2 research outputs found

    Violence in hunters, fishermen, and gatherers of the Chinchorro culture: Archaic societies of the Atacama Desert (10,000–4,000 cal yr BP)

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    Objectives: This article addresses evidence of violence imbedded in both soft and hard tissues from early populations of hunters, fishermen, and gatherers, known as the Chinchorro culture, who lived between 10,000 and 4,000 cal yr BP, along the coast of the Atacama Desert, one of the driest environments on Earth. Our study is aimed to test two hypotheses (a) that interactions and violent behaviors increased through time as population density and social complexity augmented; and (b) that violence was more prevalent between local Chinchorro groups and groups from other inland locations. Material and Methods: Two lines of data were analyzed: (1) bioarchaeology, through the quantification of physical traces of interpersonal violence in skeletons and mummies from a sample of 136 adult individuals and, (2) isotopic chemical analysis (strontium) of individuals with traces of trauma in order to determine their local or foreign origin. Results: Violence among Chinchorro populations was ubiquitous and remained invariant over time, with a remarkable skew to male (about 25% above female across the complete sample). Moreover, the chemical signature of individuals with traces of violence was not of foreign origin. Discussion: The violence exerted by the Chinchorro groups was not related to increased population size, nor social complexity and was mostly restricted to individuals coming from the same coastal habitat. That is, our data suggest that violence was constant across the Archaic period among the Chinchorro, implying that violent behavior was part of the sociocultural repertory of these populations, likely associated to mechanisms to resolve conflicts and social tensions

    Estudio isotópico del consumo de recursos maritimos y terrestres en la prehistoria del desierto de Atacama (Isotopic study of marine and terrestrial resources in the prehistory of the Atacama Desert)

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    Este trabajo explora desde una perspectiva diacrónica la dieta de las poblaciones prehispánicas de la región de Arica mediante análisis isotópicos de δ13C y δ15N, con el propósito de evaluar si hubieron cambios en los patrones dietarios desde los primeros agricultores (periodo Formativo, 3500-1500 AP) hasta la ocupación Inka (periodo Tardío, 550-400 AP). En particular, examina el impacto del consumo del maíz en esta área, durante los periodos de mayor interacción social con los centros políticos del altiplano. Nuestros resultados muestran una continuidad en el tiempo del consumo de recursos marinos de amplio espectro, más que un giro hacia la dependencia del consumo del maíz. Además, se comparan y contrastan nuestros resultados con otros previamente publicados para otras regiones andinas, demostrando variaciones biogeográficas en el uso de los recursos, probablemente influenciados por los centros políticos Wari, Tiwanaku y luego el imperio Inka. Finalmente, el análisis isotópico incremental del colágeno de la dentina en las muestras de infantes de las poblaciones de la región de Arica, indican que el maíz fue un recurso alimenticio durante la fase del destete, demostrando así un consumo más marcado durante la infancia que en la adultez. = This paper presents the results of isotopic analysis of prehistoric diet in the Arica region. Using δ13C and δ15N values obtained from human collagen we evaluate changes in dietary patterns from the early agricultural period (Formative 3500-1500 BP) through to Inka occupation (Late period 550-400 BP). In particular, we examine the impact of maize consumption in the area during periods of major social interaction with the political centres of the Andean highlands. Our results show the continuation of broadspectrum and marine resource use, rather than a shift to maize-reliance during prehistory. In addition, we compare and contrast our data with previously published work from other Andean regions. We demonstrate biogeographical variation in resource use, probably influenced by the political centres of Wari, Tiwanaku and later the Inka Empire. Contrastingly, results from incremental isotopic analysis of dentine collagen from the Arica infant populations indicate that maize was an important resource for infantweaning, and comprises a more obvious portion of childhood diet than that of adults