13 research outputs found

    Assessing the role of advanced artificial intelligence as a tool in multidisciplinary tumor board decision-making for primary head and neck cancer cases

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    BackgroundHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a complex malignancy that requires a multidisciplinary approach in clinical practice, especially in tumor board discussions. In recent years, artificial intelligence has emerged as a tool to assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions. This study investigates the application of ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4.0, natural language processing models, in tumor board decision-making.MethodsWe conducted a pilot study in October 2023 on 20 consecutive head and neck cancer patients discussed in our multidisciplinary tumor board (MDT). Patients with a primary diagnosis of head and neck cancer were included. The MDT and ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4.0 recommendations for each patient were compared by two independent reviewers and the number of therapy options, the clinical recommendation, the explanation and the summarization were graded.ResultsIn this study, ChatGPT 3.5 provided mostly general answers for surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. For clinical recommendation, explanation and summarization ChatGPT 3.5 and 4.0 scored well, but demonstrated to be mostly an assisting tool, suggesting significantly more therapy options than our MDT, while some of the recommended treatment modalities like primary immunotherapy are not part of the current treatment guidelines.ConclusionsThis research demonstrates that advanced AI models at the moment can merely assist in the MDT setting, since the current versions list common therapy options, but sometimes recommend incorrect treatment options and in the case of ChatGPT 3.5 lack information on the source material

    The immunologic tumor microenvironment in endometrioid endometrial cancer in the morphomolecular context: mutual correlations and prognostic impact depending on molecular alterations

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    OBJECTIVE POLE-mutant, microsatellite-instable (MSI), p53-mutant and non-specific molecular profile (NSMP) are TCGA-defined molecular subgroups of endometrial cancer (EC). Hypothesizing that morphology and tumor immunology might differ depending on molecular background concerning composition and prognostic impact, we aimed to comprehensively interconnect morphologic, immunologic and molecular data. METHODS TCGA-defined molecular groups were determined by immunohistochemistry and sequencing in n = 142 endometrioid EC. WHO-defined histopathological grading was performed. The immunologic microenvironment (iTME) was characterised by the quantification of intraepithelial and stromal populations of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL: overall T-cells; T-Killer cells; regulatory T-cells (Treg)). Immunologic parameters were correlated with WHO-grading, TCGA-subgroups and prognosis. RESULTS High density TIL were significantly more frequent in high-grade (G3) compared to low-grade (G1/2) EC in the whole cohort and in the subgroup of POLE-wildtype-/microsatellite-stable-EC. MSI was associated with high-level TIL-infiltration when taking into account the type of mismatch repair defect (MLH1/PMS2; MSH2/MSH6). Prognostic impact of biomarkers depended on molecular subgroups: In p53-mutant EC, Treg were independently prognostic, in NSMP, the unique independently prognostic biomarker was WHO-grading. CONCLUSIONS EC morphology and immunology differ depending on genetics. Our study delineated two molecularly distinct subgroups of immunogenic EC characterized by high-density TIL-infiltration: MSI EC and high-grade POLE-wildtype/microsatellite-stable-EC. Prognostic impact of TIL-populations relied on TCGA-subgroups indicating specific roles for TIL depending on molecular background. In NSMP, histopathological grading was the only prognostic biomarker demonstrating the relevance of WHO-grading in an era of molecular subtyping

    Einfluss von rekombinantem Adiponektin auf die monozytäre Expression von Annexin A6

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zunächst die CD14 Micro Beads titriert und so die Menge an CD14 Micro Beads bestimmt, die nötig ist, um eine große Anzahl Monozyten mit einem hohen Reinheitsgrad, verbunden mit geringen Kosten, aus Vollblut isolieren zu können. In den folgenden in vitro Untersuchungen wurden dann periphere Monozyten von humanen Spendern isoliert, um die dosis- und zeitabhängige Veränderung der Annexin A6-Proteinexpression unter dem Einfluss von Adiponektin feststellen zu können. Anschließend sollte untersucht werden, über welchen Signalweg Adiponektin die verminderte Menge an Annexin A6 in Monozyten bewirkt. Der genaue Mechanismus hierzu konnte allerdings nicht aufgeklärt werden. Es gibt jedoch Anzeichen, dass Annexin A6 eng mit dem Cholesterinstoffwechsel zusammenhängt, den reversen Cholesterintransport stört und somit eine Rolle in der Entstehung von Arteriosklerose spielen könnte. Zusätzlich wurde in ex vivo Untersuchungen eine Korrelation zwischen dem BMI, den jeweiligen Adiponektin-Plasmakonzentrationen und dem monozytären Annexin A6 von Typ 2 Diabetikern sowie übergewichtigen und normalgewichtigen Kontrollgruppen nachgewiesen. Jedoch bleibt immer noch unklar, durch welchen Mechanismus Annexin A6 in den Monozyten Übergewichtiger vermehrt exprimiert wird. Es sind somit noch weitere Untersuchungen notwendig, in denen geklärt werden muss, durch welchen Mechanismus Adiponektin die Annexin A6-Expression reguliert. Annexin A6 ist also in den Monozyten von übergewichtigen Spendern erhöht und könnte über eine Verminderung des reversen Cholesterintransports zur Schaumzelltransformation beitragen

    Context-Dependent Regulation of Peripheral Nerve Abundance by the PI3K Pathway in the Tumor Microenvironment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Recent studies have highlighted neurons and their associated Schwann cells (SCs) as key regulators of cancer development. However, the mode of their interaction with tumor cells or other components of the tumor microenvironment (TME) remains elusive. We established an SC-related 43-gene set as a surrogate for peripheral nerves in the TME. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) were classified into low, intermediate and high SC score groups based on the expression of this gene set. Perineural invasion (PNI) and TGF-β signaling were hallmarks of SChigh tumors, whereas SClow tumors were enriched for HPV16-positive OPSCC and higher PI3K-MTOR activity. The latter activity was partially explained by a higher frequency of PTEN mutation and PIK3CA copy number gain. The inverse association between PI3K-MTOR activity and peripheral nerve abundance was context-dependent and influenced by the TP53 mutation status. An in silico drug screening approach highlighted the potential vulnerabilities of HNSCC with variable SC scores and predicted a higher sensitivity of SClow tumors to DNA topoisomerase inhibitors. In conclusion, we have established a tool for assessing peripheral nerve abundance in the TME and provided new clinical and biological insights into their regulation. This knowledge may pave the way for new therapeutic strategies and impart proof of concept in appropriate preclinical models

    NOTCH1 Intracellular Domain and the Tumor Microenvironment as Prognostic Markers in HNSCC

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    (1) Background: NOTCH1 is the second most common mutated gene in whole-exome sequencing of HNSCC. The aim of this project was to gain further insight into the relevance of NOTCH1 in HNSCC, potentially establishing NOTCH1 as a prognostic marker or therapeutic target; (2) Methods: NOTCH1 was silenced via RNA interference in six HNSCC cell lines and the impact was evaluated in migration and proliferation assays. Subsequently, the protein expression of NOTCH1 intracellular domain (NICD) and NOTCH1 mRNA expression were examined in 70 oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer tissue samples. Lastly, the NICD expression was compared with the local infiltration of lymphocytes, measured with the immunoscore; (3) Results: Knockdown of NOTCH1 decreased migration and proliferation. A high NICD expression was associated with lower OS. A high immunoscore resulted in significantly better OS. NICD expression was independent of the immunoscore and as a whole differentiated three distinct prognostic groups; (4) Conclusions: These data suggest that NOTCH1 is involved in migration and proliferation of HNSCC cell lines. In vivo, NICD expression was associated with overall survival and could, therefore, be used as a prognostic marker. NICD expression differs from NOTCH1 mRNA levels, potentially explaining the previously suggested bimodal role as an oncogene and tumor suppressor in HNSCC

    A six-gene expression signature related to angiolymphatic invasion is associated with poor survival in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Purpose!#!Angiolymphatic invasion serves as a histopathological risk factor for unfavorable survival in head and neck squamous cell carinoma. The aim of the study was to explore  the molecular mechanisms characterizing angiolymphatic invasion and therefore identify a gene expression signature related to angiolymphatic invasion.!##!Methods!#!Gene expression analysis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma was carried out based on clinical and whole genome expression data provided by The Cancer Genome Atlas. Results were validated in an independent cohort of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and confirmed by immunohistochemistry staining.!##!Results!#!A gene expression signature consisting of six genes (SHH, SLC18A3, LCE3E, LCE2B, LCE3D and DSG-1) related to angiolymphatic invasion was identified. The gene expression profile identified a subset of patients with decreased overall survival (p = 0.02, log rank test), which was most prominent for patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (p = 0.004, log rank test). Furthermore, these patients showed a significant shorter progression-free survival (p = 0.002, log rank test). By use of this gene expression signature, patients at high risk of recurrence could be identified even if morphological changes were not yet recognizable.!##!Conclusion!#!Angiolymphatic invasion is characterized by a distinct histopathological phenotype and specific gene expression signature. The newly identified signature might serve as a reliable predictor of outcome in laryngeal cancer and add additional benefit to histopathological evaluation

    RNA-Based Detection of Gene Fusions in Formalin-Fixed and Paraffin-Embedded Solid Cancer Samples

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    Oncogenic gene fusions are important drivers in many cancer types, including carcinomas, with diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Hence, sensitive and rapid methods for parallel profiling in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens are needed. In this study we analyzed gene fusions in a cohort of 517 cases where standard treatment options were exhausted. To this end the Archer® DX Solid tumor panel (AMP; 285 cases) and the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 (OCA; 232 cases) were employed. Findings were validated by Sanger sequencing, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or immunohistochemistry. Both assays demonstrated minimal dropout rates (AMP: 2.4%; n = 7/292, OCA: 2.1%; n = 5/237) with turnaround times of 6–9 working days (median, OCA and AMP, respectively). Hands-on-time for library preparation was 6 h (AMP) and 2 h (OCA). We detected n = 40 fusion-positive cases (7.7%) with TMPRSS2::ERG in prostate cancer being most prevalent (n = 9/40; 22.5%), followed by other gene fusions identified in cancers of unknown primary (n = 6/40; 15.0%), adenoid cystic carcinoma (n = 7/40; 17.5%), and pancreatic cancer (n = 7/40; 17.5%). Our results demonstrate that targeted RNA-sequencing of FFPE samples is feasible, and a well-suited approach for the detection of gene fusions in a routine clinical setting