233 research outputs found

    An alternative view on the electroweak interactions

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    We discuss an alternative to the Higgs mechanism which leads to gauge invariant masses for the electroweak bosons. The key idea is to reformulate the gauge invariance principle which, instead of being applied as usual at the level of the action, is applied at the level of the quantum fields. In other words, we define gauge invariant quantum fields which are used to build the action. In that framework, the Higgs field is not necessarily a physical degree of freedom but can merely be a dressing field that does not propagate. If the Higgs boson is not propagating, the weak interactions must become strongly coupled below 1 TeV and have a non-trivial fixed point and would thus be renormalizable at the non-perturbative level. On the other hand, if a gauge invariant Higgs boson is introduced in the model, its couplings to the fermions and the electroweak bosons can be quite different from those expected in the standard model.Comment: 10 page

    Floquet analysis of the modulated two-mode Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the tunneling dynamics in a time-periodically modulated two-mode Bose-Hubbard model using Floquet theory. We consider situations where the system is in the self-trapping regime and either the tunneling amplitude, the interaction strength, or the energy difference between the modes is modulated. In the former two cases, the tunneling is enhanced in a wide range of modulation frequencies, while in the latter case the resonance is narrow. We explain this difference with the help of Floquet analysis. If the modulation amplitude is weak, the locations of the resonances can be found using the spectrum of the non-modulated Hamiltonian. Furthermore, we use Floquet analysis to explain the coherent destruction of tunneling (CDT) occurring in a large-amplitude modulated system. Finally, we present two ways to create a NOON state (a superposition of NN particles in mode 1 with zero particles in mode 2 and vice versa). One is based on a coherent oscillation caused by detuning from a partial CDT. The other makes use of an adiabatic variation of the modulation frequency. This results in a Landau-Zener type of transition between the ground state and a NOON-like state.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    Nuclear State Preparation via Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg transitions in Double Quantum Dots

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    We theoretically model a nuclear-state preparation scheme that increases the coherence time of a two-spin qubit in a double quantum dot. The two-electron system is tuned repeatedly across a singlet-triplet level-anticrossing with alternating slow and rapid sweeps of an external bias voltage. Using a Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg model, we find that in addition to a small nuclear polarization that weakly affects the electron spin coherence, the slow sweeps are only partially adiabatic and lead to a weak nuclear spin measurement and a nuclear-state narrowing which prolongs the electron spin coherence. This resolves some open problems brought up by a recent experiment [D. J. Reilly et al., Science 321, 817 (2008).]. Based on our description of the weak measurement, we simulate a system with up to n=200 nuclear spins per dot. Scaling in n indicates a stronger effect for larger n.Comment: 4.1 pages, 2 figure

    A proposal for a first class conversion formalism based on the symmetries of the Wess-Zumino terms

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    We propose a new procedure to embed second class systems by introducing Wess-Zumino (WZ) fields in order to unveil hidden symmetries existent in the models. This formalism is based on the direct imposition that the new Hamiltonian must be invariant by gauge-symmetry transformations. An interesting feature in this approach is the possibility to find a representation for the WZ fields in a convenient way, which leads to preserve the gauge symmetry in the original phase space. Consequently, the gauge-invariant Hamiltonian can be written only in terms of the original phase-space variables. In this situation, the WZ variables are only auxiliary tools that permit to reveal the hidden symmetries present in the original second class model. We apply this formalism to important physical models: the reduced-SU(2) Skyrme model, the Chern-Simons-Proca quantum mechanics and the chiral bosons field theory. In all these systems, the gauge-invariant Hamiltonians are derived in a very simple way.Comment: Revised version. Title changed for Gauging by symmetries. To appear in IJMP

    On the 1-loop calculations of softly broken fermion-torsion theory in curved space using the Stuckelberg procedure

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    The soft breaking of gauge or other symmetries is the typical Quantum Field Theory phenomenon. In many cases one can apply the Stuckelberg procedure, which means introducing some additional field (or fields) and restore the gauge symmetry. The original softly broken theory corresponds to a particular choice of the gauge fixing condition. In this paper we use this scheme for performing quantum calculations for fermion-torsion theory, softly broken by the torsion mass in arbitrary curved spacetime.Comment: Talk given at the 7th Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, 29 Jun - 5 Jul 2008. 4 pages and one figur


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    At higher energies the present complex quantum theory with its unitary group might expand into a real quantum theory with an orthogonal group, broken by an approximate ii operator at lower energies. Implementing this possibility requires a real quantum double-valued statistics. A Clifford statistics, representing a swap (12) by a difference γ1−γ2\gamma_1-\gamma_2 of Clifford units, is uniquely appropriate. Unlike the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and para- statistics, which are tensorial and single-valued, and unlike anyons, which are confined to two dimensions, Clifford statistics are multivalued and work for any dimensionality. Nayak and Wilczek proposed a Clifford statistics for the fractional quantum Hall effect. We apply them to toy quanta here. A complex-Clifford example has the energy spectrum of a system of spin-1/2 particles in an external magnetic field. This supports the proposal that the double-valued rotations --- spin --- seen at current energies might arise from double-valued permutations --- swap --- to be seen at higher energies. Another toy with real Clifford statistics illustrates how an effective imaginary unit ii can arise naturally within a real quantum theory.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; original title ("Clifford statistics") changed; to appear in J. Math. Phys., 42, 2001. Key words: Clifford statistics, cliffordons, double-valued representations of permutation groups, spin, swap, imaginary unit ii, applications to quantum space-time and the Standard Model. Some of these results were presented at the American Physical Society Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, March 25, 199

    How to detect an anti-spacetime

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    Is it possible, in principle, to measure the sign of the Lapse? We show that fermion dynamics distinguishes spacetimes having the same metric but different tetrads, for instance a Lapse with opposite sign. This sign might be a physical quantity not captured by the metric. We discuss its possible role in quantum gravity.Comment: Article awarded with an "Honorable Mention" from the 2012 Gravity Foundation Award. 6 pages, 8 (pretty) figure

    Generalized BRST Quantization and Massive Vector Fields

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    A previously proposed generalized BRST quantization on inner product spaces for second class constraints is further developed through applications. This BRST method involves a conserved generalized BRST charge Q which is not nilpotent but which satisfies Q=\delta+\delta^{\dagger}, \delta^2=0, and by means of which physical states are obtained from the projection \delta|ph>=\delta^{\dagger}|ph>=0. A simple model is analyzed in detail from which some basic properties and necessary ingredients are extracted. The method is then applied to a massive vector field. An effective theory is derived which is close to the one of the Stueckelberg model. However, since the scalar field here is introduced in order to have inner product solutions, a massive Yang-Mills theory with polynomial interaction terms might be possible to construct.Comment: 19 pages,Latexfil

    Finite Order BFFT Method

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    We have proposed a method in the context of BFFT approach that leads to truncation of the infinite series regarded to constraints in the extended phase space, as well as other physical quantities (such as Hamiltonian). This has been done for cases where the matrix of Poisson brackets among the constraints is symplectic or constant. The method is applied to Proca model, single self dual chiral bosons and chiral Schwinger models as examples.Comment: 14 pages, no figure to appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Discrete Symmetries in Covariant LQG

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    We study time-reversal and parity ---on the physical manifold and in internal space--- in covariant loop gravity. We consider a minor modification of the Holst action which makes it transform coherently under such transformations. The classical theory is not affected but the quantum theory is slightly different. In particular, the simplicity constraints are slightly modified and this restricts orientation flips in a spinfoam to occur only across degenerate regions, thus reducing the sources of potential divergences.Comment: 8 pages, v2: Minor change
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