48 research outputs found

    Hip-Hop Dance Theatre in London::Legitimising an Art Form

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    Programming schedules in the West End and other prominent London venues are increasingly featuring hip-hop dance productions, marking innovative forays into the mainstream performance field by a former subcultural style. Choreography by Rennie Harris in the USA and Jonzi D, Kate Prince, Sandy ‘H20’ Kendrick and composer Michael ‘Mikey J’ Asante in London offers material through which to consider developments in the theatricalisation of hip hop culture. Discussion also centres on mass media dissemination through television talent shows, films and cultural festivals such as the Olympic Games ceremonies. Analysis of reviews by professional critics reveals how some stereotypes are disrupted as the cultural capital of hip-hop dance rises. Key themes, including the use of narrative, characterisation and the disruption of dominant gender expectations, are drawn from a Society for Dance Research Study Day on ZooNation Dance Company in 2011. * </jats:p

    Shobana Jeyasingh

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    Lar Lubovitch

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    ''From Worker''s Dance to New Dance''

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    The People's Dance::workers, politics and movement in 1930s Britain

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    John Durang: Man of the American Stage

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    Dancing the American Dream During World War II

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    Embodied Politics: Dance, Protest and Identities

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    'Embodied Politics' mengungkap perspektif baru tarian dalam empat studi kasus yang berpusat pada isu-isu sosial dan politik identitas di AS dan Inggris. Kegiatan kontra-hegemonik dan perayaan yang membentuk ekologi tari dari waktu dan tempat mereka dianalisis, mengungkap poin-poin menarik dari hubungan dan perbedaan antara kedua negara. Akar tarian sayap kiri Amerika dilacak melalui karya Edith Segal di kamp musim panas 1920-an dan aktivisme perserikatannya di Detroit pada akhir 1930-an. Di Inggris, koreografer penari-Margaret Margaret Barr dan komposer Alan Bush muncul sebagai katalisator di belakang tarian modern kiri tahun 1930-an dalam pertunjukan sandiwara dan pertunjukan teater sayap kiri. Dalam analisis tari kontemporer, aktivisme komunitas tari San Francisco berkontribusi pada zeitgeist yang mengubah pribadi menjadi politik dalam produksi kolaborasi inovatif. Kehadiran tarian Asia Selatan yang berpengaruh di Inggris dieksplorasi melalui upaya akar rumput para praktisi yang terkait dengan pendidikan dan pelatihan tari. Konsep tempat dan ruang, politik perwakilan dan protes, institusi dan imperatif kreatif dieksplorasi, dianalisis melalui kegiatan senima