mean time of the POSE procedure was 92.5 min (40-160 min). Size of removed tumors ranged from 14 mm to 40 mm (mean: 25 mm). The mean length of hospital stay was 3.2 days (2 to 8 days) for patients treated with POSE. One patient (8.3%) required longer hospitalization (8 days) due to the presence of a fluid collection at the site of gastric suture. This patient was treated conservatively. One patient (8.3%) was diagnosed with surgical site infection (navel wound after an optical trocar). Histopathological examination confirmed radical excision in all of our patients (R0). Conclusions: It seems that the POSE technique is the next stage of development of minimally invasive surgery and may constitute a link in evolution of natural orifice translumenal surgery techniques. Removal of excised material through oral cavity is an attractive, effective, and safe method despite its many limitations

    Metagenomic analysis of duodenal microbiota reveals a potential biomarker of dysbiosis in the course of obesity and type 2 diabetes : a pilot study

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    Numerous scientific studies confirm that, apart from environmental and genetic factors, a significant role is played by gastrointestinal microbiota in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Currently, scientists mainly focus on the distal intestinal microbiota, while the equally important proximal parts of the intestine are overlooked. The aim of the study was a qualitative analysis of the structure of the duodenal mucosa microbiota in groups of patients with obesity and with type 2 diabetes and where obesity qualified for bariatric surgery: sleeve gastrectomy. The microbiological results obtained were compared with some clinical parameters. As a result, it was possible to determine the microbiological core that the treatment and control groups had in common, including phyla: Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. The patients with obesity and with type 2 diabetes and obesity presented a significantly lower number of genus Bifidobacterium compared to healthy subjects. Furthermore, the numbers of Bifidobacterium were positively correlated with the high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration in the groups under study. The obtained results indicate that bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium should be considered in the future in the context of a potential biomarker in the progress of type 2 diabetes and obesity

    Changing patterns in the surgical treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer : single centre experience

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    INTRODUCTION: Although the surgical treatment of patients with perforated duodenal ulcer is the method of choice, the introduction of effective pharmacotherapy has changed the surgical strategy. Nowadays less extensive procedures are chosen more frequently. The introduction of laparoscopic procedures had a significant impact on treatment results. AIM: To present our experience in the treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer in two periods, by comparing open radical anti-ulcer procedures with laparoscopic ulcer repair. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The analysis covered patients operated on for perforated duodenal ulcer. Two groups of patients were compared. Group 1 included 245 patients operated on in the period 1980–1994 with a traditional method (pyloroplasty + vagotomy) before introduction of proton pump inhibitors (PPI). Group 2 included 106 patients treated in the period 2000–2014 with the laparoscopic technique supplemented with PPI therapy. Groups were compared in terms of patients’ demographic structure, operative time, complication rate and mortality. RESULTS: The mean operative time in group 1 was shorter than in group 2 (p < 0.0001). Complications were noted in 57 (23.3%) patients in group 1 and 14 (13.5%) patients in group 2 (p = 0.0312). Reoperation was necessary in 13 (5.3%) cases in group 1 and in 5 cases in group 2 (p = 0.8179). The mortality rate in group 1 was significantly higher than in group 2 (10.2% vs. 2.8%, p = 0.0192). In group 1, median length of hospital stay was 9 days and differed significantly from group 2 (6 days, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Within the last 30 years, significant changes in treatment of perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) have occurred, mainly related to abandoning routine radical anti-ulcer procedures and replacing the open technique with minimally invasive surgery. Thus it was possible to improve treatment results by reducing complication and mortality rates, and shortening the length of hospital stay. Although the laparoscopic operation is longer, it improves outcomes. In the authors’ opinion, in each patient with suspected peptic ulcer perforation, laparoscopy should be the method of choice