903 research outputs found

    Archaeology of Commons: a Multidisciplinary Approach to the Reconstruction of Multiple Uses and Conflicts on European Uplands

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    The paper presents a multidisciplinary research project (\u201cArchaeology of Commons: cultural Heritage and Material Evidence of a Disappearing Europe\u201d) on the archaeology of common-lands. The main goal of the project is to investigate, by means of historical and archaeological analysis, the intimate social dimension at the base of the common lands management in the context of southern European mountainous regions. Research investigates the dynamic nature of commons starting from the reconstruction of the present organisation of common lands, going back to the complex transformations of common properties in the nineteenth century and analysing the problem of the archaeological visibility of conflicts since the ancien r\ue9gime. The project will examine how archaeological methods could clarify different aspects of the history of the collective access rights to land, by applying in selected mountain areas methodological approaches based on historical ecology, rural and agrarian archaeology

    Investigating rural change. Legal access rights and changing lifestyles in rural mountain communities (Ligurian Apennines, Italy, 16th-21st centuries)

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    The paper focuses on the strong relationship between changes in legal access rights to land, environmental resource management, as well as organization and lifestyles of past rural societies. The problem will be addressed through case studies derived from research projects in Southern Europe that rely on archaeological and historical research methods. The focus will be on the Ligurian Apennines in northwest Italy. I will demonstrate how changes in environmental resource management are recorded both inside and outside settlements, through archaeological and architectural study and through the landscape and environmental archaeology; I also examine how parallel changes in rural lifestyle can be tackled with these approaches. Particular attention will be paid to the period between the 18th and 20th centuries, when important transformations occurred related to access rights to common lands. The consequences of those changes played a leading role in the construction of rural landscapes that today are preserved as natural and cultural heritage

    Archeologia delle aree montane europee: metodi, problemi e casi di studio

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    Negli ultimi anni, a livello europeo, si \ue8 assistito a un rinnovato interesse per le \u201cquestioni ambientali\u201d che ha investito tutte le scienze sociali. In questo contesto, la montagna e, pi\uf9 in generale, le aree interne sono al centro dell\u2019attenzione di specialisti di varie discipline. Tale interesse sta producendo, anche in archeologia, una corposa bibliografia dalla quale emergono, da un lato, la variet\ue0 degli approcci e delle metodologie messe in campo dai diversi gruppi di ricerca e, dall\u2019altro, le notevoli potenzialit\ue0 informative di queste aree, che hanno meno risentito delle conseguenze distruttive dei processi di urbanizzazione successivi al secondo dopoguerra. Il numero monografico 13 de \u201cIl Capitale Culturale\u201d accoglie sia studi di carattere metodologico e teorico, sia resoconti articolati di ricerche in corso in Europa, senza alcuna limitazione di carattere cronologico o di approccio, sui seguenti temi: \u2022 Approcci metodologici e teorici allo studio delle aree montane e/o interne; \u2022 Survey nelle aree montane; \u2022 Archeologia delle risorse ambientali; \u2022 Visibilit\ue0/ invisibilit\ue0 dei paesaggi montani nelle diverse fonti; \u2022 I paesaggi montani e i sistemi di gestione delle risorse ambientali; \u2022 Economie della montagna ed economie nella montagna; \u2022 Caratteri delle produzioni ceramiche; \u2022 Archeologia della produzione ed eventuali peculiarit\ue0 dei cicli produttivi; \u2022 Archeologia dell'edificato rurale storico; \u2022 Archeologia pubblica, valorizzazione dei Beni Archeologici e archeologia preventiva nelle aree montane

    QOBJ modeling: A new approach in discrete event simulation

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    This paper deals with a new discrete event simulation modeling concept, calledqobj, which comes from two well-known paradigms:objects andqueuing networks. The first provides important conceptual tools for model organization, while the second one allows for nice visualization of models' internal state and processes. Thanks to the integration of these two paradigms, theqobj concept allows the suppression of several dichotomies characterizing current simulation modeling approaches. For instance,qobj allows the description of system elements which are both mobile and able to do processing, and allows the dynamic instantiation of static and mobile elements during simulation. The design of lift group models for an industrial project illustrates the main features of theqobj concep

    Can quasicrystals survive in planetary collisions?

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    We investigated the compressional behavior of i-AlCuFe quasicrystal using diamond anvil cell under quasi-hydrostatic conditions by in situ angle-dispersive X-ray powder diffraction measurements (in both compression and decompression) up to 76 GPa at ambient temperature using neon as pressure medium. These data were compared with those collected up to 104 GPa using KCl as pressure medium available in literature. In general, both sets of data indicate that individual d-spacing shows a continuous decrease with pressure with no drastic changes associated to structural phase transformations or amorphization. The d/d0, where d0 is the d-spacing at ambient pressure, showed a general isotropic compression behavior. The zero-pressure bulk modulus and its pressure derivative were calculated fitting the volume data to both the Murnaghan- and Birch-Murnaghan equation of state models. Results from this study extend our knowledge on the stability of icosahedrite at very high pressure and reinforce the evidence that natural quasicrystals formed during a shock event in asteroidal collisions and survived for eons in the history of the Solar System. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    First measurements of the Fe oxidation state of spinel inclusions inolivine single crystals from Vulture (Italy) with the in situ synchrotronmicro-Mossbauer technique

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    The redox state of the Earth's upper mantle (i.e., oxygen fugacity, f(O2)) is a key variable that influences numerous processes occurring at depth like the mobility of volatile species, partial melting, and metasomatism. It is linked to the oxidation state of peridotite rocks, which is normally determined through the available oxythermobarometers after measuring the chemical composition of equilibrated rock-forming minerals and the Fe3+ in redox-sensitive minerals like spinel or garnet. To date, accurate measurements of Fe3+ / Sigma Fe in peridotites have been limited to those peridotites (e.g., harzburgites and lherzolites) for which an oxythermobarometer exists and where spinel (or garnet) crystals can be easily separated and measured by conventional Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy. Wehrlitic rocks have been generally formed by the interaction of a lherzolite with carbonatitic melts and, therefore, have recorded the passage of (metasomatic) fluids at mantle conditions. However, no oxythermobarometer exists to determine their equilibrium f(O2).The aim of this study was to retrieve the f(O2) of the mantle beneath Mt. Vulture volcano (Italy) through the study of a wehrlitic lapillus emitted during the last eruption (similar to 140 kyr ago) that contain olivines with multiple tiny spinel inclusions with sizes < 40 mu m. To our knowledge, the Fe oxidation state of these inclusions has been never determined with the Mossbauer technique due to their small sizes.Here, we present measurements of the Fe3+ / Sigma Fe using in situ synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy coupled with chemical and spectroscopic analysis of both host olivine and spinel inclusions.The results show Fe3+ / Sigma Fe ratios of 0.03-0.05 for olivine and 0.40-0.45 for the included spinels, the latter of which appear higher than those reported in literature for mantle spinel harzburgites and lherzolites. Given the evidence of the mantle origin of the trapped spinels, we propose that the high f(O2) (between 0.81 and 1.00 log above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer; FMQ) likely results from the interaction between the pristine spinel lherzolite and a CO2-rich metasomatic agent prior to the spinel entrapment in olivines at mantle depths

    Canal switch and re-entry phenomenon in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: difference between immediate and delayed occurrence

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    Studio prospettico ideato per la valutazione delle differenze tra la conversione canalare o il rientro degli otoliti nei canali semicircolari successivo alle manovre terapeutiche nei pazienti affetti da VPPB. Sono stati valutati 196 pazienti affetti da VPPB, 127 dei quali corrispondevano ai criteri di inclusione. L’età media dei pazienti era di 54.74 anni. Il canale orizzontale è stato coinvolto in 30 casi e il canale posteriore in 97 pazienti. I pazienti con sordità neurosensoriale presentavano forme ricorrenti di VPPB, rispetto a quelli con udito normale. L’immediato rientro canalare è stato diagnosticato in 3 pazienti con VPPB del canale laterale, tutti con nistagmo geotropo. 7 pazienti con VPPB del canale posteriore hanno presentato un rientro canalare immediato e 5 la forma ritardata. I pazienti con rientro canalare ritardato avevano precedentemente subito più di 2 manovre di riposizionamento. Il rientro canalare non è risultato connesso al tipo di manovra eseguita. Il tempo di attesa tra l’esecuzione della manovra liberatoria e il test di verifica si è rivelato importante ai fini del rientro canalare immediato. La recidiva della BPPV dopo un mese dalle manovre liberatorie si è riscontrata in 20 pazienti ed è stata più frequente in quei pazienti che hanno avuto un fenomeno di rientro canalare. La conversione canalare ed il fenomeno del rientro canalare rappresentano delle entità cliniche che devono essere considerate dal medico che tratta le VPPB. Appare importante distinguere un rientro da un fallimento della manovra in caso di forme immediate, o da una recidiva di patologia in caso di forme ritardate. L’esecuzione del test di verifica del successo terapeutico dopo manovre di riposizionamento deve avere un distacco temporale sufficientemente ampio al fine di evitare il reflusso immediato di otoliti nei canali.This prospective study was designed to evaluate the differences between immediate and delayed canal re-entry of otoliths after therapeutic manoeuvres in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). A total of 196 patients with BPPV were visited and 127 matched our inclusion criteria. The mean age was 54.74 years. The horizontal semicircular canal (HSC) was involved in 30 cases and the posterior semicircular canal (PSC) in 97 patients. Patients with hearing loss in the ear affected by BPPV have a more recurrent form, compared to those with normal hearing. An immediate canal re-entry was recorded in 3 patients with HSC BPPV, all with geotropic nystagmus. In 7 patients with PSC BPPV, the immediate canal re-entry was detected and the delayed form was noted in 5 patients. The patients with the delayed canal re-entry underwent more than 2 previous manoeuvres. The canal re-entry was not related to the manoeuvre performed. The timing of the Dix-Hallpike test to verify the resolution of the BPPV had a significant role in immediate canal re-entry. A recurrence in the follow-up at least one month after treatment was recorded in 20 patients and was more frequent in patients that had canal re-entry. The canal re-entry or canal switch is a clinical entity that should be kept in mind of the neurotologist when approaching BPPV patients. It is important to distinguish it from recurrence when delayed and from manoeuvre failure when immediate. The timing of manoeuvre performing, in particular the final verification test after therapeutic sessions, is important to prevent the immediate reflux of particles into canals

    First measurements of the Fe oxidation state of spinel inclusions in olivine single crystals from Vulture (Italy) with the in situ synchrotron micro-Mössbauer technique

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    The redox state of the Earth's upper mantle (i.e., oxygen fugacity, fO2) is a key variable that influences numerous processes occurring at depth like the mobility of volatile species, partial melting, and metasomatism. It is linked to the oxidation state of peridotite rocks, which is normally determined through the available oxythermobarometers after measuring the chemical composition of equilibrated rock-forming minerals and the Fe3+ in redox-sensitive minerals like spinel or garnet. To date, accurate measurements of Fe3+ / ∑Fe in peridotites have been limited to those peridotites (e.g., harzburgites and lherzolites) for which an oxythermobarometer exists and where spinel (or garnet) crystals can be easily separated and measured by conventional 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. Wehrlitic rocks have been generally formed by the interaction of a lherzolite with carbonatitic melts and, therefore, have recorded the passage of (metasomatic) fluids at mantle conditions. However, no oxythermobarometer exists to determine their equilibrium fO2. The aim of this study was to retrieve the fO2 of the mantle beneath Mt. Vulture volcano (Italy) through the study of a wehrlitic lapillus emitted during the last eruption (∼ 140 kyr ago) that contain olivines with multiple tiny spinel inclusions with sizes &lt; 40 µm. To our knowledge, the Fe oxidation state of these inclusions has been never determined with the Mössbauer technique due to their small sizes. Here, we present measurements of the Fe3+ / ∑Fe using in situ synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy coupled with chemical and spectroscopic analysis of both host olivine and spinel inclusions. The results show Fe3+ / ∑Fe ratios of 0.03–0.05 for olivine and 0.40–0.45 for the included spinels, the latter of which appear higher than those reported in literature for mantle spinel harzburgites and lherzolites. Given the evidence of the mantle origin of the trapped spinels, we propose that the high fO2 (between 0.81 and 1.00 log above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer; FMQ) likely results from the interaction between the pristine spinel lherzolite and a CO2-rich metasomatic agent prior to the spinel entrapment in olivines at mantle depths.</p

    BCR-ABL1 doubling-times and halving-times may predict CML response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), successful treatment requires accurate molecular monitoring to evaluate disease response and provide timely interventions for patients failing to achieve the desired outcomes. We wanted to determine whether measuring BCR-ABL1 mRNA doubling-times (DTs) could distinguish inconsequential rises in the oncogene’s expression from resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Thus, we retrospectively examined BCR-ABL1 evolution in 305 chronic-phase CML patients receiving imatinib mesylate (IM) as a first line treatment. Patients were subdivided in two groups: those with a confirmed rise in BCR-ABL1 transcripts without MR3.0 loss and those failing IM. We found that the DTs of the former patients were significantly longer than those of patients developing IM resistance (57.80 vs. 41.45 days, p = 0.0114). Interestingly, the DT values of individuals failing second-generation (2G) TKIs after developing IM resistance were considerably shorter than those observed at the time of IM failure (27.20 vs. 41.45 days; p = 0.0035). We next wanted to establish if decreases in BCR-ABL1 transcripts would identify subjects likely to obtain deep molecular responses. We therefore analyzed the BCR-ABL1 halving-times (HTs) of a different cohort comprising 174 individuals receiving IM in first line and observed that, regardless of the time point selected for our analyses (6, 12, or 18 months), HTs were significantly shorter in subjects achieving superior molecular responses (p = 0.002 at 6 months; p &lt; 0.001 at 12 months; p = 0.0099 at 18 months). Moreover, 50 patients receiving 2G TKIs as first line therapy and obtaining an MR3.0 (after 6 months; p = 0.003) or an MR4.0 (after 12 months; p = 0.019) displayed significantly shorter HTs than individuals lacking these molecular responses. Our findings suggest that BCR-ABL1 DTs and HTs are reliable tools to, respectively, identify subjects in MR3.0 that are failing their assigned TKI or to recognize patients likely to achieve deep molecular responses that should be considered for treatment discontinuation
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