6 research outputs found

    Dietary sodium sources in hypertensive patients

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    Background: Reducing dietary salt intake is the method recommended by the experts as the non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amount of dietary sodium intake by hypertensive patients and to analyze the factors affecting sodium intake. The frequency of consumption of dietary products with high sodium content was also analyzed. Material and methods: We recruited for the study 60 patients with uncomplicated chronic hypertension, between 40 and 80 years old. A proprietary questionnaire was used during the study. The first part of the questionnaire included questions about gender, age, body weight, body height. The second part was a questionnaire on the frequency of consumption of sodium-rich products. It included 6 food groups. Another component of the study was a 24-hour dietary recall collected from two working days and one holiday. Analysis of the patient's diet was carried out using ALIANT software. The database was created in Microsoft Excel and statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 28. Results: In the study group, all respondents exceeded the salt intake standards recommended by scientific societies. The amount of sodium intake among men was significantly higher than in women (p = 0.011). There was no correlation between age, body mass index, place of residence or education and daily sodium intake. Among sodium-containing foods, patients most frequently consumed pizza, with 76.67% of respondents consuming it once a month or more often. The most commonly used condiment was table salt, used by 95% of respondents. Conclusions: Patients suffering from uncomplicated hypertension do not achieve the target of dietary sodium restriction to the values recommended in scientific guidelines. As dietary sodium intake standards are exceeded, hence the need for more intensive nutrition education among hypertensive patients

    Multicultural Dissonanse

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    recenzja ksi膮偶ki: Kamil Tomczyk, Wielokulturowo艣膰 a demokracja liberalna. O granicach tolerancji w spo艂ecze艅stwach zachodnich, Wyd. WDiNP Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2013, ss. 23

    Sodium sources in the diet of patients with hypertension

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    Wst臋p: Choroby uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego stanowi膮 najistotniejsz膮 przyczyn臋 przedwczesnych zgon贸w na 艣wiecie. Do g艂贸wnych czynnik贸w ryzyka CVD nale偶y nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze. Terapia nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego opiera si臋 przede wszystkim na farmakoterapii, jednak istotny element w leczeniu nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego stanowi post臋powanie niefarmakologiczne, sk艂adaj膮ce si臋 z ograniczenia spo偶ycia sodu, alkoholu, unikania palenia papieros贸w, normalizacji masy cia艂a, wprowadzeniu odpowiedniej diety oraz regularnej aktywno艣ci fizycznej. Diet膮 zalecan膮 w nadci艣nieniu t臋tniczym jest dieta DASH.Cel: Praca mia艂a na celu ocen臋 spo偶ycia sodu wraz z diet膮 przez pacjent贸w z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym. Celem drugorz臋dnym badania by艂a ocena cz臋sto艣ci spo偶ycia produkt贸w 偶ywieniowych zawieraj膮cych s贸d przez pacjent贸w z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym.Metody i materia艂y: Do badania zrekrutowano 60 sta艂ych pacjent贸w Poradni nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego I Kliniki Kardiologii i Elektrokardiologii Interwencyjnej oraz Nadci艣nienia T臋tniczego UJCM. Do badania byli w艂膮czani pacjenci z niepowik艂anym nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, w wieku od 40 do 80 lat. Analiza diety pacjenta przeprowadzona zosta艂a za pomoc膮 programu ALIANT w wersji demo. Baza danych zosta艂a utworzona w programie Microsoft Excel z pakietu Office 365, a analizy statystyczne wykonane za pomoc膮 programu SPSS w wersji 28.Wyniki: W艣r贸d ankietowanych 艣rednie spo偶ycie soli w ca艂ej grupie bez podzia艂u na p艂e膰 wynosi艂o 4739,45 mg/dob臋, dla kobiet wynosi艂o 4294,3 mg/dob臋, natomiast dla m臋偶czyzn 5455,5 mg/dob臋. W艣r贸d produkt贸w zawieraj膮cych s贸d pacjenci najcz臋艣ciej si臋gali po pizz臋, raz w miesi膮cu lub cz臋艣ciej spo偶ywa艂o j膮 a偶 76,67% badanych. Najcz臋艣ciej u偶ywan膮 przypraw膮 by艂a s贸l, stosowa艂o j膮 a偶 95% ankietowanych.Wnioski: Pacjenci Poradni nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego I Kliniki Kardiologii i Elektrokardiologii Interwencyjnej oraz Nadci艣nienia T臋tniczego UJCM nie uzyskuj膮 poziomu ograniczenia sodu w diecie do warto艣ci zalecanych w wytycznych naukowych. Normy spo偶ycia sodu wraz z diet膮 s膮 przekroczone.Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the most significant cause of premature deaths worldwide. Among the major risk factors for CVD is hypertension. Therapy of hypertension is primarily based on pharmacotherapy; however, non-pharmacological treatment is an element in the management of hypertension. Consisting of limiting the intake of sodium, alcohol, smoking, normalization of body weight, introduction of an appropriate diet and regular physical activity. The diet recommended for hypertension is the DASH diet.Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the dietary sodium intake of hypertensive patients. The secondary objective of the study was to assess the frequency of consumption of dietary sodium-containing products by hypertensive patients.Materials and methods: 60 regular patients of the Hypertension Outpatient Clinic of the 1st Department of Cardiology and Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension of UJCM were recruited for the study. Patients with uncomplicated hypertension, aged between 40 and 80 years, were included in the study. The analysis of patient's diet was done using ALIANT software in demo version. The database was created using Microsoft Excel from Office 365, and statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 28.Results: Among the respondents, the mean salt intake without sex division was 4739.45 mg/day, for women it was 4294.3 mg/day, while for men it was 5455.5 mg/day. Among the products containing sodium, the patients most often used pizza, once a month or more often consumed by as many as 76.67% of the respondents. Salt was the most frequently used spice, used by 95% of the respondents.Conclusions: Patients of the Hypertension Outpatient Clinic of the 1st Department of Cardiology and Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension at UJCM do not follow the norms recommended in scientific guidelines. The norms of sodium intake with diet were exceeded