69 research outputs found

    Antigenotoxic effects of royal jelly in the sex linked recessive lethal test with Drosophila melanogaster

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    The antitoxic and antimutagenic effect of royal jelly was assayed by a standard testing procedure on Drosophila melanogaster. The similarity of metabolic pathways between Drosophila and mammals makes the test widely applicable for detecting the impact of various potential promutagens and antimutagenic effects could be recognized accordingly. The flies were treated with the potent mutagen MMS, alone and combined with royal jelly. The frequency of sterile males and sex linked recessive lethal mutations increased significantly after MMS treatment and decreased after combined treatment. The results strongly indicate that, in addition to its well documented action on development, life-span and reproductive ability, royal jelly has an antimutagenic potential as well.Antigenotoksični i antimutageni efekat pčelinjeg mleča ispitivan je koriŔćenjem standardne procedure testiranja pomoću Drosophilae melanogaster. Sličnost metaboličkih puteva između Drosophila i sisara čini ovaj test Å”iroko primenljivim u otkrivanju uticaja različitih potencijalnih mutagena i promutagena, a analogno tome se može ispitivati i mogući antimutageni potencijal substanci. MuÅ”ice odgovarajućeg genotipa tretirane su jakim mutagenom, metil-metan-sulfonatom (MMS), samostalno i u kombinaciji sa mlečom. Učestalost sterilnih mužjaka i polno vezanih recesivnih letalnih mutacija rasla je značajno nakon tretmana sa MMS i opadala nakon kombinovanog tretmana. Dobijeni rezultati značajno ukazuju da uz već potvrđeni uticaj na razviće, dužinu života i reproduktivnu sposobnost, mleč ima i antimutageni potencijal.Projekat ministarstva br. 152

    Adaptive significance of amylase polymorphism in drosophila, XV: Examination of genotype-by-environment interactions on the viability, developmental time and stability of drosophila subobscura homozygous for Amy during exposure to nutritional changes

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    Due to the direct interaction between enzyme and substrate, the amylase system can provide valuable information on the relationship between homozygosity and developmental homeostasis under a changing environment in several Drosophila species, The adaptive significance of the relationship between genetic variability and environmental change manifests through the well-known polymorphism of the amylase locus (Amy). We examined the effect of gradual and abrupt changes in starch concentration in the nutritional substrate, on the developmental time, egg-to-adult viability and phenotypic plasticity in the progeny of Drosophila subobscura that was homozygous for 'fast' (AmyF/AmyF) and 'slow' (AmyS/AmyS) Amy alleles. Our findings show that gradual and abrupt nutritional changes exert a significant effect on developmental time and viability. A high heterogeneity among genotypes in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and no direct association between FA and fitness components under the two experimental regimes of environmental change were observed.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    The effect of lead on the developmental stability of Drosophila subobscura through selection in laboratory conditions

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    Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), the increased variation of bilateral symmetry in a sample of individuals, can indicate disturbance in developmental stability caused by environmental and/or genomic stress. This developmental instability was analyzed in Drosophila subobscura maintained for seven generations on two different concentrations of lead in laboratory conditions. The FA4 index showed that the genotypes reared on the higher lead concentration were in developmental homeostasis, except for males in the F7 generation, for both wing size parameters. The results show that different degrees of lead pollution cause different responses to selection of the exposed population in laboratory conditions

    Inversion polymorphism in populations of Drosophila subobscura from urban and non-urban environments

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    Populations of Drosophila subobscura from the urban area of Belgrade and from the locality, Deliblato, which is not under strong anthropogenic influence, were studied with the aim to characterize and compare their genetic structure by examining chromosomal inversion polymorphism. Additional analysis and comparison of this type of polymorphism with several other populations from different habitats in the central Balkans, was done. The obtained results indicate higher heterozygosity in the population from Belgrade. Despite being ecologically marginal and under strong and complex influences, this population did not show a decline in the number of inversions and it is not highly differentiated compared to the referent populations.

    Does inbreeding affects developmental stability in Drosophila subobscura populations?

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    In the present paper, we focused on the coadaptive aspect of genetic variability at population level and its relation to genomic stress such as inbreeding. The paper evaluates the effects of an experimental reduction of average heterozygosity after fourteen generations of systematic inbreeding in laboratory conditions, on developmental stability in Drosophila subobscura populations from two ecologically and topologically distinct habitats, knowing that they possess a certain degree of genetic differences due to their different evolutionary histories. The aims were to analyze: (i) the variability change of wing size (length and width) among the inbred lines from both populations; (ii) the relations between homozigosity and level of fluctuating asymmetry as a potential measure of developmental instability, in inbred lines originating from two populations. Results for the wing size showed similar between line variability pattern across generations of systematic inbreeding in both populations. The obtained results suggest that variability of fluctuating asymmetry as a measure of developmental instability can not be related to homozygosity due to inbreeding per se, in both experimental populations.Rad je fokusiran na ko adaptivni aspekt genetičke varijabilnosti na nivou populacije i u odnosu na genomski stres kao Å”to je inbriding. Analizirani su efekti eksperimentalnog smanjenja prosečne heterozigotnosti nakon 14 generacija sistematskog inbridinga u laboratorijskim uslovima na razvojnu stabilnost Drosophila subobscura populacija sa dva ekoloÅ”ki i topoloÅ”ki odvojena staniÅ”ta, znajući da one poseduju odredjeni stepen genetičke diferencijacije usled različitih evolutivnih istorija. Ciljevi rada su bili da se analizira: (i) varijabilnost u promeni veličine krila (dužine i Å”irine) medju inbidingovanim linijama i populacijama; (ii) odnosi izmedju homozigotizacije i nivoua fluktuirajuće asimetrije kao potencijalne mere razvojne nestabilnosti u inbridingovanim linijama obe populacije. Rezultati veličine krila pokazuju sličnu varijabilnost medju linijama obe populacije kroz generacije inbridinga. Dobijeni rezultati sugeriÅ”u da varijabilnost fluktuirajuće asimetrije kao mere razvojne nestabilnosti ne mogu biti povezani sa homozigotizacijom usled inbridinga per se, u obe eksperimentalne populacije.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Relationship between chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA variability of Drosophila subobscura population from the Lazar's river canyon

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    The genetic structure of Drosophila subobscura population from the Lazarā€™s River Canyon (Serbia) was studied with respect to restriction site polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA and chromosomal inversion polymorphism. The aim was to shed more light on the role of cytonuclear interactions in shaping mitochondrial DNA variability in this species. Similar to other populations of D. subobscura two main haplotypes (I and II) were found, as well as less common ones that appeared at very low frequencies. The frequency distribution of haplotypes did not depart from neutrality. We did not find statistically significant linkage disequilibrium between the haplotypes belonging to haplogroups I and II and any of the chromosomal arrangements. However, when we compared the data in hereby analyzed population and two previously analyzed populations we observed that haplotype I is more frequent in populations where standard inversion arrangements are less frequent. Pattern of the observed mitochondrial variability could be influenced either directly by environmental variability or through environmentally specific cytonuclear coadaptation.U ovom radu analizirana je genetička varijabilnost restrikcionih mesta mitohondrijalne DNK, kao i varijabilnost inverzionog polimorfizma u populaciji Drosophila subobscura sakupljenoj u kanjonu Lazareve reke. Cilj je bio rasvetljavanje uloge citonuklearnih interakcija u oblikovanju varijabilnosti mitohondrijalne DNK. Utvrđeno je prisustvo dva dominantna haplotipa (I i II) kao i dva haplotipa niske učestalosti. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna neravnoteža vezanosti između haplotipova grupisanih u haplogrupe I i II i nijednog od hromozomskih aranžmana. Međutim, upoređivanjem podataka prethodno analiziranih populacija i populacije analizirane u ovom radu, primećuje se povećanje učestalosti haplotipa I sa smanjenjem učestalosti standardnih hromozomskih aranžmana. Ovakav obrazac ukazuje ili na direktan uticaj sredinskih činilaca na varijabilnost mitohondrijalne DNK ili na sredinski zavisnu citonuklearnu koadaptaciju.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Grejvs-Bazedovljeva bolest i potencijalni faktori rizika

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    Background/Aim. Graves-Basedow disease is a common multifactorial genetic syndrome, which is determined by several genes and environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of risk factors for developing Graves-Basedow disease between the groups of individuals with and without Graves-Basedow disease, and to compare the presence of risk factors between the affected individuals with or without positive family history for Graves- Basedow disease. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Ćuprija (central Serbia) during a period from December 2001 to April 2002. The case group comprised 132 individuals diagnosed with Graves-Basedow disease. The control group comprised 130 subjects without any of endocrine diseases. All participants were interviewed at the Medical Center Ćuprija using structural questionnaire. Data were collected on basic demographic characteristics, exposure to various chemical and physical agents, stress, smoking and family history of Graves-Basedow disease. In statistical analysis chi-square test was used. Results. The individuals with Graves-Basedow disease were statistically significantly older (above 50) (p = 0.020), exposed to stress (p = 0.024) and to physical agents (p = 0.031), and had significantly (p = 0.000) more relatives with Graves-Basedow disease than those without the disease. Among the affected individuals with positive family history of Graves-Basedow disease the number of women was significantly higher (p = 0.000), than the affected individuals without positive family history of Graves- Basedow disease. Conclusion. In our study, as in many other, gender, age, positive family history of Graves-Basedow disease and exposure to physical agents were identified as potential risk factors for the increased incidence of Graves- Basedow disease. Different risk factors are probably responsible for developing Graves-Basedow disease among the affected individuals with or without positive family history of Graves-Basedow disease. .Uvod/Cilj. Grejvs-Bazedovljeva bolest nastaje kao rezultat interakcije između genetičkih faktora i faktora sredine. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita prisustvo faktora rizika koji mogu da utiču na nastajanje Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti kod populacije Pomoravskog okruga, kao i da se ispita da li postoji razlika u prisutnim faktorima rizika između obolelih od Grejvs- Bazedovljeve bolesti sa i bez pozitivne porodične anamneze ovog oboljenja. Metode. U studiju je bilo uključeno 350 osoba Pomoravskog okruga, od kojih je 132 bilo sa Grejvs- Bazedovljevom boleŔću i 130 zdravih osoba, za koje je utvrđeno da nemaju endokrinoloÅ”ko oboljenje. U cilju procene izloženosti potencijalnim faktorima rizika od nastajanja Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti koristili smo upitnik koji je sadržao pitanja koja su se odnosila na demografske karakteristike, puÅ”enje, stres, izloženost hemijskim i fizičkim agensima na poslu i prisustvo pozitivne porodične anamneze Grejvs- Bazedovljeve bolesti za period pre dijagnostikovanja oboljenja. Rezultati. Osobe sa Grejvs-Bazedovljevom boleŔću, u poređenju sa osobama bez Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti, značajno čeŔće bile su: starijeg uzrasta (50 i viÅ”e godina) (p = 0,020), izložene stresu (p = 0,024) i fizičkim agensima na poslu (p = 0,031), sa pozitivnom porodičnom anamnezom Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti i sa većim brojem prvo- i drugostepenih srodnika sa istim oboljenjem (p = 0,000). Oboleli od Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti sa pozitivnom porodičnom anamnezom, nisu se statistički značajno razlikovali po izloženosti potencijalnim faktorima rizika u odnosu na obolele osobe bez pozitivne porodične anamneze Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti, sem Å”to su značajno čeŔće u ovoj grupi bile žene (p = 0,000). Zaključak. Pol, uzrast, pozitivna porodična anamneza Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti i izloženost fizičkim agensima identifikovani su kao potencijalni faktori rizika od Grejvs- Bazedovljeve bolesti. Različiti faktori rizika verovatno su odgovorni za nastanak Grejvs-Bazedovljeve bolesti kod obolelih osoba sa i bez pozitivne porodične istorije ovog oboljenja.
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