97 research outputs found

    A Twin Spiral Planar Antenna for UWB Medical Radars

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    A planar-spiral antenna to be used in an ultrawideband (UWB) radar system for heart activity monitoring is presented. The antenna, named “twin,” is constituted by two spiral dipoles in a compact structure. The reflection coefficient at the feed point of the dipoles is lower than −8 dB over the 3–12 GHz band, while the two-dipoles coupling is about −20 dB. The radiated beam is perpendicular to the plane of the spiral, so the antenna is wearable and it may be an optimal radiator for a medical UWB radar for heart rate detection. The designed antenna has been also used to check some hypotheses about the UWB radar heart activity detection mechanism. The radiation impedance variation, caused by the thorax vibrations associated with heart activity, seems to be the most likely explanation of the UWB radar operation

    Proceedings of the EYCN Symposium – 1st Edition

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    The 1st edition of the EYCN Symposium is the scientific event organized by the Italian Chemical Society and the European Young Chemists’ Network within the XIII EYCN Delegate Assembly. This symposium is fully devoted to young researchers, such as MSc and PhD students, post-doc fellows and young researchers in companies. All the disciplines of Chemistry are covered: analytical, physical, industrial, organic, inorganic, theoretical, pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, macromolecular and electrochemistry


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    This year, for the first time, the Young Chemists Group of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) organized a national communication contest dedicated to chemists under 35. The contest, called ChiMiCapisce—a play on "Chimica", Italian for chemistry, and "Chi Mi Capisce?", which literally means "Who can understand me?"—was planned as the launch event of the recently established “Dissemination of Chemical Culture” Division of the Italian Chemical Society

    Tomografia por impedùncia elétrica e seus possíveis usos na agropecuåria.

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    Zinc Coordination Polymers Containing Isomeric Forms of p-(Thiazolyl)benzoic Acid: Blue-Emitting Materials with a Solvatochromic Response to Water

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    © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Two coordination polymers of assorted dimensionality (1D, 2D) have been prepared, namely [Zn 3 (L 2Th ) 4 (OH) 2 ·2(HL 2Th )] ∞ (1) and [Zn(L 5Th )(OAc)] ∞ (2), starting from Zn II salts and the isomeric forms of the organic linker p-(thiazolyl)benzoic acid: p-(2-thiazolyl)benzoic acid (HL 2Th ) and p-(5-thiazolyl)benzoic acid (HL 5Th ). The isomers have been prepared ad hoc, following straightforward Pd-catalyzed C–C coupling reaction protocols. In 1, the deprotonated ligand is coordinated through its carboxylate group only, with dangling thiazole groups. The –COO – units are bridging adjacent metal centers, thus creating a 1D chain. The Zn 3 cluster is made of one six-coordinate (O h ) and two four-coordinate (T d ) Zn II ions; triple-bridging ” 3 -OH groups are balancing the overall positive charge. The structure of 2 is instead made of Zn 2 (carboxylate) 4 “paddle-wheel” dimers as the constituting inorganic node. The octahedral metal coordination sphere includes two ”-(Îș-COO) benzoate spacers, two ”-(Îș-COO) acetate ions, the thiazole N atoms coming from adjacent building blocks, and a weak Zn···Zn axial interaction. The resulting final assembly is two-dimensional (2D), where p-(5-thiazolyl)benzoate adopts a genuine ”-[Îș(COO):Îș(N)] bridging coordination mode. The luminescent properties of both polymers have been analyzed in the solid state; they feature ligand-centered emissions at λ = 434 nm (1) and λ = 427 nm (2). These electronic transitions fall in the visible region, giving the samples a characteristic blue color under an ordinary UV lamp (excitation at λ = 254 nm). The theoretical analysis of the electronic features of the ligands and related molecular orbitals reveals that the observed transitions are mainly of π→π* nature, involving π orbitals delocalized on both aromatic cycles. A significant (reversible) blueshift of the emission maximum of ca. 60 nm, from the visible to the UV region, has been observed for 1 when suspended in water

    A mechatronic platform for computer aided detection of nodules in anatomopathological analyses via stiffness and ultrasound measurements

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    This study presents a platform for ex-vivo detection of cancer nodules, addressing automation of medical diagnoses in surgery and associated histological analyses. The proposed approach takes advantage of the property of cancer to alter the mechanical and acoustical properties of tissues, because of changes in stiffness and density. A force sensor and an ultrasound probe were combined to detect such alterations during force-regulated indentations. To explore the specimens, regardless of their orientation and shape, a scanned area of the test sample was defined using shape recognition applying optical background subtraction to the images captured by a camera. The motorized platform was validated using seven phantom tissues, simulating the mechanical and acoustical properties of ex-vivo diseased tissues, including stiffer nodules that can be encountered in pathological conditions during histological analyses. Results demonstrated the platform’s ability to automatically explore and identify the inclusions in the phantom. Overall, the system was able to correctly identify up to 90.3% of the inclusions by means of stiffness in combination with ultrasound measurements, paving pathways towards robotic palpation during intraoperative examinations

    Proceedings of the Merck & Elsevier Young Chemists Symposium (MEYCS 2018)

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    Dear participants, welcome to the 18th edition of the Merck & Elsevier Young Chemists Symposium, formerly SAYCS and MYCS. This conference is an international scientific event organized by the Young Group of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI Giovani) with the financial support of Merck and Elsevier. This symposium is fully devoted to young researchers, such as MSc and PhD students, post-doc fellows and young researchers in companies. All the disciplines of Chemistry are covered: analytical, physical, industrial, organic, inorganic, theoretical, pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, macromolecular and electrochemistry. This year, a special emphasis will be given to chemistry from knowledge to innovation: how chemistry is increasingly present in all of the fields that are essential for human life, and how chemical fundamentals are pushing novel technologies? This year we have the exceptional number of 212 participants; we thank you for the great trust shown towards SCI Giovani, Merck and Elsevier. Enjoy the conference
