44 research outputs found

    Development of the Teaching about Material Responsibilities in Labor Law

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    One of the problems of modern civil and labor law is the ratio of the institutions of material and property responsibility, in particular, the application of the provisions of responsibility in relations involving the possibility of joint use of civil andlabor law. For example, in the event of harm to the interests of third parties by an employee in the performance of his job duties. For the correct and reasonable application of the norms of liability, it is necessary to determine the role and place of property and labor liability in the system of legal liability as a whole. The article examines the development of the doctrine of material and property responsibility in labor law. Fulfillment of the obligations of the employee and the employer in accordancewith labor law. A necessary element is damage to property or health of the employer, employee, respectively

    The Employee Dismissal Procedure: Some Issues of Theory and Practice

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    The actuality of the research topic is conditioned by the theoretical and practical importance of the subjects related to the institution's understanding of the termination of the individual employment contract and, in particular, the termination of the individual employment contract at the initiative of the employer (dismissal) and the determination of its place and role within labor law, and not only. The institution of labor law, perhaps more than any of the legal institutions, is constantly undergoing a deep transformation, in the context of the new legislative changes in labor law. Obviously, the sub-institution of termination of the individual employment contract at the initiative of the employer is subject to the same development process. Due to this fact, we have devoted ourselves completely to the understandable approach of this institution, trying to elucidate the consequences that appear in the socio-legal level, as a result of the termination of employment relations

    Conditions of Expropriation and its Implications on Property Rights

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    Expropriation for reasons of public utility is a frequently debated topic in the literature, but it is found that contemporary doctrine has not addressed such a current and present field before the courts, but only occasionally, which motivates us. To study its problems, in a systematic way, which aims not to omit the essential issues that could lead to an overall understanding of the phenomenon of expropriation. The importance and timeliness of the expropriation investigation for reasons of public utility lies in the fact that the institution guarantees the right of property, containing regulations regarding the expropriation, that constitute real guarantees of the right of private property. According to the fundamental law, the most severe limitations that can be brought to the property right are those regarding the forced cessions of this right, which can be achieved by expropriation for a cause of public utility, established according to the law, with right and prior compensation

    Necesidades formativas en inclusión de los profesores y encargados de educar de la institución educativa José Joaquín Casas, sede General Santander

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    53 páginasEn la actualidad es necesario conceptualizar la educación como un medio indispensable para el progreso de la humanidad hacia los ideales de paz, libertad y justicia social, con lo cual se constituye la educación como una variable expuesta a cambios permanentes de la sociedad que se caracterizan por adoptar una nueva perspectiva de la vida que vaya acorde a las situaciones que se presentan. La sociedad actual se encuentra en constante movimiento y trasformación, esto permite que la educación pueda evolucionar obedeciendo a los cambios propios de la misma. Es pues la sociedad una variable que permite el desarrollo integral del ser humano, esto conlleva a plantear el ejercicio de la educación como un derecho vital para el perfeccionamiento de la persona. Establecer que la educación es un derecho vital para el perfeccionamiento del ser humano, orienta el proceso de educar mediante el uso de herramientas pedagógicas que permitan la búsqueda y exploración del conocimiento a través del auto reflexión del aprendiz. Nota: Para consultar la carta de autorización de publicación de este documento por favor copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en su navegador de internet: http://hdl.handle.net/10818/1084

    Acţiunea procedeelor fitoameliorative asupra însuşirilor solurilor cenuşii arabile din Moldova centrală

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    Dehumication, destructuration and argillic alteration of the arable layer of gray soils (grayzems) from the hilly part of Codri (Republic of Moldova) as a result of agricultural use led to its strong secondary compaction. The unfavorable status of physical, chemical and biological quality of this layer can be remediated only by increasing the flow of organic matter in this soil. By incorporating two harvests of vetch green mass in the arable layer of gray soils (on the plot „full fallow”, sown 2 times in an agricultural year with this crop), about 12 t/ha of absolutely dry mass of this crop were applied in the soil, which created the premise for synthesizing of 3-4 t/ha of humified labile organic matter. In the 2016, yield increases in winter wheat as a result of implementing this procedure reached 2.6 t/ha with a gluten content of 25%

    The History of a Catapult

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