15 research outputs found

    'Stoni' vulkan - školski ogled

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    U okviru nastave iz predmeta Geografija lokalne sredine, 21. 11. 2011. izveli smo pred studentima IV godine, našim kolegama, školski ogled pod nazivom Stoni vulkan. U diskusiji koja je usledila, kolege su naše izlaganje i sam ogled dobro primili i ocenili ih kao korisne. Posebno su cenili što smo ogled izmenili i poboljšali u odnosu na 'standardnu' verziju koja se može naći u odgovarajućim priručnicima kod nas (s obzirom na pozitivnu ocenu, kao i na okolnost da je ogled bio dostupan malom broju profesora i nastavnika geografije, postupak izvođenja ogleda smo pod istim naslovom priredili i za čitaoce 'Globusa'

    'Stoni' vulkan - školski ogled

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    U okviru nastave iz predmeta Geografija lokalne sredine, 21. 11. 2011. izveli smo pred studentima IV godine, našim kolegama, školski ogled pod nazivom Stoni vulkan. U diskusiji koja je usledila, kolege su naše izlaganje i sam ogled dobro primili i ocenili ih kao korisne. Posebno su cenili što smo ogled izmenili i poboljšali u odnosu na 'standardnu' verziju koja se može naći u odgovarajućim priručnicima kod nas (s obzirom na pozitivnu ocenu, kao i na okolnost da je ogled bio dostupan malom broju profesora i nastavnika geografije, postupak izvođenja ogleda smo pod istim naslovom priredili i za čitaoce 'Globusa'


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    The aim of this research is to determine the difference in motor skills between male judokas and non-athletes of an early school age. The sample of participants in this research was made up of 42 boys, aged between 7 and 8. The sample was divided into two subsamples, one of which consisted of judokas (N=22) of the “Kinezis” University Judo Sports Club from Niš, and the other of students of the “Vožd Karađorđe” Elementary School from Niš (N=20). A battery of tests consisting of 13 measuring instruments was used to estimate: A battery of tests consisting of 13 measuring instruments was used to estimate: Explosive strength – Long jump (MLJ, in centimeters), High jump (MHJ, in centimeters), Medicine ball throw (MTMB in meters); movement frequency speed – Hand tapping (MHT, in frequency), Feet tapping against the wall (MFTW, in frequency); Running speed – 20-meters sprint (M20S in seconds);  Repetitive strength – Sit-ups in 60 seconds (MSU, in frequency), Knee push-ups (MKPP, in frequency); Prone lying back extension (MHPT in degrees), flexibility – Standing forward bend (MBOTF, in centimeters), Standing backward bend (MBBTF, in centimeters), Standing side bend-left (MLSBTF, in degrees), Standing side bend-right (MRSBTF, in degrees). After the results were acquired, the conclusion was reached that 6 of the total 13 variables show a statistically significant difference between judokas and non-athletes. In all 6 of them, judokas exhibited better results (MLJ, MTMB, M20S, MRT, MKPP, and MHPT). The other 7 variables showed no significant difference (MHJ, MHT, MFTW, MBOTF, MBBTF, MLSBTF, and MRSBTF). Having in mind the fact that a great number of PE teachers give very large significance to monitoring the development of motor skills of students, the results of this paper prove that practicing judo contributes to improving the motor skills of children, so it can serve as an idea to supplement physical education, as an obligatory subject, with elements of judo or to include judo in the elementary school curriculum

    Ectopic Expression of Ankrd2 Affects Proliferation, Motility and Clonogenic Potential of Human Osteosarcoma Cells

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    Simple Summary Osteosarcoma is a rare malignancy of bone, primarily affecting children and young adults. The main objective of this study was to identify novel therapeutic targets to fight the progression of this insidious disease. To this aim, the role of Ankrd2, a stress- and mechano- sensor protein known for being mostly expressed in muscle fibers, was analyzed in the modulation of osteosarcoma progression. By subjecting human osteosarcoma cell lines expressing or silencing Ankrd2 to several functional assays, our results demonstrated that Ankrd2 is involved in the pathogenesis of this cancer. Nonetheless, due to observations obtained by other studies in other model systems, our findings also suggest that Ankrd2 might behave as a "double-faced" cancer driver gene. Ankrd2 is a protein known for being mainly expressed in muscle fibers, where it participates in the mechanical stress response. Since both myocytes and osteoblasts are mesenchymal-derived cells, we were interested in examining the role of Ankrd2 in the progression of osteosarcoma which features a mechano-stress component. Although having been identified in many tumor-derived cell lines and -tissues, no study has yet described nor hypothesized any involvement for this protein in osteosarcoma tumorigenesis. In this paper, we report that Ankrd2 is expressed in cell lines obtained from human osteosarcoma and demonstrate a contribution by this protein in the pathogenesis of this insidious disease. Ankrd2 involvement in osteosarcoma development was evaluated in clones of Saos2, U2OS, HOS and MG63 cells stably expressing Ankrd2, through the investigation of hallmark processes of cancer cells. Interestingly, we found that exogenous expression of Ankrd2 influenced cellular growth, migration and clonogenicity in a cell line-dependent manner, whereas it was able to improve the formation of 3D spheroids in three out of four cellular models and enhanced matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity in all tested cell lines. Conversely, downregulation of Ankrd2 expression remarkably reduced proliferation and clonogenic potential of parental cells. As a whole, our data present Ankrd2 as a novel player in osteosarcoma development, opening up new therapeutic perspectives

    Principles of NAT technology in view of the results obtained at the Institute of Transfusiology of MMA from 2007 till 2011

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    Nucleic-acid Amplification Testing (NAT) consist of extraction, amplification, hybridization and detection. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is method for amplification of viral genetic material (DNA/RNA) in enough number of copies, so we can detect them. Since year 1943, when transmission of hepatitis via transfusion was reported till beginning of 21st century, when NAT was implemented, large number of tests for detection of hepatitis B and C virus (HBV, HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were developed. In this article, we describe basic princples of detection of these viruses by NAT. We also show results from testing samples of blood donors in Institute of Transfusiology from April 2007 till June 2011. From 50 369 donors testing in Mini Pools (MP) of 24, we found two HCV RNA positive samples, one HBV DNA positive sample and all pools were HIV RNA negative. From 2 689 samples which were testing by Individual Donation (ID) NAT, 135 were HBV DNA positive, 108 were HCV RNA positive and 7 were HIV RNA positive. All samples also were tested by Enzyme Link Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and Confirmatory tests. Comparison of our results show validity of NAT testing, especially when ELISA tests of less specificity and sensitivity were used.Da bi testiranje nukleinskih kiselina bilo moguće, neophodno je izdvojiti ih iz virusa (ekstrakcija), zatim umnožiti (amplifikacija), obeležiti specifičnim probama (hibridizacija) i detektovati. To se obavlja korišćenjem metode 'Polymerase Chain Reaction' (PCR) ili lančane reakcije polimeraze koja nam omogućava da umnožimo deo virusnog genoma do količine koju je moguće detektovati. Od 1943. godine, kada je transmisija hepatitisa preko transfuzije prvi put prijavljena, do početka 21. veka, kada je masovno uvedena NAT tehnologija (eng. Nucleic-acid Amplification Testing - testiranje amplifikovanih nukleinskih kiselina), došlo je do značajnog poboljšanja u otkrivanju virusa uzročnika hematogenih transmisivnih bolesti. U ovom radu dati su osnovni principi NAT-a, odnosno detekcije genetskog materijala virusa uzročnika hepatitisa tipa B, C i virusa humane imunodeficijencije (HIV-a). Takođe, opisani su NAT rezultati dobijeni kod uzoraka krvi davalaca u Institutu za transfuziologiju VMA u periodu od aprila 2007. do juna 2011. godine. Od 50.369 testiranih davalaca u pulu, detektovana su dva HCV RNK pozitivna uzorka, jedan HBV DNK pozitivan uzorak, a za HIV RNK svi pulovi su bili negativni. Od 2.689 pojedinačno obavljenih NAT testiranja, najviše pozitivnih bilo je za HBV DNK (135 uzoraka), zatim za HCV RNK (108 pozitivnih) i 7 pozitivnih za HIV RNK. Za sve navedene uzorke paralelno su rađeni određeni enzimoimunski i potvrdni testovi. Komparacija rezultata primenjenih testova na našim ispitanim uzorcima potvrdila je opravdanost primene NAT-a, posebno prilikom korišćenja manje specifičnih i osetljivih enzimoimunskih testova.nul

    Metamizole: Current status of the safety and efficacy

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    Metamizole is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, with analgesic, antipyretic, spasmolytic, and weak anti-inflammatory properties. The analgesic effect of metamizole seems to be based on the inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzyme activity and stimulation of cannabinoid receptors. Its use is still controversial, mainly due to agranulocytosis, metamizole-induced serious adverse reaction. While in many countries it is withdrawn from the market, in some countries metamizole is available as a medication prescribed for strictly defined indications, while in the others like Mexico, Brazil and China it can be obtained as an Over-The-Counter drug. The most common adverse effects of metamizole are the skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders. Metamizole appears to be of similar efficacy to analgesics which are frequently used in the treatment of moderate to severe postoperative pain

    Effect of recasting on the thickness of metal-ceramic interface of nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium alloys

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    Introduction/Aim. This research was done to establish recasting effects of nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium alloys on the thickness of their metal-ceramic interface in making fixed partial dentures. Metal-ceramic interface determines their functional integrity and prevents damages on ceramics during mastication. Investigation of metal-ceramic samples is supposed to show if base metal alloys for metalceramics are successfully recycled without any risk of reduction of metal-ceramic interface thickness. Methods. The research was performed as an experimental study. Per six metal-ceramic samples of nickel-chromium alloy (Wiron99) and cobalt-chromium alloy (Wirobond C) were made each. Alloy residues were recycled through twelve casting generations with the addition of 50% of new alloy on the occasion of every recasting. Analysis Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) (Oxford Instruments) and Scanning Electon Microscop (SEM) analysis (JEOL) were used to determine thickness of metal-ceramic interface together with PC Software for quantification of visual information's (KVI POPOVAC). Results. Results of this research introduced significant differences between thickness of metal-ceramic interface in every examined recycle generation. Recasting had negative effect on thickness of metal-ceramic interface of the examined alloys. This research showed almost linear reduction of elastic modulus up to the 12th generation of recycling. Conclusion. Recasting of nickel-chromium and cobaltchromium alloys is not recommended because of reduced thickness of metal-ceramic interface of these alloys. Instead of recycling, the alloy residues should be returned to the manufacturers

    The use of Geothermal Energy Resources in the Tourism Industry of Vojvodina (Northern Serbia)

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    Exploitation of geothermal energy in Vojvodina is still at an unjustly low level taking into account the abundance of resource locations, some of which are ranked among the most affluent in Europe. Moreover, development of geothermal exploitation started in Serbia at about the same time as in other countries whose geothermal energy facilities are now at the highest technological level and which are leaders in this field. The largest use of geothermal energy in Vojvodina is present in the non-energetic area, especially in spas and sports–recreational centers. Other, seasonal consumers of geothermal energy are from the field of industry and agricultural production where the energy is used for heating of cattle and poultry farms, greenhouses and other facilities. However these consumers use only a small portion of available geothermal resources. The main users are those from the tourism industry. The goal of this paper is to give an overview and an analysis of the use of geothermal energy resources, mainly geothermal waters, in the tourism industry of Vojvodina. It shows how these resources are used and also for what are they used by the tourism industry. The paper covers only geothermal resources that are currently being used by the tourism industry. The potential for future usage in this area is also briefly discusse


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    The aim of this research was to determine the trend change in the morphological features of boys aged 7 to 10, of various nutritional status, with particular emphasis on the trend of occurrence of obesity among the same population. The sample consisted of 1164 boys, divided into four sub-groups (based on their age), and then each sub-group was further divided into three groups depending on their nutritional status. Four morphological factors were measured: the longitudinal, transversal and circular dimensionality of the skeleton, body mass and subcutaneous fat tissue. They were used to determine the morphological characteristics of the participants. The data were processed using the SPSS 20.0 statistics program. To determine the dynamics of change in the increasing or decreasing continuum, a trend analysis was used. By analyzing and evaluating the results obtained during the course of this study, differences in morphological characteristics were determined between children with normal body mass, overweight children and obese children of various ages. The dynamic of the change in the aforementioned characteristics in most morphological spaces of the boys indicated a continued increase that accompanies the age of the participants. Among the participants with normal body mass and overweight participants, a discontinued form of development among the morphological characteristics was noted. The discontinued form of development is visible among obese participants in the space which refers to measuring subcutaneous fat tissue. A significantly greater annual increase in body fat, compared to the average, was also noted.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se odredi trend promena morfoliških karakteristika dečaka starosnog doba od 7 do 10 godina različitog stepena uhranjenosti sa akcentom na trned pojave gojaznosti kod dečaka starosti od 7 do 10 godina. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavalo je 1164 dečaka, raspoređenih u četiri subuzorka u odnosu na godine starosti SU1, SU2, SU3, i SU4), a potom je svaki subuzorak podeljen na tri grupe u zavisnosti od stepena uhranjenosti. Utvrđivana su četiri morfološka faktora: longitudinalna, transverzalna i cirkularna dimenzionalnost skeleta, i masa tela i potkožno masno tkivo, i pomoću njih su se utvrđivale morfološke karakteristike ispitanika. Obrada podataka izvršena je statističkim programom SPSS 20.0. Za utvrđivanje dinamike promena u rastućem ili opadajućem kontinuumu korištena je trend analiza. Inspekcijom i evaluacijom rezultata dobijenih u ovom istraživanju utvrđene su razlike u morfološkim karakteristikama kod normalno uhranjene, prekomerno uhranjene i gojazne dece različite starosti. Dinamika promena gorepomenutih karakteristika u većini prostora morfologije dečaka pokazuje kontinuiranu formu rasta sa uzrastom ispitanika. Kod ispitanika sa normalnom i prekomernom telesnom masom nije uočena diskontinuirana forma rasta morfoloških karakteristika. Diskontinuirana forma rasta je vidljiva kod gojaznih ispitanika u prostoru koji se odnosi na merenje potkožnog masnog tkiva. Vidljiv je i znatno veći porast telesne mase na godišnjem nivou u odnosu na prosek

    Antitumor activity of natural pigment violacein against osteosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines

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    Sarcomas are rare and heterogenic tumors with unclear etiology. They develop in bone and connective tissue, mainly in pediatric patients. To increase efficacy of current therapeutic options, natural products showing selective toxicity to tumor cells are extensively investigated. Here, we evaluated antitumor activity of bacterial pigment violacein in osteosarcoma (OS) and rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cell lines