15 research outputs found
Antidiabetic Activity of Catechin from Cinnamon (Cinnamomun Burmanii) by Inhibiting Alfa Glucosidase Enzyme
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that occurs when the body experiences insulin resistance. One of the treatment for DM is by inhibiting the performance of the -glucosidase enzyme which is located on the smooth wall. Indonesia is famous for having various types of herbal plants that are often used as traditional ingredients, one of which is cinnamon (Cinnamomun burman II) which has compounds such as catechins that are useful as antioxidants. This research method a docking simulation, the ligand was downloaded in the Pubmed database and the androgen receptor macromolecule was downloaded in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), the ligand structure preparation, the test ligand docking simulation and the comparison uses the pymol,pyrx program, and Lipinski test, toxicity test using the PREADMET program. The results of binding affinity for the test compound, namely catechin compounds, obtained a binding affinity of -8.0 kcal/mol, while the comparative test, metformin, obtained a binding affinity of -3.3 kcal/mol and Lipinski qualifies as non-carcinogens but can be mutagens. These results indicate that catechin compounds have greater inhibition on alpha glucosidase receptors that cause type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to metformin compounds
Effect of Bioslurry Concentration in Feed on The Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal)
Bioslurry is cow excreta waste processed anaerobically as a nutritional by-product of biogas production, which contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. This study aims to determine the concentration of solid bioslurry in feed and the concentration of liquid bioslurry in feed containing solid bioslurry, which is optimal for increasing the growth and survival of milkfish. The results showed that the best feed with a concentration of 50% solid bioslurry resulted in a growth of 100.05 grams ± 6.98 and a survival rate of 96.67% ± 1.15. A significant growth increase in feed with a high bioslurry content indicates that bioslurry contains nutrients capable of increasing growth energy in milkfish. The growth of milkfish continues to increase along with the increasing concentration of bioslurry liquid waste added to the feed as a source of probiotics. Adding 50 ml of liquid bioslurry into 100 grams of feed resulted in the best growth of 165.33 grams ± 2.08. Liquid bioslurry contains probiotic microbial bioactivators and functions to increase growth
The Potential of Seaweed Gracilaria sp. as An Organic Waste Bioremediation Agent.
Increased fishing and agricultural activities trigger eutrophication events in marine waters. Excessive availability of nutrients can cause changes in the composition of community structures in marine ecosystems. Therefore an effort is needed to mitigate the eutrophication process in coastal and marine areas by increasing the nutrient partition coefficient in compartments that can absorb or consume these nutrients such as macroalgae or seaweed. The aim of this study was to determine the absorption capacity of nutrients (N and P) from Gracilaria sp. Seaweed as a mitigating agent for eutrophication in waters. This research was conducted in October–November 2018 in a controlled manner at the PUI-P2RL Wet Laboratory, Hasanuddin University. Seaweed maintenance media is intensive pond wastewater that has gone through a filtering and sterilization process. The results showed that Gracilaria sp. able to absorb nutrients in the form of NH3, NO2 , NO3 and PO4. Gracilaria sp. able to reduce NO3 by 0.840 ± 0.065 μg/l/day, NO2 by 2.100 ± 0.609 μg/l/day, NH3 by 1.506 ± 0.204 μg/l/day and PO4 by 8.756 ± 2.785 μg/l/day
Pengaruh Jenis Aktivasi Terhadap Kapasitas Adsorpsi Zeolit pada Ion Kromium (VI)
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis aktivasi terhadap kapasitas adsorpsi zeolit terhadap ion kromium (VI) yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia FMIPA UNM. Sampel adalah ion kromium (VI) dan zeolit alam asal Kab. Tanah Toraja yang diambil dari Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Aktivasi zeolit ada tiga jenis yaitu aktivasi fisika, aktivasi kimia dan aktivasi fisika-kimia. Aktivasi fisika dengan pemanasan pada suhu 3500C selama 3 jam, aktivasi kimia dengan pengasaman H2SO4 0,5 dan aktivasi fisika-kimia gabungan dari keduanya. Zeolit yang dihasilkan dianalisis daya adsorpsinya terhadap ion kromium (VI) untuk menentukan kapasitas adsorpsinya dengan metode titrasi iodometri dengan menghitung selisih konsentrasi ion kromium (VI) sebelum dan sesudah adsorpsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adsorpsi zeolit aktivasi fisika terhadap ion kromium (VI) pada waktu kesetimbangan adsorpsi 50 menit, aktivasi kimia dan aktivasi fisika-kimia pada waktu kesetimbangan adsorpsi 40 menit. Penentuan kapasitas adrorpsinya menggunakan pola isoterm adsorpsi Langmuir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas adsorpsi aktivasi fisika sebesar 1,5718 mg/g, aktivasi kimia sebesar 1,7847 mg/g dan aktivasi fisika-kimia sebesar 2,6582mg/g. Kata kunci: jenis aktivasi, adsorpsi zeolit, ion kromium. ABSTRACT This recearch aimed to know the influence of activation type toward the zeolite adsorption capacity in chrom (VI). This research was done at laboratory of chemistry FMIPA UNM. The sample is chrom (VI) ionic and nature zeolite from Tanah Toraja district which taken at Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Zeolite activation which were used three kinds, there are physical aktivation, chemistry activation and both. Physical activation by heating at 3500C three hours, chemistry activation by acidity of H2SO4 0,5M and physical-chemistry activation by mixed physical and chemistry activation. The zeolite as result analysed the adsorptivity toward chrom (VI) ionic for identify the adsorption capacity with iodometry titrate method by calculate the slash concentration of chrom (VI) ionic before and after adsorption. The result of this research showed that zeolite adsorption wich was activation physical toward chrom (VI) ionic for equilibrium time at 50 minute, and its adsorbsi capacyty is 1.5781 mg g-1. chemistry activation and both physical and chemistry activation for equilibrium time at 40 minute. And their adsorption capacity as Langmuir adsorption isoterm are 1.7847 mg g-1 and 2.6582 mg g-1 respectifelly. Key words: activation, zeolite adsorption, chrom (VI) ioni
Usaha budidaya Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) di daerah Maros mengalami berbagai permasalahan, diantaranya sistem budidaya masih tradisional, pelaku utama kebanyakan tidak melakukan seleksi benur dengan baik, dan pelaku utama belum menguasai cara-cara budidaya yang baik. Keberhasilan pembangunan pada bidang perikanan terkendala permasalahan tersebut, juga diduga dipengaruhi oleh kinerja penyuluh perikanan yang belum optimal. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kinerja penyuluh perikanan; dan menganalisis pengaruh informasi pasar, teknologi dan permodalan masing-masing terhadap pengembangan usaha budidaya udang windu (P. monodon) di Kabupaten Maros. Hasil penelitian kinerja penyuluh perikanan menunjukkan bahwa rata rata pendapat penyuluh perikanan dan pelaku utama terhadap kinerja penyuluh perikanan tinggi, informasi pasar 3,5 (sedang), teknologi 4,3 (tinggi) dan permodalan 3,5 (sedang). Menurut pendapat penyuluh dan pelaku utama keberhasilan pelaku utama rata rata 3,5 (sedang). Pengaruh informasi pasar, teknologi dan permodalan masing masing berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan usaha budidaya Udang Windu (P. monodon) dilihat nilai t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel, t hitung informasi pasar 7,638, teknologi 3,506 dan permodalan 5,597 sedangkan t tabel 1,659.Usaha budidaya Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) di daerah Maros mengalami berbagai permasalahan, diantaranya sistem budidaya masih tradisional, pelaku utama kebanyakan tidak melakukan seleksi benur dengan baik, dan pelaku utama belum menguasai cara-cara budidaya yang baik. Keberhasilan pembangunan pada bidang perikanan terkendala permasalahan tersebut, juga diduga dipengaruhi oleh kinerja penyuluh perikanan yang belum optimal. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kinerja penyuluh perikanan; dan menganalisis pengaruh informasi pasar, teknologi dan permodalan masing-masing terhadap pengembangan usaha budidaya udang windu (P. monodon) di Kabupaten Maros. Hasil penelitian kinerja penyuluh perikanan menunjukkan bahwa rata rata pendapat penyuluh perikanan dan pelaku utama terhadap kinerja penyuluh perikanan tinggi, informasi pasar 3,5 (sedang), teknologi 4,3 (tinggi) dan permodalan 3,5 (sedang). Menurut pendapat penyuluh dan pelaku utama keberhasilan pelaku utama rata rata 3,5 (sedang). Pengaruh informasi pasar, teknologi dan permodalan masing masing berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan usaha budidaya Udang Windu (P. monodon) dilihat nilai t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel, t hitung informasi pasar 7,638, teknologi 3,506 dan permodalan 5,597 sedangkan t tabel 1,659
The Status of Diversity of Coral Reefs and Reef Fish Supporting Marine Tourism on Kodingareng Keke Island, Makassar City
This study aimed to determine the potential diversity of the coral reef and coral reef fish ecosystems of Kodingareng Keke Island and the development strategies and priorities of Kodingareng Keke Island as a marine tourism destination. This research used purposive sampling with 50 respondents. The coral data collection method was Line Intercept Transect (LIT), with a transect line length of 50 meters and depth of 5 meters. The process used to obtain coral reef fish data was the Underwater Visual Census (UVC). The analysis showed that the average coral ranged from 63,6% to 77,8%. The average abundance of fish at 3 observation stations, namely Station I (17,65%), station II (14,78%) and Station III (18,67%), thus it can be concluded that this location is feasible for snorkelling and diving tourism. The priority programs for the development of the marine tourism area of Kodingareng Keke Island include increasing supervision, creating periodical Object Development Master Plans (RIPO), implementing local regulations on the use of coastal resources, involving local communities, the general public and the government in nature conservation activities, setting labour standards and improving the quality of local human resources through training
Sumber probiotik yang belum termanfaatkan dengan baik adalah limbah bioslurry. Bioslurry atau ampas biogas merupakan produk dari hasil pengolahan biogas berbahan kotoran ternak dan air melalui proses tanpa oksigen (anaerobik). Manfaat Bioslurry diantaranya adalah sebagai bioaktivator mikroba probiotik dan sebagai sumber pakan ikan. Mikroorganisme efektif yang terkandung dalam bioaktivator antara lain bakteri asam laktat (lactobacillus) dan bakteri penghancur (decomposer). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis limbah bioslurry cair sebagai sumber probiotik yang lebih efektif dalam peningkatan kadar protein terlarut dalam pakan ikan. Penelitian ini didesain dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan (12 satuan percobaan). Perlakuan yang diuji tersebut adalah: (A) 20 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan; (B) 30 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan; (C) 40 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan; (D) 50 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah kadar protein terlarut dalam pakan ikan sebelum dan setelah diinkubasi dengan limbah bioslurry cair sebagai sumber probiotik yang akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (anova) dan jika terdapat perbedaan yang nyata (sig.<0,05) akan dilanjutkan dengan uji W-Tuckey. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ragam (anova) terlihat bahwa pemberian berbagai konsentrasi bioslurry berpengaruh nyata (sig.<0,05) terhadap kadar protein terlarut pakan ikan. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi bioslurry dalam pakan ikan semakin tinggi pula kadar protein terlarut yang dihasilkan. Nilai protein terlarut terendah terdapat pada perlakuan 20 mL bioslurry/100 g pakan yakni sebesar 23,506 mg/10 mL dan nilai protein terlarut tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 50 mL bioslurry/100 g pakan yakni sebesar 65,349 mg/10 mL.
Sumber probiotik yang belum termanfaatkan dengan baik adalah limbah bioslurry. Bioslurry atau ampas biogas merupakan produk dari hasil pengolahan biogas berbahan kotoran ternak dan air melalui proses tanpa oksigen (anaerobik). Manfaat Bioslurry diantaranya adalah sebagai bioaktivator mikroba probiotik dan sebagai sumber pakan ikan. Mikroorganisme efektif yang terkandung dalam bioaktivator antara lain bakteri asam laktat (lactobacillus) dan bakteri penghancur (decomposer). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis limbah bioslurry cair sebagai sumber probiotik yang lebih efektif dalam peningkatan kadar protein terlarut dalam pakan ikan. Penelitian ini didesain dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan (12 satuan percobaan). Perlakuan yang diuji tersebut adalah: (A) 20 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan; (B) 30 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan; (C) 40 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan; (D) 50 mL bioslurry/100 gram pakan. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah kadar protein terlarut dalam pakan ikan sebelum dan setelah diinkubasi dengan limbah bioslurry cair sebagai sumber probiotik yang akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (anova) dan jika terdapat perbedaan yang nyata (sig.<0,05) akan dilanjutkan dengan uji W-Tuckey. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ragam (anova) terlihat bahwa pemberian berbagai konsentrasi bioslurry berpengaruh nyata (sig.<0,05) terhadap kadar protein terlarut pakan ikan. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi bioslurry dalam pakan ikan semakin tinggi pula kadar protein terlarut yang dihasilkan. Nilai protein terlarut terendah terdapat pada perlakuan 20 mL bioslurry/100 g pakan yakni sebesar 23,506 mg/10 mL dan nilai protein terlarut tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 50 mL bioslurry/100 g pakan yakni sebesar 65,349 mg/10 mL.
Antidiabetic Activity of Catechin from Cinnamon (Cinnamomun Burmanii) by Inhibiting Alfa Glucosidase Enzyme
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that occurs when the body experiences insulin resistance. One of the treatment for DM is by inhibiting the performance of the -glucosidase enzyme which is located on the smooth wall. Indonesia is famous for having various types of herbal plants that are often used as traditional ingredients, one of which is cinnamon (Cinnamomun burman II) which has compounds such as catechins that are useful as antioxidants. This research method a docking simulation, the ligand was downloaded in the Pubmed database and the androgen receptor macromolecule was downloaded in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), the ligand structure preparation, the test ligand docking simulation and the comparison uses the pymol,pyrx program, and Lipinski test, toxicity test using the PREADMET program. The results of binding affinity for the test compound, namely catechin compounds, obtained a binding affinity of -8.0 kcal/mol, while the comparative test, metformin, obtained a binding affinity of -3.3 kcal/mol and Lipinski qualifies as non-carcinogens but can be mutagens. These results indicate that catechin compounds have greater inhibition on alpha glucosidase receptors that cause type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to metformin compounds
Effect of Bioslurry Concentration in Feed on The Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal)
Bioslurry is cow excreta waste processed anaerobically as a nutritional by-product of biogas production, which contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. This study aims to determine the concentration of solid bioslurry in feed and the concentration of liquid bioslurry in feed containing solid bioslurry, which is optimal for increasing the growth and survival of milkfish. The results showed that the best feed with a concentration of 50% solid bioslurry resulted in a growth of 100.05 grams ± 6.98 and a survival rate of 96.67% ± 1.15. A significant growth increase in feed with a high bioslurry content indicates that bioslurry contains nutrients capable of increasing growth energy in milkfish. The growth of milkfish continues to increase along with the increasing concentration of bioslurry liquid waste added to the feed as a source of probiotics. Adding 50 ml of liquid bioslurry into 100 grams of feed resulted in the best growth of 165.33 grams ± 2.08. Liquid bioslurry contains probiotic microbial bioactivators and functions to increase growth