633 research outputs found

    Efeito do consumo da polpa de a?a? (Euterpe oleracea Mart) sobre mediadores relacionados ? ingest?o alimentar em mulheres com peso normal e excesso de peso.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de e Nutri??o. Escola de Nutri??o, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Considerando as complica??es metab?licas e fisiol?gicas do excesso peso e o aumento da preval?ncia de sobrepeso e obesidade, v?rias estrat?gias t?m sido estudadas para prevenir e reverter esse quadro. O consumo de polifen?is tem demonstrado efeitos antioxidantes e antiinflamat?rios e parece modular a s?ntese e concentra??o de alguns mediadores envolvidos no controle da ingest?o alimentar. O a?a? ? uma boa fonte de polifen?is e seu consumo, principalmente na forma de polpa, se tornou bastante comum entre os brasileiros. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do consumo da polpa de a?a? sobre vari?veis bioqu?micas, antropom?tricas e diet?ticas relacionadas ? ingest?o alimentar em mulheres com peso normal e excesso de peso. Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, autocontrolado, de interven??o nutricional, em que os participantes foram orientados a consumir 200g de polpa de a?a? todos os dias durante quatro semanas, mantendo sua dieta habitual e padr?o de atividade f?sica. Nas etapas inicial e final da interven??o foram realizadas coleta de sangue, aferi??o de medidas antrop?metricas, bioimped?ncia e aplica??o de question?rio de frequ?nica de consumo alimentar. O sangue coletado nas etapas inicial e final foi utilizado para an?lises bioqu?micas. As an?lises estat?sticas foram realizadas no programa Graph Pad Prism 5.0, adotando-se um n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. Foi utilizado o teste de KolmogorovSmirnov para verificar a distribui??o dos dados e as compara??es entre as m?dias e medianas dos grupos foram feitas mediante o teste t de Student e Wilcoxon, respectivamente. Verificouse aumento significativo na concentra??o de horm?nio adrenocorticotr?fico ap?s a interven??o em ambos os grupos estudados. No grupo com peso normal a concentra??o de leptina reduziu significativamente, paralelamente a um aumento no ?ndice de massa corporal e na gordura corporal. No grupo com excesso de peso verificou-se redu??o na CC e ?ndice cintura/quadril ap?s a interven??o. Houve uma redu??o importante na ingest?o cal?rica total das volunt?rias de ambos os grupos, que apesar de n?o ter sido estatisticamente significativa, poderia promover perda de peso e, consequente, melhorar o perfil metab?lico das volunt?rias a longo prazo.Considering the metabolic and physiological complications of excess body weight and the increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity, several strategies have been studied to prevent and reverse this condition. The consumption of polyphenols has demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and seams to modulate the synthesis and concentration of some mediators involved in the control of food intake. A?a? is a good source of polyphenols and its consumption, mainly in the form of pulp, has become quite common among Brazilians. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a?a? pulp consumption on biochemical, anthropometric and dietary variables related to dietary intake in women of normal weight and overweight. A prospective, self-controlled, nutritional intervention study was conducted in which participants were instructed to consume 200g of a?a? pulp every day for four weeks, maintaining their usual diet and standard of physical activity. In the initial and final stages of the intervention were made bood collection, measurement of anthropometric measures, bioimpedance and application of a questionnaire of frequency of food consumption. The blood collected in the initial and final stages was used for biochemical analysis. Statistical analyzes were performed in the Graph Pad Prism 5.0 program, adopting a significance level of 5%. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to verify the distribution of the data and the comparisons between the means and medians of the groups were made using Student's t test and Wilcoxon, respectively. There was a significant increase in adrenocorticotrophic hormone concentration after the intervention in both groups. In the normal weight group the concentration of leptin significantly reduced, in parallel with an increase in body mass index and body fat. In the overweight group, there was a reduction in WC and waist / hip ratio after the intervention. There was a significant reduction in the total caloric intake of volunteers from both groups, which, although not statistically significant, could promote weight loss and, consequently, improve the metabolic profile of volunteers in the long term


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    Along with the Newsletter of RC33 (the Research Committee "Logic and Methodology" of the International Sociological Association), this issue of the BMS includes three research articles and an ongoing research report. In the first article, "Missing Subscribers, The Red List and Mobile Telephones in General Population Surveys Concerning Drugs", by Fran‡ois Beck, St‚phane Legleye and Patrick Peretti-Watel, attitudes towards drugs are investigated by Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) ..

    A mutation in the LAMC2 gene causes the Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (H-JEB) in two French draft horse breeds

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    Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a heterogeneous group of inherited diseases characterised by skin blistering and fragility. In humans, one of the most severe forms of EB known as Herlitz-junctional EB (H-JEB), is caused by mutations in the laminin 5 genes. EB has been described in several species, like cattle, sheep, dogs, cats and horses where the mutation, a cytosine insertion in exon 10 of the LAMC2 gene, was very recently identified in Belgian horses as the mutation responsible for JEB. In this study, the same mutation was found to be totally associated with the JEB phenotype in two French draft horse breeds, Trait Breton and Trait Comtois. This result provides breeders a molecular test to better manage their breeding strategies by genetic counselling


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    Along with the Newsletter of RC33 (the Research Committee "Logic and Methodology" of the International Sociological Association), this issue of the BMS includes three research articles and an ongoing research report. In the first article, "Missing Subscribers, The Red List and Mobile Telephones in General Population Surveys Concerning Drugs", by Fran‡ois Beck, St‚phane Legleye and Patrick Peretti-Watel, attitudes towards drugs are investigated by Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) ..

    Mirror symmetric SU(3)-structure manifolds with NS fluxes

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    When string theory is compactified on a six-dimensional manifold with a nontrivial NS flux turned on, mirror symmetry exchanges the flux with a purely geometrical composite NS form associated with lack of integrability of the complex structure on the mirror side. Considering a general class of T^3-fibered geometries admitting SU(3) structure, we find an exchange of pure spinors (e^{iJ} and \Omega) in dual geometries under fiberwise T-duality, and study the transformations of the NS flux and the components of intrinsic torsion. A complementary study of action of twisted covariant derivatives on invariant spinors allows to extend our results to generic geometries and formulate a proposal for mirror symmetry in compactifications with NS flux.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

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    Reparation Politics in the 21st Century

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    Maze solvers demystified and some other thoughts

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    There is a growing interest towards implementation of maze solving in spatially-extended physical, chemical and living systems. Several reports of prototypes attracted great publicity, e.g. maze solving with slime mould and epithelial cells, maze navigating droplets. We show that most prototypes utilise one of two phenomena: a shortest path in a maze is a path of the least resistance for fluid and current flow, and a shortest path is a path of the steepest gradient of chemoattractants. We discuss that substrates with so-called maze-solving capabilities simply trace flow currents or chemical diffusion gradients. We illustrate our thoughts with a model of flow and experiments with slime mould. The chapter ends with a discussion of experiments on maze solving with plant roots and leeches which show limitations of the chemical diffusion maze-solving approach.Comment: This is a preliminary version of the chapter to be published in Adamatzky A. (Ed.) Shortest path solvers. From software to wetware. Springer, 201
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