238 research outputs found

    The implications of active participation among the elderly to care giving

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    The aging population in the Philippines has grown to over six million in 2011. This increase translates to an increase in fam­ily expenditures, with care of old adults being regarded more of a family rather than a state responsibility in the country. Transitions occurring within the Filipino family, such as increased local and foreign migration, or the growth of single-person households, will likewise result in changes in care giving arrangements for the Filipino elderly. Research studies have found that active participation addresses caregiving costs and concerns currently being faced by Filipino families. By engaging actively, old adults are able to achieve successful cognitive functioning. Improved cognitive functioning, in turn, contrib­utes to the reduction of negative emotions, which usually occur with the decline in cognitive abilities in the late adulthood stage. Researches on the antecedents of, and consequences to active participation among old adults points to two major frameworks to care giving for the elderly. The first approach involves the adoption of a positive adult developmen­tal approach to care. This approach focuses on a redefinition of health in terms of resources, and the adoption of a sys­tems viewpoint to health care for old adults within the community. A second approach emphasizes a geropsychological approach to health care, which integrates mental health care with general medical care for the elderly. Implications to care giving for Filipino elderly are seen in more pronounced efforts at managing and harnessing personal, social and community resources for aging. 「老有所为对提供护理的启示」 摘要 2011年菲律宾的老龄人口已增加至超过六百万人。由于照顾老人的责任被视为家庭责任多于政府的责任,老龄人口增长就引申出家庭开支上升的问题。随着本土和海外移民增加,或单人家庭数量不断上升,菲律宾的家庭结构发生转变,导致菲律宾的长者护理服务安排也有所改变。研究指出老有所为,即老人积极参与各项活动所引申出的护理费用和忧虑,是现今菲律宾家庭关注的重点。老人从积极参与各种各样的活动可以达致有效运用认知系统。而提升认知系统的运作,则可帮助减少在晚年时期因认知能力下降而产生的负面情绪。研究老有所为的前因和后果,点出了长者护理的两个主要框架。第一是采用正面的成人发展方式来照顾老人。此框架重点是要根据资源重新为健康下定义;采纳为小区长者保健护理设立制度系统的看法。第二是在保健护理时着重老年心理学,为老人提供护理时结合精神健康护理和一般的医疗护理。研究意味着要妥善照顾菲律宾长者,需要在老人的管控和运用、社会和小区资源方面投

    Gender-Based Violence in International Criminal Law: A Closer Look at the Elements of Rape

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    While wholly condemned and severely punished in domestic jurisdictions, the crime of rape is not as well-defined in the realm of international criminal law. While rape is recognized as a cruel reality in cases of war and international conflict, the punishments for its perpetrators and thus, the justice sought by their victims is still subject of controversy and debate. In this Article, the Author examines the treatment of rape in international law. She uses several international statutes as well as two landmark cases from International Criminal Tribunals in order to examine several facets of rape as an international crime — its classification as a war crime or crime against humanity, the differing treatments and doctrines such tribunals have established, and the elements needed to prove it as a crime under the International Criminal Court

    From Van Dorn to Manalo: An Analysis of the Court’s Evolving Doctrine in the Recognition of Foreign Divorce Decrees in Mixed Marriages

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    Outside the Vatican, the Philippines is the only country that proscribes divorce. In the Family Code of the Philippines (Family Code), the sole provision that talks about divorce and of Filipino citizens possibly benefitting from this manner of severing marriage is Article 26. However, like other provisions in an entire code, this article does not operate in a vacuum. There is an implicit mandate that its construction and interpretation must be consistent, as much as possible, with other existing provisions of the law.4 Thus, although the Family Code amended and superseded the Family Relations chapter of Book I of the Civil Code of the Philippines,5 the provisions of the Family Code are still to be construed in harmony with the entire Civil Code. As the Supreme Court stated in Philippine International Trading Corporation v. Commission on Audit, “[i]t is a rule in statutory construction that every part of the statute must be interpreted with reference to the context, i.e., that every part of the statute must be considered together with the other parts, and kept subservient to the general intent of the whole enactment.” One such provision whose importance has heavily weighed in on Article 26 of the Family Code is Article 15 of the Civil Code, commonly referred to as the “nationality rule.” This Article discusses how the Supreme Court has interpreted the second paragraph of Article 26 over the years, and contends that the Court — in its desire to give the provision an expansive interpretation — committed a judicial overreach in Republic v. Manalo, by needlessly limiting the application of the nationality rule and by resorting to judicial legislation

    An Analysis of Supreme Court decisions on Rape and Sexual Assault Assessing their compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) mandate to eliminate Gender Discrimination and promote Gender Equality

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    This research paper builds on the previous study made by the Writer¹ on Philippine Supreme Court decisions on rape and other crimes involving violence against women. As with the prior study, this Paper looks into fairly recent decisions of the Court (2010-2017) with a specific focus on rape and sexual assault. This Paper assesses whether or not the doctrines and pronouncements made by the Court in these cases are compliant with the Philippine’s mandate under the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to eliminate gender discrimination and promote gender equality

    Value Creation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

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    LPG constitutes a mixture of propane, normal butane and isobutane that are very valuable not just as a source of fuel but also as petrochemical feedstock to produce numerous products such as plastics and synthetic rubbers. Thus, if they are purified or separated, the market value of the constituents is higher as compared to their mixture in LPG. Isobutane especially, has the highest market price among the 3 components in LPG. In spite of the potential value mentioned, to get a high purity of the individual components, separation process will be required. In this case, separation of mukicomponent will require at least 2 distillation columns. Low relative volatility, in the case for the separation of isobutane and normal butane, will require large number of stages for their separation. As the number of trays for the column gets bigger, the capital expenditure for thecolumn will increase. Therefore, it is important that the process of purifying is optimally traded off between the operating costs and capital expenditure. Using Aspen HYSYS simulation software, the base case simulation ofthe plantwassimulated. After identifying potential aspect that can be manipulated in the processes for optimization, they will besimulated. The base case results were used as the benchmark for evaluation against the alternative separation process simulations that have been successfully simulated namely, dividing wall column (DWC) and indirect sequencing. This study has shown that the direct sequence (base case), indirect sequence and DWC produces product value of RM 41 000 to RM 42 000 per hour. Results from this simulation have indicated that, the direct sequence is preferred as its throughput is the highest with 1.267 kg of products purified per kW of energy used as compared to the indirect and DWC case with throughputs of 1.085 and 0.316 of purified constituents per kW of energy consumed. The outcome of this study has been achieved while providing an insight on the preliminary analysis of feasibility of this study of creating added value from LPG

    The Relationship Between Trainers' Personality, Their Work Environments, and Job Satisfaction: A Test of Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice

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    The assumption that congruence between personality and work environment results in job satisfaction is fundamental to vocational theory. The research study tested the relationship between person-environment congruence and job satisfaction as assessed by Holand's model of vocational preference on as ample of 94 trainers at the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN). The research study applied the Environmental Assessment Technique (EAT) to obtain the occupation code for the INTAN work environment. Subsequently, the Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI) was used to obtain the personality profile of the trainers. The relationship between personality and environment was examined. The research study then investigated whether or not there was a significant difference in job satisfaction bet ween trainers who are congruent with the work environment and trainers who are incongruent with the work environment

    A Vocabulary of Philippine Food and Well-being

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    A preliminary study of culinary words during the Spanish colonial era reveals multiple dimensions to feeding. Entries in dictionaries of Philippine languages compiled from 1613 to 1895 reveal kalusugan as food for the body, kaginhawaan as sustenance for the soul, and nayánayá as nutriment for the social self. The tripartite diet was a recipe for happiness and contentment. It is a legacy to review when designing contemporary strategies for national well-being

    Perceptions of caring behaviors by elderly residents in extended care facilities

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    The purpose of this descriptive study was to describe elderly residents\u27 perceptions of which caring behaviors they want exhibited by the nursing staff in extended care facilities. Consequently, this study was able to identify which caring behaviors are important and least important to this population. Using Jean Watson\u27s Theory of Transpersonal Caring as the framework, this study utilized Wolf\u27s Caring Behaviors Inventory instrument to answer the study\u27s research questions. Forty-eight participants wanted nursing staff to demonstrate behaviors under the professional knowledge and skill dimension of the CBI. The sample also identified five most important and least important nurse caring behaviors; No significant difference was found between age, educational level and length of stay in the facility and perceptions of caring behaviors. This study\u27s findings suggest gender difference in perceptions of caring behaviors

    Finding the IP (Indigenous People) in Each One of Us

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