4 research outputs found

    Risk factors of permanent hypoparathyroidism after total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection for papillary thyroid cancer: a prospective study

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    Introduction: Inadvertent removal of, or damage to the parathyroid glands in the course of operations on the anterior neck compartment are responsible for over 80% of cases of chronic hypoparathyroidism (HypoPT). This study searched for factors related to the development of permanent HypoPT after total thyroidectomy and central neck lymphadenectomy in patients with thyroid carcinoma. Material and methods: In total, 89 of 103 screened patients met the study鈥檚 criteria and were put under prospective one-year observation. Demographic and surgical factors as well as the biochemical parameters of mineral homeostasis, controlled both preoperatively and postoperatively, were subject to statistical analysis. In line with contemporary guidelines, postoperative hypocalcaemia, rather than an abnormally low serum parathormone (PTH) concentration, was considered a diagnostic criterion of HypoPT. Results: On postoperative day one (POD1), serum concentration of PTH decreased below the normal range (< 12 pg/mL) in 29 patients and was undetectable in 19 patients (< 6 pg/mL). At one year postoperatively, 12 patients with undetectable POD1 PTH required treatment for hypocalcaemia and were diagnosed with permanent hypoPT. All the other patients regained normocalcaemia. Relative risk of permanent HypoPT associated with undetectable POD1 PTH was 88.75. A significant difference in median POD1 serum calcium concentration between the patients with undetectable POD1 PTH and those with detectable POD1 PTH was found (p < 0.001). The difference between the POD1 serum calcium in patients with permanent or transient HypoPT in the subgroup with undetectable POD1 PTH did not reach the level of statistical significance (median, 1.82 mmol/L vs. 1.96 mmol/L). At one month postoperatively, in patients who later developed permanent HypoPT, serum calcium was lower than it was in all other patients (p = 0.167). At one year postoperatively, serum concentration of PTH was in the normal range in 10 of 12 patients with permanent HypoPT; however, it was significantly lower than it had been before the operation and distinctly lower than it was in patients who regained normocalcaemia. The number of parathyroid glands either dissected or autotransplanted did not affect the development of permanent HypoPT. Conclusions: Undetectable POD1 PTH is an important risk factor of permanent HypoPT. The main cause of permanent HypoPT was irreversible damage to the left in situ parathyroid glands

    Real-time ultrasound elastography - a new tool for diagnosing thyroid nodules

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    Introduction: Real-time elastography (RTE) is a non-invasive ultrasound method of estimation of tissue stiffness by measuring the degree of local tissue displacements after a small compression. Recent data has shown its ability to differentiate benign from malignant tumours. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of RTE in the diagnosis of malignant and benign thyroid nodules. Material and methods: 71 thyroid nodules in 52 patients: 42 females and 10 males aged 28-77 were examined using conventional ultrasonography (US), fine-flow CD imaging and RTE. All nodules previously underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), and patients with malignant and suspicious cytological results were referred for surgery. The final diagnosis was based on FNAB results in patients with benign cytology and on the histopathology reading in those who underwent surgery. An elasticity score (ES) from 1 to 5 was determined for each nodule according to the Ueno classification. Results: An elasticity score (ES) of 4 or 5 was found in 19 out of 22 (86.5%) thyroid cancers and in only 1 out of 31 (3%) benign nodules. This was strongly indicative for malignancy (p < 0.0001) with sensitivity 86%, specificity 97%, positive predictive value (PPV) 95% and negative predictive value (NPV) 91%. Conclusions: RTE is a highly sensitive and specific method of diagnosing thyroid nodules. This technique can be employed in selecting thyroid nodules for fine-needle aspiration biopsy. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 652-657)Wst臋p: Elastografia czasu rzeczywistego (RTE, real-time elastography) jest nieinwazyjn膮 metod膮 oceny twardo艣ci tkanki poprzez pomiar stopnia lokalnych przemieszcze艅 tkankowych pod wp艂ywem s艂abego ucisku. Ostatnie dane wskazuj膮 na jej zdolno艣膰 do r贸偶nicowania guz贸w 艂agodnych i z艂o艣liwych. Celem pracy by艂a ocena dok艂adno艣ci diagnostycznej RTE w rozpoznawaniu z艂o艣liwych i 艂agodnych guz贸w tarczycy. Materia艂 i metody: Siedemdziesi膮t jeden zmian ogniskowych tarczycy u 52 pacjent贸w: 42 kobiet i 10 m臋偶czyzn w wieku 28-77 lat poddano badaniu ultrasonograficznemu w skali szaro艣ci, ocenie przep艂yw贸w metod膮 fine-flow CD i RTE. Wszystkie zmiany by艂y uprzednio poddane biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoig艂owej (BAC), a pacjenci z cytologicznym rozpoznaniem zmiany z艂o艣liwej lub podejrzanej byli kierowani do leczenia operacyjnego. Rozpoznanie ostateczne u pacjent贸w z cytologicznie stwierdzon膮 zmian膮 艂agodn膮 ustalono na podstawie wyniku BAC, za艣 u poddanych operacji na podstawie wyniku badania histopatologicznego. Dla ka偶dej zmiany oceniano wska藕nik elastyczno艣ci (ES) w skali od 1 do 5 zgodnie z klasyfikacj膮 Ueno. Wyniki: Wska藕nik elastyczno艣ci 4 lub 5 stwierdzono w 19/22 (86,5%) rak贸w tarczycy i tylko w 1/31 (3%) 艂agodnej zmianie ogniskowej. Wskazywa艂 on silnie na z艂o艣liwo艣膰 zmiany (p < 0,0001) z czu艂o艣ci膮 86%, swoisto艣ci膮 97%, dodatni膮 warto艣ci膮 predykcyjn膮 95% i ujemn膮 warto艣ci膮 predykcyjn膮 91%. Wnioski: Elastografia czasu rzeczywistego jest wysoce czu艂膮 i swoist膮 metod膮 w diagnostyce zmian ogniskowych tarczycy. Technika ta mo偶e by膰 stosowana do typowania zmian ogniskowych tarczycy wymagaj膮cych biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoig艂owej. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (6): 652-657

    Clinical and genetic profile of patients with medullary thyroid cancer treated in the Cancer Centre - Institute of Oncology in Warsaw

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    Wst臋p: Celem pracy jest analiza wynik贸w bada艅 genetycznych: rozk艂adu lokalizacji i cz臋sto艣ci mutacji oraz ujawnienie korelacji prezentowanych klinicznie fenotyp贸w u chorych z rakiem rdzeniastym tarczycy (MTC, medullary thyroid carcinoma), wykazanie r贸偶nic mi臋dzy postaci膮 sporadyczn膮 i dziedziczn膮, a tak偶e okre艣lenie odr臋bno艣ci wyst臋puj膮cych w grupie chorych pozostaj膮cych pod sta艂膮 obserwacj膮 o艣rodka autor贸w niniejszej pracy. Materia艂 i metody: W Centrum Onkologii w Warszawie w latach 1997-2005, leczono 212 chorych z rakiem rdzeniastym tarczycy. U wi臋kszo艣ci z nich wykonano badanie genetyczne DNA uzyskanego z leukocyt贸w krwi obwodowej w celu zidentyfikowania mutacji genu RET i ustalenia postaci MTC. Badaniu DNA poddano tak偶e krewnych chorych z rodzinnym rakiem rdzeniastym tarczycy, aby wyodr臋bni膰 bezobjawowych nosicieli od os贸b nieobci膮偶onych patogenn膮 mutacj膮. Wyniki: W grupie chorych, u kt贸rych zako艅czono analiz臋 genetyczn膮, mutacje w genie RET stwierdzono w 46 przypadkach (22%). U pozosta艂ych chorych nie ujawniono patogennej mutacji i rozpoznano sporadycznego MTC. Zesp贸艂 mnogiej gruczolakowato艣ci wewn膮trzwydzielniczej typu 2A i rodzinnego typu MTC (MEN 2A/FMTC, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A/familial type of MTC syndrome) rozpoznano u 44 pacjent贸w, natomiast zesp贸艂 mnogiej gruczolakowato艣ci wewn膮trzwydzielniczej typu 2B (MEN 2B, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B) - u 2 os贸b. W trakcie badania por贸wnano wiek rozpoznania i wieloogniskowo艣膰 raka u chorych ze sporadycznym i rodzinnym MTC. Uzyskane wyniki koreluj膮 z danymi z innych o艣rodk贸w. Natomiast, rozk艂ad lokalizacji mutacji i ich cz臋sto艣膰, a tak偶e niekt贸re dane kliniczne, takie jak cz臋sto艣膰 ujawnienia guza chromoch艂onnego nadnerczy jako pierwszej patologii z zespo艂u wielogruczo艂owego, r贸偶ni膮 si臋 od prezentowanych w literaturze i wymagaj膮 znalezienia przyczyn. Wnioski: Badanie mutacji genu RET jest wiarygodnym narz臋dziem diagnostycznym i nale偶y je traktowa膰 jako badanie przesiewowe u wszystkich chorych z MTC i innymi sk艂adowymi zespo艂u wielogruczo艂owego.Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyse the distribution and frequency of mutations and their correlations with clinical phenotypes of patients with MTC, to reveal the differences between sporadic and familial type of MTC, and to describe the phenotypes of patients. Materials and methods: 212 patients with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) were treated in Cancer Centre in Warsaw between 1997 and 2005. In most patients, DNA isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes was tested for RET gene mutations by sequencing and accordingly MTC form was assessed. Genetic testing was performed in the relatives of patients with familial MTC in order to distinguish asymptomatic mutation carriers from noncarriers. Results: RET gene mutations were identified in 46 patients (22%). The others were found noncarriers and sporadic MTC was diagnosed. MEN 2A/FMTC syndrome (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A/ familial type of MTC) was diagnosed in 44 patients, MEN 2B syndrome (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B) in 2 patients. In patients with sporadic and familial MTC, age at diagnosis and multifocal occurrence was analysed, and the results were found to be in accordance with those of other research centres. However, the distribution and frequency of mutations, as well as some clinical data, such as the frequency of pheochromocytoma occurrence as the first manifestation of MEN syndrome, differed from the published data, and further studies are necessary to reveal the reasons of these differences. Conclusions: DNA testing for RET gene mutations is reliable as a diagnostic tool and therefore it should be performed for screening of all patients with MTC or other diseases of MEN syndrome

    Thyroid cancer diagnosed and treated surgically during pregnancy &#8212; a case report

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    Zapadalno艣膰 na raka tarczycy w ostatnich latach wzrasta. Stanowi on szczeg贸lny problem w贸wczas, gdy zostaje wykryty u kobiety ci臋偶arnej. W wi臋kszo艣ci przypadk贸w u ci臋偶arnych wyst臋puje dobrze zr贸偶nicowany rak brodawkowaty maj膮cy bardzo dobre rokowanie i leczenie operacyjne mo偶e by膰 od艂o偶one do okresu po porodzie. W rzadkich przypadkach raka rdzeniastego, anaplastycznego oraz zaawansowanego lub szybko rosn膮cego raka zr贸偶nicowanego operacj臋 tarczycy nale偶y przeprowadzi膰 w okresie ci膮偶y. Przedstawiamy przypadek 30-letniej ci臋偶arnej, u kt贸rej w drugim trymestrze ci膮偶y w badaniu cytologicznym guza tarczycy stwierdzono nowotw贸r z kom贸rek H眉rthla, a badanie ultrasonograficzne i cytologiczne wskazywa艂o na przerzuty do w臋z艂贸w ch艂onnych szyi. Przerzuty do w臋z艂贸w ch艂onnych szyi by艂y r贸wnie偶 zauwa偶alne w postaci uwapnionych ognisk na zdj臋ciu radiologicznym klatki piersiowej wykonanym 3 lata wcze艣niej. Podj臋te przed 22. tygodniem ci膮偶y leczenie operacyjne by艂o skuteczne i niepowik艂ane. Pacjentka odby艂a prawid艂owy por贸d i urodzi艂a zdrowe dziecko. W dyskusji poruszono problem chirurgicznego leczenia zr贸偶nicowanego raka tarczycy u kobiet ci臋偶arnych. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (2): 158&#8211;163)Thyroid cancer has had an increasing prevalence over recent years and poses an extraordinary challenge when diagnosed during pregnancy. Although in the majority of cases in pregnant patients there occurs a well differentiated papillary carcinoma which has an excellent prognosis and for which surgery can be delayed until the postpartum period, in rare cases of advanced or rapidly growing tumour, and in a case of medullary or anaplastic cancer, surgery should be undertaken during pregnancy. Here, we present the case of a 30 year-old woman with H眉rthle cell neoplasm recognised on cytology during the second trimester. Because of the neck lymph nodes metastases diagnosed on ultrasonography and cytology, which also could be seen as calcified foci on a chest X-ray examination performed three years earlier, she underwent surgery before the 22nd week of gestation. The course of surgery was successful and uneventful and she delivered a healthy child on term. An approach to pregnant patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma is discussed. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (2): 158&#8211;163