17 research outputs found

    Aviation industry in Bulgaria - development and trends

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    Today the aviation industry in Bulgaria is characterized by trends such as deregulation, liberalization, popularity of the low-cost carriers, changing attitudes and needs of passengers, need for tight security and prevention of terrorist acts, EU shocks and volatile fuel prices. They create prerequisites for accelerated dynamics and change in some basic aspects of the relationship between an airport operator and an airline. The report presents an analysis of some major trends and identifies prospects for the aviation industry in Bulgaria


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    Nowadays turbulent business conditions provoke organizations to develop unique competitive advantages through efficient use of the available limited resources. At the same time companies deal with increasingly informed customers, seeking high added value and better service at reasonable prices. In this context, the need for rethinking traditional marketing activities determines the interest in searching and designing tools, which are able to analyze, evaluate, develop and manage the relationships with the customers. Thus the customer portfolio management (CPM) concept gains popularity. The paper offers a systematic view of the multifaceted nature of customer portfolio management and its effects on the economic performance of the company. The effects are classified into four main areas: cost reduction; relationship improvement; risk optimization and revenue increase. A conceptual model, which can be used as a base for the creation of methodological instruments for measurement and assessment of CPM effects, is proposed

    Structure of the complete, membrane-assembled COPII coat reveals a complex interaction network

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    COPII mediates Endoplasmic Reticulum to Golgi trafficking of thousands of cargoes. Five essential proteins assemble into a two-layer architecture, with the inner layer thought to regulate coat assembly and cargo recruitment, and the outer coat forming cages assumed to scaffold membrane curvature. Here we visualise the complete, membrane-assembled COPII coat by cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging, revealing the full network of interactions within and between coat layers. We demonstrate the physiological importance of these interactions using genetic and biochemical approaches. Mutagenesis reveals that the inner coat alone can provide membrane remodelling function, with organisational input from the outer coat. These functional roles for the inner and outer coats significantly move away from the current paradigm, which posits membrane curvature derives primarily from the outer coat. We suggest these interactions collectively contribute to coat organisation and membrane curvature, providing a structural framework to understand regulatory mechanisms of COPII trafficking and secretion

    Structure of the complete, membrane-assembled COPII coat reveals a complex interaction network

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    COPII mediates Endoplasmic Reticulum to Golgi trafficking of thousands of cargoes. Five essential proteins assemble into a two-layer architecture, with the inner layer thought to regulate coat assembly and cargo recruitment, and the outer coat forming cages assumed to scaffold membrane curvature. Here we visualise the complete, membrane-assembled COPII coat by cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging, revealing the full network of interactions within and between coat layers. We demonstrate the physiological importance of these interactions using genetic and biochemical approaches. Mutagenesis reveals that the inner coat alone can provide membrane remodelling function, with organisational input from the outer coat. These functional roles for the inner and outer coats significantly move away from the current paradigm, which posits membrane curvature derives primarily from the outer coat. We suggest these interactions collectively contribute to coat organisation and membrane curvature, providing a structural framework to understand regulatory mechanisms of COPII trafficking and secretion

    Yeast Svf1 binds ceramides and contributes to sphingolipid metabolism at the ER cis-Golgi interface

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    Ceramides are essential precursors of complex sphingolipids and act as potent signaling molecules. Ceramides are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and receive their head-groups in the Golgi apparatus, yielding complex sphingolipids (SPs). Transport of ceramides between the ER and the Golgi is executed by the essential ceramide transport protein (CERT) in mammalian cells. However, yeast cells lack a CERT homolog, and the mechanism of ER to Golgi ceramide transport remains largely elusive. Here, we identified a role for yeast Svf1 in ceramide transport between the ER and the Golgi. Svf1 is dynamically targeted to membranes via an N-terminal amphipathic helix (AH). Svf1 binds ceramide via a hydrophobic binding pocket that is located in between two lipocalin domains. We showed that Svf1 membrane-targeting is important to maintain flux of ceramides into complex SPs. Together, our results show that Svf1 is a ceramide binding protein that contributes to sphingolipid metabolism at Golgi compartments

    Combinatorial multivalent interactions drive cooperative assembly of the COPII coat

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    Protein secretion is initiated at the endoplasmic reticulum by the COPII coat, which self-assembles to form vesicles. Here, we examine the mechanisms by which a cargo-bound inner coat layer recruits and is organized by an outer scaffolding layer to drive local assembly of a stable structure rigid enough to enforce membrane curvature. An intrinsically disordered region in the outer coat protein, Sec31, drives binding with an inner coat layer via multiple distinct interfaces, including a newly defined charge-based interaction. These interfaces combinatorially reinforce each other, suggesting coat oligomerization is driven by the cumulative effects of multivalent interactions. The Sec31 disordered region could be replaced by evolutionarily distant sequences, suggesting plasticity in the binding interfaces. Such a multimodal assembly platform provides an explanation for how cells build a powerful yet transient scaffold to direct vesicle traffic.</p

    Usp25-Erlin1/2 activity limits cholesterol flux to restrict virus infection

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    Reprogramming lipid metabolic pathways is a critical feature of activating immune responses to infection. However, how these reconfigurations occur is poorly understood. Our previous screen to identify cellular deubiquitylases (DUBs) activated during influenza virus infection revealed Usp25 as a prominent hit. Here, we show that Usp25-deleted human lung epithelial A549 cells display a >10-fold increase in pathogenic influenza virus production, which was rescued upon reconstitution with the wild type but not the catalytically deficient (C178S) variant. Proteomic analysis of Usp25 interactors revealed a strong association with Erlin1/2, which we confirmed as its substrate. Newly synthesized Erlin1/2 were degraded in Usp25−/− or Usp25C178S cells, activating Srebp2, with increased cholesterol flux and attenuated TLR3-dependent responses. Our study therefore defines the function of a deubiquitylase that serves to restrict a range of viruses by reprogramming lipid biosynthetic flux to install appropriate inflammatory responses

    Dynamic conformational changes of a tardigrade group-3 late embryogenesis abundant protein modulate membrane biophysical properties

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    A number of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) encoded in stress-tolerant organisms, such as tardigrade, can confer fitness advantage and abiotic stress tolerance when heterologously expressed. Tardigrade-specific disordered proteins including the cytosolic-abundant heat-soluble proteins are proposed to confer stress tolerance through vitrification or gelation, whereas evolutionarily conserved IDPs in tardigrades may contribute to stress tolerance through other biophysical mechanisms. In this study, we characterized the mechanism of action of an evolutionarily conserved, tardigrade IDP, HeLEA1, which belongs to the group-3 late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein family. HeLEA1 homologs are found across different kingdoms of life. HeLEA1 is intrinsically disordered in solution but shows a propensity for helical structure across its entire sequence. HeLEA1 interacts with negatively charged membranes via dynamic disorder-to-helical transition, mainly driven by electrostatic interactions. Membrane interaction of HeLEA1 is shown to ameliorate excess surface tension and lipid packing defects. HeLEA1 localizes to the mitochondrial matrix when expressed in yeast and interacts with model membranes mimicking inner mitochondrial membrane. Yeast expressing HeLEA1 shows enhanced tolerance to hyperosmotic stress under nonfermentative growth and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Evolutionary analysis suggests that although HeLEA1 homologs have diverged their sequences to localize to different subcellular organelles, all homologs maintain a weak hydrophobic moment that is characteristic of weak and reversible membrane interaction. We suggest that such dynamic and weak protein-membrane interaction buffering alterations in lipid packing could be a conserved strategy for regulating membrane properties and represent a general biophysical solution for stress tolerance across the domains of life.</p

    Dynamic conformational changes of a tardigrade group-3 late embryogenesis abundant protein modulate membrane biophysical properties

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    A number of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) encoded in stress-tolerant organisms, such as tardigrade, can confer fitness advantage and abiotic stress tolerance when heterologously expressed. Tardigrade-specific disordered proteins including the cytosolic-abundant heat-soluble proteins are proposed to confer stress tolerance through vitrification or gelation, whereas evolutionarily conserved IDPs in tardigrades may contribute to stress tolerance through other biophysical mechanisms. In this study, we characterized the mechanism of action of an evolutionarily conserved, tardigrade IDP, HeLEA1, which belongs to the group-3 late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein family. HeLEA1 homologs are found across different kingdoms of life. HeLEA1 is intrinsically disordered in solution but shows a propensity for helical structure across its entire sequence. HeLEA1 interacts with negatively charged membranes via dynamic disorder-to-helical transition, mainly driven by electrostatic interactions. Membrane interaction of HeLEA1 is shown to ameliorate excess surface tension and lipid packing defects. HeLEA1 localizes to the mitochondrial matrix when expressed in yeast and interacts with model membranes mimicking inner mitochondrial membrane. Yeast expressing HeLEA1 shows enhanced tolerance to hyperosmotic stress under nonfermentative growth and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Evolutionary analysis suggests that although HeLEA1 homologs have diverged their sequences to localize to different subcellular organelles, all homologs maintain a weak hydrophobic moment that is characteristic of weak and reversible membrane interaction. We suggest that such dynamic and weak protein-membrane interaction buffering alterations in lipid packing could be a conserved strategy for regulating membrane properties and represent a general biophysical solution for stress tolerance across the domains of life.</p