70 research outputs found

    Does it still make sense to define adequate competency as a fixed value : the case for standard setting

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    Until 2014/15 most examinations in the biomedical sciences consisted of negatively marked True/False questions and short response questions. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the change in the assessment method to best of four questions in 2014/15.peer-reviewe

    What health research does Malta need?

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    A great deal of research has been done in the health field in Malta over the years. Much of his research has been driven by the interests of the researcher. The primary author has begun to compile this work into a fully searchable online database (http://staff.um.edu.mt/ista1/MHSRD/index.htm). The purpose of this study was to identify the priorities that Health Care Practitioners and researchers believe should be tackled. The ultimate goal is to have a list of research projects that should be undertaken in order to facilitate locally-relevant evidence-based clinical decisions.peer-reviewe

    Primary care : quo vadis?

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    “Across the globe doctors are miserable because they feel like hamsters on a treadmill. They must run faster just to stand still. In Britain they must see ever more patients, fill in more forms, and sit on more committees just to keep the NHS afloat. In the government sponsored, single payer system in Canada, the mandatory insurance systems in Japan or continental Europe, or the managed care systems in the United States, doctors feel that they have to see more patients to maintain their incomes. But systems that depend on everybody running faster are not sustainable. The answer must be to redesign health care.”peer-reviewe

    Diagnosis and treatment of fungal and non-specific vaginitis

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    Vaginal symptoms are a common and recurring problem affecting about 10% of women in general practice. There is an increase in vaginal discharge with puberty, sexual activity and the oral contraceptive pill. The most common infective causes are Candida. bacterial vaginosis. Trichomonas. Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. Symptoms are of little diagnostic value. A detailed sexual history and examinalion followed by vaginal pH. saline/10% KOH wet mount, cervical cytology and microbiological examination will guide appropriate treatment.peer-reviewe

    The use of measurements of hCG and other pregnancy-associated proteins and steroids in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

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    The measurement of serum of urinary hCG is commonly used to make or exclude the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in women presenting with symptoms suspicious of ectopic pregnancy. Detection of depressed hCG levels is indicative of early pregnancy failure. Depressed serum levels of proteins of hormone of trophoblastic, ovarian or endometrial origin make the diagnosis of ectopic gestation more likely, whilst high values are likely to exclude the possibility of this condition.peer-reviewe

    The origins of medical Maltese as a curriculum topic : a descriptive study

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    The number of International medical students especially from the UK has increased. These students are at a disadvantage because hospital patients may have limited English.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of the first three years of a revised biomedical sciences curriculum

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    In 2009, the University of Malta Medical School embarked on a process of curricular reform starting with Years 1 and 2 of the basic biomedical sciences curriculum. Each semester since then, we have collected anonymous feedback from each cohort of Year 1 and year 2 students regarding whether 1. The study unit materials matched the learning outcomes; 2. The amount of independent work was compatible with the credit value; 3. There was close agreement between the stated objectives and what was actually taught; 4. There was repetition of content across study units; 5. The clinical relevance of the subject matter was emphasized; and 6. The time devoted to each study unit was adequate to meet the learning outcomes. Apart from that, data was collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching methodology within the new curriculum - be it practical session, lecture or small group session. All Year 1 and 2 study units were evaluated for each academic year. Between 2009 and 2011, 1281 students completed the questionnaires (35% of the study body). Analysis of this data shows that in general the revised curriculum has been well received. Students have commented favourably on the new integration of academic disciplines of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology into system-based modules. Concerns have been raised about some of the learning outcomes and the time allocated to certain topics. These data have been utilised by curriculum planners to amend several of the study units, which changes will take effect in October 2012.peer-reviewe

    Attitude of medical students towards game-based learning of anatomy

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    Game-based learning has come to prominence as new tools are now available to aid students learn and memorise concepts for a variety of subjects. Games are known to add fun to the process of learning while promoting understanding and retention of the subject. The purpose of this study is to survey attitudes of medical students towards gamifying the learning and recall of anatomy.peer-reviewe

    The student anatomy project : curse or blessing

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    Students are assigned an anatomy project in the summer between Years 1 and 2. The project is an attempt to integrate active learning, cooperative learning, and problem solving into undergraduate medical education. Students are provided with list of topics or they may propose topics. They may choose to work singly or in small groups with a supervisor of their choice. The Project and its write-up are assessed by two internal and one external examiner. The purpose of this study was to examine the results obtained by medical and dental students in the anatomy projects between 2005 and 2007.peer-reviewe

    Research involvement among 2011-12 year 3 and 4 University of Malta medical students

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    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) and research are core aspects of contemporary medical education. A retrospective study was conducted among MDIII and MDIV students. The aim of the study was to examine the involvement in EBM and research in these two cohorts of medical students, chosen because the former are the first class completing the new curriculum and the latter are the last class completing the old curriculum. Both cohorts were taught research methods simultaneously between October 2011 and January 2012. An electronic questionnaire was sent to all MDIII (n=112) and MDIV (n=86) students, of whom 41% and 45% responded respectively. Responses were analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics.peer-reviewe
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