1,461 research outputs found

    Methodological Basis for Macroeconomic Projections in Countries Exposed to Pressures and Shocks: Example of Serbia

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    The presented Macroeconomic Projections Model is based on a “pre-established” model for projecting the balance of payment linked with the balance of gross domestic product use. Such a model is the “authentic! one, designed by authors, i.e. based on a no theoretical concept of modelling the macroeconomic equilibrium, but it has a “heuristic” (experiential) character. The idea for designing such a model comes from the fact that theoretical models involve numerous equations that are to be solved, with numerous parameters to be estimated, including also the problem of linearity (smoothness) of longterm analytical curves, as well as the problem of an undeveloped market, a closed economy or an economy that is fragile in its relations with foreign countries, the problem of “turning” points, different internal or external shocks, etc.Macroeconomic projections, GDP deflators, Modelling, Sustainability.


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    Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) is considered to be one of the most relevant indicators of the level of functional ability of the cardiorespiratory system in individuals and athletes. It is an indicator of the functional state and knowledge of the value of VO2max is of great importance in order to improve the functional form for athletes and recreational people, as well as in proper planning, programming and dosing activities. The aim of this study was to review the literature in order to determine whether physical exercise can improve VO2max in people with spinal cord injuries. The following electronic databases were used to collect the papers: KoBSON, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, PEDro, DOAJ and Open J Gate. The key words that were used to find the papers are: physical exercise, VO2max, spinal cord injury, adaptation, training, effects, patients, intensity, aerobic, anaerobic, heart rate. Based on inclusive and exclusive criteria, eight papers were selected that met the set criteria. Analyzing the papers, only four papers examined the differences in terms of the intensity of the exercise with the goal of finding out which intensity is suitable for improving the VO2max value. They have found that the VO2max value can be enhanced by physical exercise of increased intensity (HIIT) relative to physical exercise of moderate intensity (LI). Considering the high level of heterogeneity of scientific papers, the sample of respondents, measuring instruments, experimental research, conclusions should be taken with caution

    Thanatologischer Pluralismus und die epistemologische Offenheit des „Todes“

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    This article discusses conceptual ambiguities in relation to the current definitions of ‘death’. It addresses the need for an essentially pluralistic approach that probes the limits of epistemic singularity and perceives death as an open concept. Despite the views dependent upon the irrevocable termination of existence, I assume the opposite: first, that there are manifold ways to respond philosophically to the issue, without giving priority to any sovereign or prescribed position; second, that the plurality of unequally convincing positions opens up the ‘democratic’ space of negotiations about life and death as a political space par excellence, privileged by philosophy. Finally, my thesis about the thanatological pluralism gets closer to what I shall call the ‘political philosophy of death’ in the future studies of the issue, here insufficiently explored.Tema ovoga teksta konceptualne su nedoumice u vezi s postojećim definicijama fenomena smrti. Autor preusmjerava pozornost na potrebu uspostave bitno pluralističkoga pristupa kojime se propituju granice epistemološke singularnosti (zatvorenosti) ne bi li se smrt predstavila kroz otvoreniji spoznajni koncept. Unatoč stajališta ovisnih o smrti kao neopozivu prestanku postojanja, ovdje se pretpostavlja suprotno: prvo, da postoje raznovrsni načini kojima se na pitanje smrti može odgovoriti filozofski, ne dajući prednost bilo kojoj suverenoj (superiornoj) i unaprijed propisanoj poziciji; drugo, da pluralitet nejednako uvjerljivih pozicija o fenomenu smrti otvara »demokratski« prostor pregovora – o pitanjima kako života tako i smrti – kojega filozofija privilegira (ili bi trebala privilegirati) kao politički prostor par excellence. Na kraju, autorova se teza o tanatološkom pluralizmu približava onome što bi se u budućim istraživanjima, ovdje nedovoljno razvijenim, nazvalo ‘politička filozofija smrti’.Cet article décrit les ambiguïtés conceptuelles en relation avec les définitions actuelles de la « mort ». Il répond au besoin d’une approche essentiellement pluraliste qui sonde les limites de la singularité épistémique et perçoit la mort comme un concept ouvert. Malgré les points de vues dépendantes de la conception de mort conçue comme la cessation irrévocable de l’existence, je suppose le contraire: d’abord, qu’il y a de multiples façons philosophiques de répondre à la question de la mort, sans accorder la priorité à une position souveraine ou prescrite ; deuxièmement, que la pluralité de positions inégalement convaincantes ouvre un espace « démocratique », c’est à dire : l’espace des négociations sur la vie et la mort comme un espace politique par excellence, en même temps privilégié par la philosophie. Enfin, ma thèse sur le pluralisme thanatologique se rapproche de ce que j’appellerai la « philosophie politique de la mort » dans les futures études de la question, ici insuffisamment explorée.Dieser Artikel behandelt konzeptuelle Mehrdeutigkeiten in Bezug auf die kursierenden Definitionen des „Todes“. Er geht das Bedürfnis nach einem grundsätzlich pluralistischen Ansatz an, wodurch Grenzen der epistemologischen Singularität erforscht werden, und perzipiert den Tod als ein offenes Konzept. Trotz der Ansichten, die von der unwiderruflichen Beendigung der Existenz abhängig sind, nehme ich das Gegenteil an: erstens, dass es vielfältige Wege gibt, philosophisch auf die Frage zu antworten, ohne irgendeiner souveränen oder vorgeschriebenen Position Vorrang zu geben; zweitens, dass die Pluralität von ungleichmäßig überzeugenden Positionen „demokratischen“ Raum für Verhandlungen eröffnet – über Leben und Tod als politischen Raum par excellence – der von der Philosophie privilegiert wird. Schließlich nähert sich meine These über den thanatologischen Pluralismus dem, was ich in zukünftigen, hier unzulänglich erforschten Studien dieses Problems, „politische Philosophie des Todes“ nennen werde

    The Man-Shell

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    The author tends to analyze the main characteristics of the media today and the consequences of relevant media activity to the society and the man. A special place in the article is reserved for the consideration of the phenomenon referred to as the man-shell, that is, the way of online life that is becoming more frequent in modern time, and as such, more and more recognized. A part of the article is dedicated to the imperative of "continuous present" the modern media forces upon us, that is, the consequences of imperative Now to man's identity and authenticity, as well as his willingness to get socially and politically engaged. The final part of the article considers renewed awareness, the process that could be one of the means of escape from the world of illusions the modern media successfully create and a path of return to the natural, primary reality

    [Analiza preloma skeletiranih proteza sa livenim kukicama]

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    Fractures of cast clasps are practically irreparable and impaire both therapeutic and prophylactic value of partial dentures. On purpose to explain causes of this rather frequently occuring damage, examination of fracture surface with optical and electronic microscopes and assessment of stress in the retainers were carried out. Microscopic examinationes comprised fracture surfaces of 30 cast clasps divided into 2 groups: Group I (control group): cast clasps formed and cast \u27under controlled laboratory conditions; Group II (test group): fractured cast clasps. It was found that surfaces of cast clasp fractures had a complex structure containing developed dendrites and separated carbide phases. In contrast to the control group, fracture surface from the test group showed signs of alloy fatigue, increased porosity and presence of new phases. On base of the analysis of partial denture movement it was assessed that stress in cast clasps approached both proportionality and fatigue level. In the conclusion it is pointed to two main factors causing cast clasp fractures: plastic deformation and material porosity.Praktično nemogući za reparaturu, prelomi livenih kukica skeletiranih proteza umanjuju terapijsku i profilaktičnu vrednost proteze. Sa ciljem da se objasne uzroci, ovoj relativno čestoj pojavi, obavljena su optička i elektronsko mikroskopska ispitivanja prelomnih površina i procenjeni su pritisci u retencionim elementima. Mikroskopska ispitivanja su obavljena na ukupno 30 prelomnih površina livenih kukica, svrstanih u dve grupe: 1. grupa (kontrolna) — livene kukice modelovane i livene pod kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima. 2. grupa (ispitivana) — prelomljene livene kukice. Prelomne površine livenih kukica imaju složenu mikrostrukturu sa razvijenim dendritnim granama i izdvojenom karbidnom fazom. Za razliku od kontrolne grupe, ispitivana grupa prelomnih površina pokazuje znakove zamora materijala, prisustvo novih faza i povećanu poroznost materijala. Nakon analize kinematike skeletirane proteze procenjeno je da je pritisak u livenim kukicama u blizini tačke proporcionalnosti i blizu granice zamaranja. U zaključku su izdvojena dva najvažnija uzroka preloma livenih kukica: plastična deformacija i poroznost materijala

    The fourth industrial revolution's impact on dentistry

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    Uvod I najveći vizionari nisu mogli da pretpostave kojom brzinom će stomatološka struka i nauka prihvatiti koncept četvrte industrijske revolucije. Po obimu i složenosti ova transformacija je veća od svih do sada poznatih i u literaturi je opisana kao Dentistry 4.0. Digitalna revolucija je stomatologiji omogućila da gotovo sve kliničke i laboratorijske procedure mogu biti podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Cilj ovog rada je razumevanje uloge četvrte industrijske revolucije u stomatologiji. Metode Pretraživanje baze Medline izvršeno je putem baza podataka PubMed i Google Scholar za termine "četvrta industrijska revolucija", "digitalna stomatologija", "stomatologija 4.0", "CAD-CAM". Takođe su korišćene opcije "srodnih članaka" uz dodatno ručno pretraživanje preglednih članaka i relevantnih tekstova. Rezultati U radu su opisane najčešće dijagnostičke i terapijske procedure koje su podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Zaključak Sofisticirane tehnologije četvrte industrijske revolucije dovele su do brže i preciznije dijagnoze oralnih oboljenja. Kliničke procedure postaju jednostavnije, preciznije i predvidljivije za lekara, a komfornije za pacijenta. Dugoročno, tu su i ekonomske uštede i očuvanje životne sredine.Introduction Even the greatest visionaries could not have guessed at what speed the profession and science of dentistry would accept the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In terms of its scale and complexity, this transformation has been greater than any known before and it has been described in the literature as Dentistry 4.0. The digital revolution in dentistry has allowed for nearly all clinical and laboratory procedures to be supported by digital technologies. The aim of this paper is to understand the role of Industry 4.0 in the profession of dentistry and identify its research status today and in the future. Methods An electronic search of Medline literature was performed via PubMed and Google Scholar databases with the terms "fourth industrial revolution," "digital dentistry," "dentistry 4.0," "CAD-CAM." The option "related articles" was also utilized as well as an additional manual search of review articles and the most relevant papers. Results The paper describes the most frequently used diagnostic and therapeutic procedures supported by digital technologies. Conclusion The sophisticated technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have led to more rapid and precise diagnoses of oral diseases. Clinical procedures have become easier, more precise and predictable to the dentist, and more comfortable to the patient. The long-term benefits also include financial savings and environmental protection

    Morphological correlates of prey consumed by Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) and P. siculus (Rafinesque, 1810) (Sauria, Lacertidae) from two mainland regions in the eastern Adriatic area

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    The correlation between trophic utilization and morphology was studied for two lizard species (Podarcis melisellensis and P. siculus) from two mainland localities in the eastern Adriatic area; this is the first report of trophic and morphometric data for P. melisellensis from mainland populations. Variance partitioning showed that most of the variation in morphological traits for the analyzed lizards was the result of differences between species, and to a lesser extent between sexes. Locality did not have a strong effect on the variation of morphological traits. Prey weight is the only characteristic of prey that generally exhibits correlations with morphological characteristics rather than prey size. The pattern of correlations is generally weaker for P. melisellensis than for P. siculus. Optimal foraging theory predictions were generally confirmed: P. siculus is more constrained by trophic resource availability, with a premium on larger and heavier prey consumed in the less productive locality (SM), which can be relaxed in more productive regions (KL). P. melisellensis shows such constraints only for males in the less productive region (SM). Females of both species consume heavier prey. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43001 i br. 173011

    The Interplay of Words and Images in Expressing Multimodal Metaphors in Comics

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    AbstractThis paper aims at providing a provisional classification of different types of multimodal metaphors belonging to the verbo-pictorial variety found in comics, based on the relation between written and visual language, as two modes of human communication commonly combined in everyday life. Starting from the theoretical background on multimodal metaphors and comics studies, and using a corpus comprising comics and graphic novels published by both mainstream and independent American houses, the authors propose the following three types of relations which occur in multimodal metaphors in this medium: (1) image-dominant metaphors, (2) text-dominant metaphors, and (3) complementary metaphors

    The fourth industrial revolution's impact on dentistry

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    Uvod I najveći vizionari nisu mogli da pretpostave kojom brzinom će stomatološka struka i nauka prihvatiti koncept četvrte industrijske revolucije. Po obimu i složenosti ova transformacija je veća od svih do sada poznatih i u literaturi je opisana kao Dentistry 4.0. Digitalna revolucija je stomatologiji omogućila da gotovo sve kliničke i laboratorijske procedure mogu biti podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Cilj ovog rada je razumevanje uloge četvrte industrijske revolucije u stomatologiji. Metode Pretraživanje baze Medline izvršeno je putem baza podataka PubMed i Google Scholar za termine "četvrta industrijska revolucija", "digitalna stomatologija", "stomatologija 4.0", "CAD-CAM". Takođe su korišćene opcije "srodnih članaka" uz dodatno ručno pretraživanje preglednih članaka i relevantnih tekstova. Rezultati U radu su opisane najčešće dijagnostičke i terapijske procedure koje su podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Zaključak Sofisticirane tehnologije četvrte industrijske revolucije dovele su do brže i preciznije dijagnoze oralnih oboljenja. Kliničke procedure postaju jednostavnije, preciznije i predvidljivije za lekara, a komfornije za pacijenta. Dugoročno, tu su i ekonomske uštede i očuvanje životne sredine.Introduction Even the greatest visionaries could not have guessed at what speed the profession and science of dentistry would accept the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In terms of its scale and complexity, this transformation has been greater than any known before and it has been described in the literature as Dentistry 4.0. The digital revolution in dentistry has allowed for nearly all clinical and laboratory procedures to be supported by digital technologies. The aim of this paper is to understand the role of Industry 4.0 in the profession of dentistry and identify its research status today and in the future. Methods An electronic search of Medline literature was performed via PubMed and Google Scholar databases with the terms "fourth industrial revolution," "digital dentistry," "dentistry 4.0," "CAD-CAM." The option "related articles" was also utilized as well as an additional manual search of review articles and the most relevant papers. Results The paper describes the most frequently used diagnostic and therapeutic procedures supported by digital technologies. Conclusion The sophisticated technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have led to more rapid and precise diagnoses of oral diseases. Clinical procedures have become easier, more precise and predictable to the dentist, and more comfortable to the patient. The long-term benefits also include financial savings and environmental protection