41 research outputs found


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    Like any other business in the travel and hospitality industry, it is essential for travel agencies to establish a good promotion policy, to be most noticeable among buyers of travel packages. The promotion ā€“ WOM (Word of Mouth), and especially Social Advertising via social networks offer a new perspective of economic development, based on participatory marketing policies that would break the barriers of classical marketing, perceived by tourists as unattractive and completely outdated socio-morally. The new policy promoting travel agencies must be built in cyberspace, on account of social networks, which tend to overshadow the traditional ways of tourist feedback. In this relatively new conjuncture, travel agencies in Suceava are forced to adapt, offering potential customers in the online environment, tourism products and presenting highly attractive destinations in informal circumstances, with a seemingly purely informative character. A research based on questionnaires, which benefited from dissemination on social networks, was carried out with the support of one affable group of 137 friends from Facebook community, and aimed to highlight the effectiveness of online promotion of travel agencies in Suceava and its driving force generated locally. We conclude that people from Suceava who are in the group of friends have constant activity on social networks (especially Facebook), have much knowledge about the travel agencies in Suceava that are active in the virtual environment, but are reluctant when they have the opportunity to sign in with the promotional offers of tour operators. It is therefore imperative that travel agencies in Suceava have a constant interaction with future tourists and respond as quickly as possible to the signals they receive from them, even if, at least for now, locally, there is no culture that fosters such promotion relations - offer for sale - purchase between travel agencies and potential customers, recruited on Facebook


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    The villages of Bucovina possess a particular charm, mainly through the orthodox churches with heritage value, the deep spiritual character sent both to local communities and tourists, the architecture based on wood handicraft, the manner in which traditions, local customs and crafts are still preserved, the multicultural character, and, not least, the outstanding hospitality of the hosts. Continuous improvement of performance in rural tourism refers to an integrated approach of specific elements in the destination Bucovina, online marketing becoming more present in everyday practice of small entrepreneurs in local tourism. From an empirical point of view, promotion of rural tourism via Facebook and YouTube represents an easy initiative accessible to the general public, which has the ability to create the foundation of a competitive tourism

    Reliability and Flexibility in the Quality Management of Tourism Products

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    During its consolidation as an economic science, tourism has formed its own emergent market, characterized by factors with specific action and heterogeneous elements. On this slightly atypical market the quality of tourism products and services tends to become an element of competitive differentiation. Constantly practicing high standard quality services allows obtaining certain notoriety both for the tourism services providers and for the promoted destination. Continuous monitoring and improvement of tourism products quality must base on the correspondence relation between the satisfaction, perception and touristsā€™ expectancies. Nowadays tourist wants to be offered multiple choices, to discover the tourism offer suitable to satisfy the most diverse preferences. He is not willing to make any concession regarding the quality of the tourist products he is being offered. His discontents are linked, mainly, to poor performance of the staff training activity, to lack of equipment and facilities compared to the ones present in other states of the European Union and to the infrastructureā€™s precarious state. In order to emphasize the way of perceiving the tourism products quality among tourists who had visited Bukovina, during December the 20th 2008 and January the 20th 2009, we developed a socio-statistic research on a sample of 151 tourists accommodated in the lodge units within Suceava county. The study results emphasized that because of the global economic crisis, the tourism products quality is more frequently perceived as a differentiation element between tourism agencies, and Romanian tourists stress more then ever this detail. This way, touristic product Bukovina, suggests in an accurate manner the overall image of Romanian tourist reported to services quality level of in the national tourism area.tourism services quality, touristic product, touristic reliability, safe tourism, tourism satisfaction


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    In present there is a certain perception along free time of the young. Messenger, internet and television are the new recreation and amusement ways that favourises sedentary life, in the detriment of tourism and fresh air walks. The counteract of the phenomenon can be materialized through social innovation principles, concepts that suppose a new vision upon sustainable development of local communities. The elaboration of Suceava city development strategy has to take into account the potential problems of the community. The green spaces that are insufficient and the complete detach of the young from nature can be the strategic points of the new strategy. This work wants to offer possible solutions regarding sedentary life problems of the "Messenger Generation" and the lack of green entertainment areas.social innovation, development strategies, local authorities, Messenger Generation, Active Park


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    Documents circulating in paper form are increasingly being substituted by itselectronic equivalent in the modern office today so that any stored document can be retrievedwhenever needed later on. The office worker is already burdened with information overload, soeffective and effcient retrieval facilities become an important factor affecting worker productivity. The key thrust of this article is to analyse the benefits and importance of interaction betweendocument management and knowledge management. Information stored in text-based documentsrepresents a valuable repository for both the individual worker and the enterprise as a whole and ithas to be tapped into as part of the knowledge generation process.document management, knowledge management, Information and communication technologies

    Instructional site ā€“ component of e-commerce?

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    In this moment, the commerce faces a total transformation. Step by step a translation is made from the classical form of the commercial activities to the electronic variant, that is much more simple and even more efficient. Different forms of the e-commerce are being encouraged by the explosion that has no precedent, of the informational electronic system in the last two decades. This study suggests the pertinent analyse of the e-commerce, realized by the university environments through informational sites. By describing the realisation steps, the content and the impact of such a site, a set of the new trends in electronic commerce is being tried.E-commerce; instructional site; informational commerce;


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    This paper is a transdisciplinary field that combines, harmoniously, the principle of complementarity introduced by the great physicist Niels Bohr in quantum mechanics and the ancient Chinese philosophy, whose essence is "Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate". The allegations are supported by religious, quantum and geometry arguments. Defined concepts of di-mension, coordinate system and specific concepts as: perpendicular in geometry, orthogonal in mathematical analysis, correct in law and ortho in religion. It is shown, further, classification for principle of complementarity, by the two manifestations, harmonic and non-harmonic. As applications, we use the known areas of fluid mechanics, hydro and aerodynamics. Based on the concepts of source, vortex and parallel motion through dyadic and triadic combinations, arriving, finally at a scientific explanation of the philosophical concept of Yin and Yang, underlying Chinese philosophy

    Exploring the effectiveness of university agenda for developing studentsā€™ entrepreneurial behavior

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    The objective of this research was to identify the main factors of influence and their level in terms of framing ā€˜S, tefan cel Mareā€™ University of Suceava into the pattern of the sustainable university. Firstly, we have thoroughly examined the literature and correlated it with the local practices in entrepreneurship and education. This resulted in a set of key issues which we have investigated as variables throughout a questionnaire that has been applied to 348 students from ā€˜S, tefan cel Mareā€™ University of Suceava (USV) in Romania. By running the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in SPSS, we have identified which type of academic skills and competencies acquired by students are influencing the development of the university and the development of studentsā€™ entrepreneurial abilities. Results indicated that a high degree of material resources available to use by respondents is associated with a high level of academic training, thus this should be a good strategy to intensify. For the second part of the analysis, we have applied the logistic regression method to measure the combined influence of factors identified throughout the PCA. Statistical analyses showed that respondents who recorded higher interactions related to the university context gained higher entrepreneurial skills and competencies


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    Most specialized studies aiming to quantify economic competitiveness have predominantly focused on the issues that support a strong productive sector and, less on related fields, but gives added value. Under these circumstances, success can only be associated with the possession and fructification of the elements generating competitive advantages. It is already known that in order to be competitive, a destination or an economic entity in the field must be able to attract and satisfy tourists to a higher level in relation to competition. The geopolitical cliff and profound globalization of services - coupled with the most relaxing leisure time - motivated us to treat somehow succinctly a particular aspect of tourism competitiveness, of critical importance in our view - tourist safety and security. To substantiate the analysis, we have used the data provided by the World Economic Forum through the Tourism Competitiveness Index (TCI), which is one of the most used tools for assessing international tourism competitiveness. From a methodological point of view, the same index was used to highlight any gaps between Romania and the other Central and Eastern European countries (EEC-EU).Ā </p


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    The changes intervening in the information technology field, especially in the Web 2.0 terms, have activated the communication, promotion and collaboration between suppliers, business partners and consumers of touristic services alike. All these changes led to the development of new marketing practices oriented on the online area, which represent nowadays a cornerstone in designing an economic activity of a tourism organization which aims to consolidate its position in the section market. The necessity of existence and operationalization of a clear guidance of online promotion is a trend that, at least for now, has not been adequately exploited by the tourism units from Bucovina region (situated in North of Romania). The online growing competition ā€“ as it breaks the conventional barriers at a local, national and international level ā€“ constrains the tourism operators to develop a coherent policy of Social Media Marketing (SMM). Therefore, the major aim of this study is to highlight the level of the reception structures in Bucovina through the online visibility filter and, implicitly, their acquaintance with the techniques, strategies and promotion methods specific to the Social Media. In order to analyze the level of development and evolution of the accommodation in Bucovina in terms of their visibility on Social Media, in July-August 2012 period, we undertook a survey that targeted 518 tourist accommodation units. For the purpose of highlighting the evolution of the phenomenon studied, namely the impact of the internet and hence the Social Media on the marketing activity of the receiving structures concerned, the initial study was repeated annually, in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The analysis conducted reveals that managers of tourist reception units in Bucovina have minimal knowledge about Facebook and Twitter and their use. Therefore, they do not yet have a well-grounded strategy of promotion in these environments