64 research outputs found

    An A91V SNP in the perforin gene is frequently found in NK/T-cell lymphomas

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    NK/T-cell lymphoma (NKTCL) is the most frequent EBV-related NK/T-cell disease. Its clinical manifestations overlap with those of familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHLH). Since PERFORIN (PRF1) mutations are present in FHLH, we analysed its role in a series of 12 nasal and 12 extranasal-NKTCLs. 12.5% of the tumours and 25% of the nasal-origin cases had the well-known g.272C>T(p.Ala91Val) pathogenic SNP, which confers a poor prognosis. Two of these cases had a double-CD4/CD8-positive immunophenotype, although no correlation was found with perforin protein expression. p53 was overexpressed in 20% of the tumoral samples, 80% of which were of extranasal origin, while none showed PRF1 SNVs. These results suggest that nasal and extranasal NKTCLs have different biological backgrounds, although this requires validation

    Subtle differences in CTL cytotoxicity determine susceptibility to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in mice and humans with Chediak-Higashi syndrome

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    Perforin-mediated cytotoxicity is important for controlling viral infections, but also for limiting immune reactions. Failure of this cytotoxic pathway leads to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a life-threatening disorder of uncontrolled T-cell and macrophage activation. We studied susceptibility to HLH in 2 mouse strains (souris and beige J) and a cohort of patients with partial defects in perforin secretion resulting from different mutations in the LYST gene. Although both strains lacked NK-cell cytotoxicity, only souris mice developed all clinical and histopathologic signs of HLH after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The 2 strains showed subtle differences in CTL cytotoxicity in vitro that had a large impact on virus control in vivo. Whereas beige J CTLs eliminated lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection, souris CTLs failed to control the virus, which was associated with the development of HLH. In LYST-mutant patients with Chediak-Higashi syndrome, CTL cytotoxicity was reduced in patients with early-onset HLH, whereas it was retained in patients who later or never developed HLH. Thus, the risk of HLH development is set by a threshold that is determined by subtle differences in CTL cytotoxicity. Differences in the cytotoxic capacity of CTLs may be predictive for the risk of Chediak-Higashi syndrome patients to develop HLH

    Biochemical studies in fibroblasts to interpret variants of unknown significance in the abcd1 gene

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    Due to newborn screening for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), and the use of exome sequencing in clinical practice, the detection of variants of unknown significance (VUS) in the ABCD1 gene is increasing. In these cases, functional tests in fibroblasts may help to classify a variant as (likely) benign or pathogenic. We sought to establish reference ranges for these tests in ALD patients and control subjects with the aim of helping to determine the pathogenicity of VUS in ABCD1. Fibroblasts from 36 male patients with confirmed ALD, 26 healthy control subjects and 17 individuals without a family history of ALD, all with an uncertain clinical diagnosis and a VUS identified in ABCD1, were included. We performed a combination of tests: (i) a test for very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) levels, (ii) a D3-C22:0 loading test to study the VLCFA metabolism and (iii) immunoblotting for ALD protein. All ALD patient fibroblasts had elevated VLCFA levels and a reduced peroxisomal ß-oxidation capacity (as measured by the D3-C16:0/D3-C22:0 ratio in the D3-C22:0 loading test) compared to the control subjects. Of the VUS cases, the VLCFA metabolism was not significantly impaired (most test results were within the reference range) in 6/17, the VLCFA metabolism was significantly impaired (most test results were within/near the ALD range) in 9/17 and a definite conclusion could not be drawn in 2/17 of the cases. Biochemical studies in fibroblasts provided clearly defined reference and disease ranges for the VLCFA metabolism. In 15/17 (88%) VUS we were able to classify the variant as being likely benign or pathogenic. This is of great clinical importance as new variants will be detected

    IgG4 Characteristics and Functions in Cancer Immunity

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    IgG4 is the least abundant subclass of IgG in normal human serum, but elevated IgG4 levels are triggered in response to a chronic antigenic stimulus and inflammation. Since the immune system is exposed to tumor-associated antigens over a relatively long period of time, and tumors notoriously promote inflammation, it is unsurprising that IgG4 has been implicated in certain tumor types. Despite differing from other IgG subclasses by only a few amino acids, IgG4 possesses unique structural characteristics that may be responsible for its poor effector function potency and immunomodulatory properties. We describe the unique attributes of IgG4 that may be responsible for these regulatory functions, particularly in the cancer context. We discuss the inflammatory conditions in tumors that support IgG4, the emerging and proposed mechanisms by which IgG4 may contribute to tumor-associated escape from immune surveillance and implications for cancer immunotherapy