17 research outputs found

    Femtosecond frequency comb measurement of absolute frequencies and hyperfine coupling constants in cesium vapor

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    We report measurements of absolute transition frequencies and hyperfine coupling constants for the 8S_{1/2}, 9S_{1/2}, 7D_{3/2}, and 7D_{5/2} states in ^{133}Cs vapor. The stepwise excitation through either the 6P_{1/2} or 6P_{3/2} intermediate state is performed directly with broadband laser light from a stabilized femtosecond laser optical-frequency comb. The laser beam is split, counter-propagated and focused into a room-temperature Cs vapor cell. The repetition rate of the frequency comb is scanned and we detect the fluorescence on the 7P_{1/2,3/2} -> 6S_{1/2} branches of the decay of the excited states. The excitations to the different states are isolated by the introduction of narrow-bandwidth interference filters in the laser beam paths. Using a nonlinear least-squares method we find measurements of transition frequencies and hyperfine coupling constants that are in agreement with other recent measurements for the 8S state and provide improvement by two orders of magnitude over previously published results for the 9S and 7D states.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Coherent optical phase transfer over a 32-km fiber with 1-s instability at 10−1710^{-17}

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    The phase coherence of an ultrastable optical frequency reference is fully maintained over actively stabilized fiber networks of lengths exceeding 30 km. For a 7-km link installed in an urban environment, the transfer instability is 6×10−186 \times 10^{-18} at 1-s. The excess phase noise of 0.15 rad, integrated from 8 mHz to 25 MHz, yields a total timing jitter of 0.085 fs. A 32-km link achieves similar performance. Using frequency combs at each end of the coherent-transfer fiber link, a heterodyne beat between two independent ultrastable lasers, separated by 3.5 km and 163 THz, achieves a 1-Hz linewidth.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Review: Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics

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    Measurement of the 4S(1/2) -\u3e 6S(1/2) transition frequency in atomic potassium via direct frequency-comb spectroscopy

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    We present an experimental determination of the 4S(1/2)-\u3e 6S(1/2) transition frequency in atomic potassium K-39, using direct frequency-comb spectroscopy. The output of a stabilized optical frequency comb was used to excite a thermal atomic vapor. The repetition rate of the frequency comb was scanned and the transitions were excited using stepwise two-photon excitation. The center-of-gravity frequency for the transition was found to be v(cog) = 822 951 698.09(13) MHz and the measured hyperfine A coefficient of the 6S(1/2) state was 21.93(11) MHz. The measurements are in agreement with previous values and represent an improvement by a factor of 700 in the uncertainty of the center-of-gravity measurement

    Parity violation in atomic ytterbium: Experimental sensitivity and systematics

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    We present a detailed description of the observation of parity violation in the 1S0-3D1 408-nm forbidden transition of ytterbium, a brief report of which appeared earlier. Linearly polarized 408-nm light interacts with Yb atoms in crossed E and B fields. The probability of the 408-nm transition contains a parity-violating term, proportional to (E⋅B)[(E×E)⋅B], arising from interference between the parity-violating amplitude and the Stark amplitude due to the E field (E is the electric field of the light). The transition probability is detected by measuring the population of the 3P0 state, to which 65% of the atoms excited to the 3D1 state spontaneously decay. The population of the 3P0 state is determined by resonantly exciting the atoms with 649-nm light to the 6s7s 3S1 state and collecting the fluorescence resulting from its decay. Systematic corrections due to E-field and B-field imperfections are determined in auxiliary experiments. The statistical uncertainty is dominated by parasitic frequency excursions of the 408-nm excitation light due to the imperfect stabilization of the optical reference with respect to the atomic resonance. The present uncertainties are 9% statistical and 8% systematic. Methods of improving the accuracy for future experiments are discussed

    Optical-to-Microwave Frequency Comparison with a Fractional Uncertainty of 10-15

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    We report the technical aspects of the optical-to-microwave comparison for our recent measurements of the optical frequency of the mercury single-ion frequency standard in terms of the SI second as realized by the NIST-F1 cesium fountain clock. Over the course of six years, these measurements have resulted in a determination of the mercury single-ion frequency with a fractional uncertainty of less than 7×10-16, making it the most accurately measured optical frequency to date. In this paper, we focus on the details of the comparison techniques used in the experiment and discuss the uncertainties associated with the optical-to-microwave synthesis based on a femtosecond laser frequency comb. We also present our most recent results in the context of the previous measurements of the mercury single-ion frequency and arrive at a final determination of the mercury single-ion optical frequency: f(Hg+)=1 064 721 609 899 145.30(69) Hz

    Frequency evaluation of the doubly forbidden 1S0→3P0 transition in bosonic 174Yb

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    We report an uncertainty evaluation of an optical lattice clock based on the S01↔P03 transition in the bosonic isotope Yb174 by use of magnetically induced spectroscopy. The absolute frequency of the S01↔P03 transition has been determined through comparisons with optical and microwave standards at NIST. The weighted mean of the evaluations is ν(Yb174)=518294025309217.8(0.9)Hz. The uncertainty due to systematic effects has been reduced to less than 0.8Hz, which represents 1.5×10−15 in fractional frequency

    Recent atomic clock comparisons at NIST

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    The record of atomic clock frequency comparisons at NIST over the past half-decade provides one of the tightest constraints of any present-day temporal variations of the fundamental constants. Notably, the 6-year record of increasingly precise measurements of the absolute frequency of the Hg+ single-ion optical clock (using the cesium primary frequency standard NIST-F1) constrains the temporal variation of the fine structure constant α to less than 2 · 10−6yr−1 and offers a Local Position Invariance test in the framework of General Relativity. The most recent measurement of the frequency ratio of the Al+ and Hg+ optical clocks is reported with a fractional frequency uncertainty of ±5.2 · 10−17. The record of such measurements over the last year sensitively tests for a temporal variation of α and constrains α˙/α=(−1.6±2.3) . 10−17yr−1, consistent with zero

    Frequency ratio of Al+ and Hg+ single-ion optical clocks; metrology at the 17th decimal place

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    Time has always had a special status in physics because of its fundamental role in specifying the regularities of nature and because of the extraordinary precision with which it can be measured. This precision enables tests of fundamental physics and cosmology, as well as practical applications such as satellite navigation. Recently, a regime of operation for atomic clocks based on optical transitions has become possible, promising even higher performance. We report the frequency ratio of two optical atomic clocks with a fractional uncertainty of 5.2 × 10–17. The ratio of aluminum and mercury single-ion optical clock frequencies νAl+/νHg+ is 1.052871833148990438(55), where the uncertainty comprises a statistical measurement uncertainty of 4.3 × 10–17, and systematic uncertainties of 1.9 × 10–17 and 2.3 × 10–17 in the mercury and aluminum frequency standards, respectively. Repeated measurements during the past year yield a preliminary constraint on the temporal variation of the fine-structure constant α of a/a=(-1.6+2.3)x10=17/year