22 research outputs found

    A sharp growth condition for a fast escaping spider's web

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    We show that the fast escaping set A(f)A(f) of a transcendental entire function ff has a structure known as a spider's web whenever the maximum modulus of ff grows below a certain rate. We give examples of entire functions for which the fast escaping set is not a spider's web which show that this growth rate is best possible. By our earlier results, these are the first examples for which the escaping set has a spider's web structure but the fast escaping set does not. These results give new insight into a conjecture of Baker and a conjecture of Eremenko

    Entire functions with Julia sets of positive measure

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    Let f be a transcendental entire function for which the set of critical and asymptotic values is bounded. The Denjoy-Carleman-Ahlfors theorem implies that if the set of all z for which |f(z)|>R has N components for some R>0, then the order of f is at least N/2. More precisely, we have log log M(r,f) > (N/2) log r - O(1), where M(r,f) denotes the maximum modulus of f. We show that if f does not grow much faster than this, then the escaping set and the Julia set of f have positive Lebesgue measure. However, as soon as the order of f exceeds N/2, this need not be true. The proof requires a sharpened form of an estimate of Tsuji related to the Denjoy-Carleman-Ahlfors theorem.Comment: 17 page

    Dimensions of Julia sets of meromorphic functions

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    We show that for any meromorphic function ff the Julia set J(f)J(f) has constant local upper and lower box dimensions, d(J(f))\overline{d}(J(f)) and d(J(f))\underline{d}(J(f)), respectively, near all points of J(f)J(f) with at most two exceptions. Further, the packing dimension of the Julia set is equal to d(J(f))\overline{d}(J(f)). Using this result we show that, for any transcendental entire function ff in the class BB (that is, the class of functions such that the singularities of the inverse function are bounded), both the local upper box dimension and packing dimension of J(f)J(f) are equal to 2. Our approach is to show that the subset of the Julia set containing those points that escape to infinity as quickly as possible has local upper box dimension equal to 2

    Escaping points of entire functions of small growth

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    Let f be a transcendental entire function and let I(f) denote the set of points that escape to infinity under iteration. We give conditions which ensure that, for certain functions, I(f) is connected. In particular, we show that I(f) is connected if f has order zero and sufficiently small growth or has order less than 1/2 and regular growth. This shows that, for these functions, Eremenko’s conjecture that I(f) has no bounded components is true. We also give a new criterion related to I(f) which is sufficient to ensure that f has no unbounded Fatou components