11 research outputs found
Factors Affecting The Satisfaction Of Hemodialysis Patients From The Nursing Care Received
Introduction: In the field of hemodialysis care, the issue of patient satisfaction is of particular importance. These patients are users of health care, usually for a long time. Most of them are particularly sensitive to the attitude of the health care system towards them. This requires special attention, especially when it comes to their opinion about the quality of the service they receive.Objective: To study and analyze the factors influencing the satisfaction with the received nursing care in patients on hemodialysis treatment.Material and methods: Documentary, sociological and statistical methods were used in the study. An anonymous survey surveyed the opinion of 575 patients on hemodialysis treatment in dialysis structures located in 8 cities (Varna, Ruse, Dobrich, Burgas, Shumen, Razgrad, Targovishte and Silistra). The data was processed using SPSS Statistics.Results: Examining patient satisfaction as users of hemodialysis nurses, we found that almost all were satisfied (90%). 8.52% of the respondents cannot assess their degree of satisfaction, and 1.74% of the respondents are completely dissatisfied. It is noteworthy that those who expressed dissatisfaction with nursing care are only males. As the age of the patients increases, so does the satisfaction with the care provided by the dialysis nurse. As the time spent on hemodialysis treatment increases, so does the satisfaction of patients with the nursing care provided. Patients with lower levels of satisfaction are more adamant that the nurse can contribute to the quality of dialysis care.Conclusions: Patients on hemocial treatment were satisfied with the care they received during treatment (p<0.001). Among the factors influencing their satisfaction are: gender (p <0.05), age (p<0.001), duration of hemodialysis treatment (p<0.05). Our study found that patients who felt that the nurse could influence the quality of care provided had a lower level of satisfaction
Healthy nutrition in children
Здравословното хранене на децата представлява приоритет в националната ни и световната политиката, свързана с опазване на общественото здраве. Храненето и физическата активност са детерминанти на здравето и необходимо условие за осигуряване на оптимален растеж и развитие на децата. Храненето е един от съществените фактори в превантивната стратегия за намаляване на риска от хронични неинфекциозни заболявания като сърдечно-съдови болести, рак, диабет тип 2, остеопороза и др. Целта на настоящото проучване е да се анализира здравословното хранене при децата и риска от затлъстяване. Изследването е проведено в ДГ №17 «Д-р Петър Берон» град Варна. Анкетирани чрез пряка анонимна анкета са родители на 80 деца от 3 до 6 години. Детството е ключов период в развитието на човека, в който се изграждат хранителните и физическите навици. Голям процент от затлъстелите възрастни са били с наднормено тегло още от ранна детска възраст. Проведеното от нас проучване потвърди, че изключително важно за овладяване на затлъстяването при подрастващите е информирането на родителите за важността от правилния хранителен режим и физическото натоварване на децата и за последствията, до които води наднорменото тегло.Healthy nutrition in children is a priority in our national and global policy, connected to preserving the community’s health. Nutrition and physical activity are determinants of health and a prerequisite for ensuring optimal growth and development of children. Nutrition is one of the key factors in a preventive strategy to reduce the risk of chronic non-infectious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. The purpose of this study is to analyze in healthy nutrition in children and the risk of obesty. The study was conducted in the Dr. Petar Beron kindergarten No. 17 in Varna. Respondents were parents of 80 children aged 3 to 6. A direct anonymous poll was used. Childhood is a key period in the development of the person in which nutritional and physical habits are built. A large percentage of obese adults have been overweight since early childhood. The main goal of coping with obesity in adolescents is to inform parents about the importance of proper diet and physical activity and the consequences of being overweight
The need to obtain additional health information of patients with cardiovascular diseases and their families
Заболяванията на сърдечно-съдовата система заемат едно от първите места сред заболяванията на вътрешните органи. Най-често срещаните са: артериална хипертония, коронарна артериална болест, инфаркт на миокарда, исхемична болест на сърцето, атеросклероза, ревматизъм, ендокардити и др. В началото на стресовия XXI в. честотата на сърдечно-съдовите и мозъчно-съдовите заболявания непрекъснато се покачва, като те са водеща причина за смърт и инвалидизиране в световен мащаб. Според СЗО в прогностичен модел, включващ 25-годишен период, се установява, че през периода 2004-2030 исхе-мичната болест на сърцето и мозъчно-съдовата болест ще запазят водещо място сред първите 20 причини за смърт в световен мащаб. Придобиването на нови знания за съвременния пациент е важна предпоставка за предотвратяване прогресирането на заболяването и достигането до усложнения. Информираността на пациента е предпоставка за по-високата удовлетвореност и по-доброто качество на живот на болните. Освен на пациентите, информация е необходимо да се предоставя и на техните близки. С оглед провеждане на реална профилактика, водеща до намаляване риска от сърдечно-съдови заболявания е необходимо всеки пациент да познава и активно да участва в лечебния процес.Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy one of the first places among the diseases of the internal organs. The most common are: arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, endocarditis, etc. At the beginning of the stressful 21st century, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases was steadily rising, leading to death and disability worldwide. According to WHO, in a prognostic model involving a 25-year period, it is estimated that between 2004 and 2030, ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease will remain the leading cause among the top 20 causes for death worldwide. Acquiring new knowledge for the modern patient is an important prerequisite for preventing progression of the disease and complications. Patient awareness is a prerequisite for higher satisfaction and better quality of life for patients. Apart from patients, information should also be provided to their relatives. In order to achieve a real prophylaxis leading to a reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary for each patient to know and actively participate in the healing process. The purpose of this study is to investigate the need to obtain additional information on the disease, health care and treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases and their relatives
Attitudes of student nurses to work with children
Introduction: Nurses are an important resource for health systems and occupy a significant place in providing effective and quality health care. Meanwhile,the shortage of nurses, including pediatric, is a serious problem at national and international level. Therefore, the study of the attitudes of student nurses to work with children has important scientific and practical significance.Objective: To explore attitudes to work with children of students from second and fourth course, specialty „Nurse` at the Medical University - Varna. Material and Methods: Analysis of literature, documentary and questionnaire method. We tested the opinion of 54 students from the second year and 36 fourth year students of specialty „Nurse` at the Medical University - Varna through direct group anonymous survey. The survey was conducted in February and March 2016.Results: A significant part of the future nurses from the second and fourth course stand ready to work with children after graduation. Among second year students the highest proportion of those willing to work with a pediatrician is in the Diagnostic and consultative center. In contrast, most of their colleagues from the fourth course prefer to work in the Children‘s sector at Multispecialty Hospital for Active Treatment. Both groups of respondents cited as the main motive for work in the field of pediatrics is the love for children.Conclusion: The positive attitudes of future nurses to work with children are a guarantee for successful implementation of one of the priority activities of our modern health care - health care for children
Smoking habits of high school students
Тютюнопушенето е напълно предотвратим фактор за голям брой хронични неинфекциозни заболявания – сърдечно-съдови, белодробни, онкологични. Целта на настоящото проучване е да се анализира степента на разпространение на тю-тюнопушенето на учениците от гимназиалния курс. Юношеството е ключов период в развитието на човека. Тогава се формират поведенческите модели, които са от изключително значение за по-нататъшния живот на човека. Резултатите от проведеното от нас проучване установиха, че 2/3 от учениците пушачи живеят в се-мейства на родители пушачи. Повече от половината ученици пушачи са пасивни пушачи в дома. Въпреки дискутирането на въпросите за вредата от тютюнопушенето в училище, оказва се, че последното е изключително често срещано в гимназиална възраст. Значителен е процентът на пушачите гимназисти, които съобщават за никотинова абстиненция още през първия месец на епизодично пушене. Всеки трети непушач гимназист е склонен да пропуши следващата година, което показва силна възприемчивост на младите хора към пропушване. Всичко това поражда нужда от ежегодни профилактични програми против тютюнопушене и запознаване на учениците с вредата от тютюнопушенето от най-ранна детска възраст. Освен учени-ците, очевидно трябва да се обучават и техните родители чрез поднасяне на редовна информация под формата на флаери, листовки и анонимни анкети.Smoking is a completely preventable factor in a large number of chronic noninfectious diseases - cardiovascular, lung, cancer. The purpose of this research is to analyze the degree to which smoking has been spread among high school students. Teen years are a key period of human development. It is when behaviour models are being formed. These models are of great importance for the future years. The results of our survey found that 2/3 of smoking students live in families of smoking parents. More than half of the students smokers are passive smokers in their homes. Despite the increased discussions in schools about harmful effects of smoking, it is still widely spread among high school students. The percentage of smokers among high school students who report nicotine withdrawal within the very first month of short-term smoking periods is high. About every third non-smoker at high school age is open to try smoking the following year, which shows strong interest in smoking among young people. All of this creates a need of yearly prophylactic programs to alert young people about the harmful effects of smoking. Besides students, obviously the parents also need to be trained with regular information that could be flyers, brochures or anonymous questionnaires
Research on the period of adaptation to the work of the nurse in a hemodialysis center
Introduction: Labor adaptation is a long process of adjusting to the environment and familiarizing the newly arrived nurses with the specific professional activity in the ward. This is a period of getting used to the established rules and the team, there is a change in the views and behavior of the employees in a direction that corresponds to the external conditions.Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the period of adaptation to the work of the nurse at a hemodialysis center.Materials and Methods: Nurses and physicians working in dialysis structures in 8 cities (Varna, Ruse, Dobrich, Burgas, Shumen, Razgrad, Targovishte and Silistra) were interviewed. The study was conducted in the period August 2014 - March 2018. Questionnaire method, literature analysis, documentary method were applied. Data were processed by statistical and graphical analysis.Results: The results of our study show that, according to both groups of respondents, the nurse adapts to working conditions in the Dialysis Unit from 6 months to 1 year after starting work in such a structure. The position of the physicians in our sample regarding the optimal time for nursing adaptation was statistically significant, and there was a significant correlation with their opinion on the role of nurses in providing healthcare related to patient independence (Contingency C = 0.570 ; p <0.05). The results of the present study showed that the adaptation time of nurses to work in a hemodialysis structure was inversely weakly correlated with their education. A statistically significant inversely moderate correlation between the time for adaptation of dialysis nurses and their opinion on the need for specific competencies of nurses working in such a structure was also demonstrated (Contingency's C = - 0.369, p <0.001).Conclusion: The study of the adaptation process is an important condition for optimizing the quality of medical services, as it significantly influences the personality of the healthcare professional. Difficult adaptation may be a prerequisite for increasing stress, reducing professional satisfaction, and may play a role in conflicts in practice. This, as well as the results of our study, gave us grounds for developing and proposing an adapted model for optimizing the period of adaptation to the work of the nurse in a hemodialysis center
The benefits of sports for the physical and mental health of adolescents
A healthy lifestyle is the main expression of positive health behavior. Movement is a natural need of every child and is a basic preventive tool for strengthening children‘s health. Sport is a complex process that improves the qualities of movements, strengthens the muscles of the body and forms physical endurance through its positive influence on all organs and systems. Sports activities have a beneficial effect on the psyche and personality of adolescents and are defined as the main factor for maintaining, preserving and improving health and a healthy lifestyle. In most European countries, the teaching methodology is aimed at finding the meaning and encouraging the desire of each student to engage in regular physical activity. The article aims to familiarize the audience with the impact of sports on various organs and systems, with the benefits for the physical and mental health of adolescents from sports activities, as well as to provide information on recommendations for the correct choice of sports depending on the constitution and disposition of adolescents
Pharmacological prophylaxis and functional restoration of the lower limb in total knee arthroprosthesis
The complexity of the movements of the bones of the knee joint requires an anatomical study to construct a knee prosthesis. The reasons for knee replacement are related to wear of the articular cartilage, which leads to pain, deformation, and limitation of movements. The consequences of the surgical intervention allow functional restoration of the knee joint and the supporting function of the lower limb. Kinesitherapy begins the day after surgery and aims to reduce pain, restore mobility of the knee joint, actively lock the knee during extension, increase and maintain muscle strength, and ensure the functional independence of patients. To a large extent, the volume of movement is restored, and the pain symptoms are reduced. Patients have the comfort of everyday movements and the possibility of participating in certain sports activities—swimming, cycling, and golf. The paper deals with pharmacological prophylaxis, the kinesitherapeutic program, and total knee arthroprosthesis
Professional activities of nurses in hemodialysis centers
Introduction: The complexity of nurses’ duties is based on the character of the activities performed. In the process of a dialysis treatment, nurses as a part of the medical team perform various activities within the scope of their competences.Aim: The aim of this article is to analyze the importance of nursing care in hemodialysis patients.Materials and Methods: The study has applied documental, sociological, and statistical methods. An anonymous questionnaire was used to determine the opinion of nurses (119) working in dialysis structures situated on the territory of 8 cities (Varna, Ruse, Dobrich, Burgas, Shumen, Razgrad, Targovishte, and Silistra). The data was processed using SPSS Statistics.Results: The analysis of the results of the study showed that almost all participants assessed highly the role of the nurse in a hemodialysis structure. A total of 87.4% of the nurses considered it as “extremely important”, and 11.8% - as “important”. Assessing the importance of the activities performed by nurses in hemodialysis structures, the respondents placed first the nursing care needed for the patients to gain independence – 4.93. Medical professionals considered “injection technique” and “combating infections” equally important – 4.88. A high rating was given to “adaptation of patients and their relatives to the new way of life” (4.76) and “providing hygienic care“ (4.78). The importance of the communication with the patients and their relatives was assessed with 4.60.Conclusion: The role of the nurse in the process of providing care to hemodialysis patients is a key one. A correlation was established between the difficulties, which nurses were faced with when starting a job at a hemodialysis department, and their assumed role when providing care to hemodialysis patients (p< 0.001). Nurses, who viewed their role in taking care of hemodialysis patients as extremely important, have met with more difficulties at the start of their career
Opportunities for Optimisation of Nursing Care in Patients on Haemodialysis Treatment // Възможности за оптимизиране на сестринските грижи при пациенти на хемодиализно лечение
We present an in-depth research study in haemodialysis nursing and the possibilities of optimizing nurse involvement. A historical review of haemodialysis treatment internationally and in Bulgaria is presented. An analysis of the current state of haemodialysis care was carried out, and the international experience was studied.
The opinions of 227 nurses, 42 lay nurses and 575 patients were surveyed regarding the role of the nurse in the care process of haemodialysis patients; specific competencies and the need for prior training; the adaptation of the haemodialysis nurse, the need for additional training to optimize the care of haemodialysis patients; the need to regulate the competencies of the haemodialysis nurse. We surveyed 10 nurses and 20 experts for opinions and suggestions on practical approaches we developed. After an experiment, the participants' opinion on its effectiveness was investigated.
The study was conducted using anonymous surveys and an interview questionnaire. The statistical methods applied are consistent with the type of data collected and with the objectives of this PhD thesis.Тази дисертация е задълбочено научно изследване в сферата на хемодиализните сестрински грижи и възможностите за оптимизиране участието на медицинската сестра. Направен е исторически преглед на хемодиализното лечение в международен аспект, както и в България. Извършен е анализ на съвременното състояние на хемодиализните грижи, като е проучен международен опит. Проучено е мнението на 227 медицински сестри, 42 лекари и 575 пациента относно ролята на медицинската сестра в процеса на оказване на грижи при хемодиализните пациенти; специфичните компетенции и необходимостта от предварителна подготовка; адаптацията на хемодиализната медицинска сестра, необходимостта от допълнително обучение с цел оптимизиране грижите за пациенти на хемодиализа;, необходимостта от регулиране компетенциите на хемодиализната медицинската сестра. Проучено е мнението на 10 медицински сестри и 20 експерти за мнения и предложения по разработени от нас практически подходи. След проведен експеримент е изследвано мнението на участници в него, относно ефективността му. Проучването е проведено с помощта на анонимни анкети и въпросник за интервю. Прилаганите статистически методи са съобразени с вида на събраните данни, и със задачите на дисертационната работа