78 research outputs found

    On the K-theory of C*-algebras arising from integral dynamics

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    We investigate the KK-theory of unital UCT Kirchberg algebras QS\mathcal{Q}_S arising from families SS of relatively prime numbers. It is shown that K∗(QS)K_*(\mathcal{Q}_S) is the direct sum of a free abelian group and a torsion group, each of which is realized by another distinct C∗C^*-algebra naturally associated to SS. The C∗C^*-algebra representing the torsion part is identified with a natural subalgebra AS\mathcal{A}_S of QS\mathcal{Q}_S. For the KK-theory of QS\mathcal{Q}_S, the cardinality of SS determines the free part and is also relevant for the torsion part, for which the greatest common divisor gSg_S of {p−1:p∈S}\{p-1 : p \in S\} plays a central role as well. In the case where ∣S∣≤2\lvert S \rvert \leq 2 or gS=1g_S=1 we obtain a complete classification for QS\mathcal{Q}_S. Our results support the conjecture that AS\mathcal{A}_S coincides with ⊗p∈SOp\otimes_{p \in S} \mathcal{O}_p. This would lead to a complete classification of QS\mathcal{Q}_S, and is related to a conjecture about kk-graphs.Comment: 27 pages; v2: minor update in 5.7; v3: some typos corrected, one reference added, to appear in Ergodic Theory Dynam. System

    C*-Algebras of algebraic dynamical systems and right LCM semigroups

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    We introduce algebraic dynamical systems, which consist of an action of a right LCM semigroup by injective endomorphisms of a group. To each algebraic dynamical system we associate a C*-algebra and describe it as a semigroup C*-algebra. As part of our analysis of these C*-algebras we prove results for right LCM semigroups. More precisely we discuss functoriality of the full semigroup C*-algebra and compute its K-theory for a large class of semigroups. We introduce the notion of a Nica-Toeplitz algebra of a product system over a right LCM semigroup, and show that it provides a useful alternative to study algebraic dynamical systems.Comment: 28 pages, to appear in Indiana Univ. Math.

    On C*-algebras associated to right LCM semigroups

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    We initiate the study of the internal structure of C*-algebras associated to a left cancellative semigroup in which any two principal right ideals are either disjoint or intersect in another principal right ideal; these are variously called right LCM semigroups or semigroups that satisfy Clifford's condition. Our main findings are results about uniqueness of the full semigroup C*-algebra. We build our analysis upon a rich interaction between the group of units of the semigroup and the family of constructible right ideals. As an application we identify algebraic conditions on S under which C*(S) is purely infinite and simple.Comment: 31 page

    Equilibrium states on right LCM semigroup C*-algebras

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    We determine the structure of equilibrium states for a natural dynamics on the boundary quotient diagram of C∗C^*-algebras for a large class of right LCM semigroups. The approach is based on abstract properties of the semigroup and covers the previous case studies on N⋊N×\mathbb{N} \rtimes \mathbb{N}^\times, dilation matrices, self-similar actions, and Baumslag-Solitar monoids. At the same time, it provides new results for large classes of right LCM semigroups, including those associated to algebraic dynamical systems.Comment: 43 pages, to appear in Int. Math. Res. No

    Imaging electric fields in the vicinity of cryogenic surfaces using Rydberg atoms

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    The ability to characterize static and time-dependent electric fields in situ is an important prerequisite for quantum-optics experiments with atoms close to surfaces. Especially in experiments which aim at coupling Rydberg atoms to the near field of superconducting circuits, the identification and subsequent elimination of sources of stray fields is crucial. We present a technique that allows the determination of stray-electric-field distributions (Fxstr(r⃗),Fystr(r⃗),Fzstr(r⃗))(F^\text{str}_\text{x}(\vec{r}),F^\text{str}_\text{y}(\vec{r}),F^\text{str}_\text{z}(\vec{r})) at distances of less than 2 mm2~\text{mm} from (cryogenic) surfaces using coherent Rydberg-Stark spectroscopy in a pulsed supersonic beam of metastable 1s12s1 1S01\text{s}^12\text{s}^1~{}^{1}S_{0} helium atoms. We demonstrate the capabilities of this technique by characterizing the electric stray field emanating from a structured superconducting surface. Exploiting coherent population transfer with microwave radiation from a coplanar waveguide, the same technique allows the characterization of the microwave-field distribution above the surface.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the dispersive frequency shift of a rectangular microwave cavity induced by an ensemble of Rydberg atoms

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    In recent years the interest in studying interactions of Rydberg atoms or ensembles thereof with optical and microwave frequency fields has steadily increased, both in the context of basic research and for potential applications in quantum information processing. We present measurements of the dispersive interaction between an ensemble of helium atoms in the 37s Rydberg state and a single resonator mode by extracting the amplitude and phase change of a weak microwave probe tone transmitted through the cavity. The results are in quantitative agreement with predictions made on the basis of the dispersive Tavis-Cummings Hamiltonian. We study this system with the goal of realizing a hybrid between superconducting circuits and Rydberg atoms. We measure maximal collective coupling strengths of 1 MHz, corresponding to 3*10^3 Rydberg atoms coupled to the cavity. As expected, the dispersive shift is found to be inversely proportional to the atom-cavity detuning and proportional to the number of Rydberg atoms. This possibility of measuring the number of Rydberg atoms in a nondestructive manner is relevant for quantitatively evaluating scattering cross sections in experiments with Rydberg atoms
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