6 research outputs found

    Simultaneous excitation of N single colloidal quantum dots

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    We report on the implementation of a new microscopy device that allows us to selectively excite up to 20 quantum dots simultaneously and collect their fluorescence. We use it to excite and observe single CdSe/ZnS quantum dots, which are known to be single photon emitters at room temperature. Complex excitation timings can be realised. The microscope works in confocal mode with a resolution of 2 micrometers and a field of view of 20 micrometers. We discuss applications of our device in quantum optics (imaging with incoherent single photons) and quantum cryptography (wavelength multiplexed quantum cryptography and “multi-colour” quantum cryptography).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Ingestion of Polyvinylchloride Powder Particles Induces Oxidative Stress and Hepatic Histopathological Changes in <i>Oreochromis niloticus</i> (Nile Tilapia)—A Preliminary Study

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    Plastic debris is considered an emerging aquatic pollutant as an alarming number of reports are indicating the environmental contamination with such agents. Ichthyofauna has been subjected to increasing plastic pollution over the past years, which has led to detrimental effects in the food chain, and consequently to the general health of ecosystems. In this study, we exposed juvenile specimens of Oreochromis niloticus to polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in powder form. Specimens and water parameters were closely monitored for 40 days before tissue samples were collected for histological and biochemical analysis. Structural hepatic alterations were observed in specimens from the exposed groups, such as intercellular corridors, dilation of sinusoidal capillaries, hyperchromatic nuclei, nuclear hypertrophy, and cytoplasm vacuolization. Low catalase activity was observed in the case of 1000 mg of PVC/kg feed group, as well as high levels of malondialdehyde compared to the control group, indicating oxidative stress. Glutathione peroxidase activity was also significantly decreased in the 500 and 1000 mg/kg feed group compared to the control group. These findings suggest that a midterm exposure to PVC particles can significantly affect the activity of antioxidative enzymes in O. niloticus specimens and induce changes of hepatic tissue structure


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    Aim of the study Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a severe drug adverse effect, often being diagnosed in an advanced stage. The aim of this epidemiological study was to determine the frequency of MRONJ in cancer patients from Oltenia region, during 2012-2017. Material and methods Data retrieved from the clinical charts and used in this study were age, gender, residency, neoplasm type, location, and stage of MRONJ. Microsoft Excel and SPSS for Windows were used for analysis. Results The study included 57 patients, 31 females and 26 males, mean age 63.8±9.8. MRONJ was found in older patients, females mostly under 65 years old, males mostly over 65 years old (p = 0.023). Age distribution was correlated with the neoplasm type, while median ages between the breast neoplasm (58.5 years old) and prostate neoplasm (70 years old) groups were significantly different (p = 0.002). All patients with MRONJ have been previously treated with intravenous zoledronic acid for bone metastasis. Mandibular MRONJ was 2.35 times more frequent than maxillary MRONJ (p = 0.002) and stage II of MRONJ was commonly encountered. Conclusions MRONJ has been found mostly in patients with breast or prostate adenoma cancers with bone metastases who have been treated with intravenous. zoledronic acid and was present especially in the lower jaw, in advanced stages

    Correlations between Immune Response and Etiopathogenic Factors of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Cancer Patients Treated with Zoledronic Acid

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    Impairment of the immune response in MRONJ (medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws) is one of the still unclear etiopathogenic mechanisms of this condition encountered in cancer patients treated with bisphosphonates, with negative effects on the patient’s quality of life. The aim of the present study was to correlate the immune response with etiopathogenic factors via immunohistochemical evaluation of the maxillary tissues in zoledronic acid osteonecrosis. The retrospective study included a group of 51 patients with various types of cancers, diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 MRONJ at zoledronic acid and treated surgically. Immunohistochemical expressions of αSMA, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD79α, CD68, CD204, and tryptase were evaluated. Immunohistochemical markers expressions were statistically analyzed according to the duration of the treatment, the trigger factor, the location of the MRONJ, and the healing status. Analysis of the immune response included T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and mast cells. The duration of treatment significantly influenced the immunohistochemical expression of most markers (p < 0.05). For an increasing trend in treatment duration, a decreasing trend in marker score was observed, suggesting an inverse correlation. The expression of the markers was different depending on the trigger factor, on MRONJ localization (maxilla/mandible), and the healing status, being more intense in patients cured per primam compared to those who had relapses. The patient’s immune response was negatively influenced by the duration of the treatment, the trigger factor, the location of the lesion in the mandible, and the recurrence of MRONJ

    Model Systems for Evidencing the Mediator Role of Riboflavin in the UVA Cross-Linking Treatment of Keratoconus

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    Riboflavin under UVA radiation generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can induce various changes in biological systems. Under controlled conditions, these processes can be used in some treatments for ocular or dermal diseases. For instance, corneal cross-linking (CXL) treatment of keratoconus involves UVA irradiation combined with riboflavin aiming to induce the formation of new collagen fibrils in cornea. To reduce the damaging effect of ROS formed in the presence of riboflavin and UVA, the CXL treatment is performed with the addition of polysaccharides (dextran). Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that can be found in the aqueous layer of the tear film. In many cases, keratoconus patients also present dry eye syndrome that can be reduced by the application of topical solutions containing hyaluronic acid. This study presents physico-chemical evidence on the effect of riboflavin on collagen fibril formation revealed by the following methods: differential scanning microcalorimetry, rheology, and STEM images. The collagen used was extracted from calf skin that contains type I collagen similar to that found in the eye. Spin trapping experiments on collagen/hyaluronic acid/riboflavin solutions evidenced the formation of ROS species by electron paramagnetic resonance measurements

    Interaction between Albumin and Pluronic F127 Block Copolymer Revealed by Global and Local Physicochemical Profiling

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    The interaction of human serum albumin (HSA) with amphiphilic block copolymer Pluronic F127 has been investigated by several physical methods. Interest in studying this system stems from a broad range of bioactivities involving both macromolecules. Serum albumins constitute a significant class of proteins in the circulatory system, acting as carriers for a wide spectrum of compounds or assemblies. Pluronic block copolymers have revealed their capacity to ferry a variety of biologically active compounds. Circular dichroism, rheological measurements, and differential scanning microcalorimetry (μDSC) were employed to get insight into the interaction betweeen the two macromolecules. The results reveal that Pluronic F127 induces conformational changes to albumin if it is organized in a micellar form, while albumin influences the self-assembly of Pluronic F127 into micelles or gels. F127 micelles, however, induce smaller conformational changes compared to ionic surfactants. The μDSC thermograms obtained for HSA and/or F127 show that HSA shifts the critical micellar temperature (cmt) to lower values, while concurrently the HSA denaturation behavior is influenced by F127, depending on its concentration. Rheological measurements on solutions of F127 17% have shown that a sol-to-gel transition occurs at higher temperatures in the presence of HSA and the resulting gel is weaker. The global profile on HSA/F127 systems was complemented by local information provided by EPR measurements. A series of X-band EPR experiments was performed with spin probes 4-(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>′-dimethyl-<i>N</i>-hexadecyl)­ammonium-2,2′,6,6′-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl iodide (CAT16) and 5-doxyl stearic acid (5-DSA). These spin probes bind to albumin sites and are sensitive to phase transformations in Pluronic block copolymer solutions. For a given F127 concentration, the spin probe binds only to HSA below cmt and migrates to the F127 micelles above cmt. The collective data suggest soft interactions between the macromolecules, with the emerging results projecting potential applications linked to reaching optimal conditions for certain drug formulations