123 research outputs found

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    New enzymes of indole alkaloid biosynthesis

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    High-performance liquid chromatographic, capillary electrophoretic and capillary electrophoretic-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometric analysis of selected alkaloid groups.

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    Systems for efficient separation of selected alkaloid groups by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE) and capillary electrophoresis coupled with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) are described. The optimized HPLC system was applied for the separation of 23 standard indole alkaloids as well as for qualitative and quantitative analyses of crude alkaloid extracts of Rauvolfia serpentina X Rhazya stricta hybrid cell cultures. The developed conditions for CE analysis proved to be efficient for separation of mixtures of standard indole and beta-carboline alkaloids. The described buffer system is also applicable in the combination of CE with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. This analytical technique allowed the separation and identification of components of standard indole alkaloid mixture as well as crude extracts of R. serpentina roots, R. serpentina cell suspension cultures and cortex of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco. The influence of buffer composition and analyte structures on separation is discussed

    Hydroquinone: O-glucosyltransferase from cultivated Rauvolfia cells: enrichment and partial amino acid sequences.

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    Plant cell suspension cultures of Rauvolfia are able to produce a high amount of arbutin by glucosylation of exogenously added hydroquinone. A four step purification procedure using anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, hydroxyapatite-chromatography and chromatofocusing delivered in a yield of 0.5%, an approximately 390 fold enrichment of the involved glucosyltransferase. SDS-PAGE showed a M(r) for the enzyme of 52 kDa. Proteolysis of the pure enzyme with endoproteinase LysC revealed six peptide fragments with 9-23 amino acids which were sequenced. Sequence alignment of the six peptides showed high homologies to glycosyltransferases from other higher plants

    Purification, partial amino acid sequence and structure of the product of raucaffricine-O-beta-D-glucosidase from plant cell cultures of Rauwolfia serpentina.

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    Plant cell suspension cultures of Rauwolfia produce within 1 week approximately 250 nkat/l of raucaffricine-O-beta-D-glucosidase. A five step procedure using anion exchange chromatography, chromatography on hydroxylapatite, gel filtration and FPLC-chromatography on Mono Q and Mono P delivered in a yield of 0.9% approximately 1200-fold enriched glucosidase. A short protocol employing DEAE sepharose, TSK 55 S gel chromatography and purification on Mono Q gave a 5% recovery of glucosidase which was 340-fold enriched. SDS-PAGE showed a Mr for the enzyme of 61 kDa. The enzyme is not glycosylated. Structural investigation of the enzyme product, vomilenine, demonstrated that the alkaloid exists in aqueous solutions in an equilibrium of 21(R)- and 21(S)-vomilenine in a ratio of 3.4:1. Proteolysis of the pure enzyme with endoproteinase Lys C revealed six peptide fragments with 6-24 amino acids which were sequenced. The two largest fragments showed sequences, of which the motif Val-Thr-Glu-Asn-Gly is typical for beta-glucosidases. Sequence alignment of these fragments demonstrated high homologies to linamarase from Manihot esculenta (81% identity) or to beta-glucosidase from Prunus avium (79% identity). Raucaffricine-O-beta-D-glucosidase seems to be a new member of the family 1 of glycosyl hydrolases

    Utilizing genetically engineered bacteria to produce plant-specific glucosides.

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    Plant-derived glucosides have attracted much attention due to their widespread applications. This class of products is difficult to isolate or to synthesize in pure form because of the resulting low yields. Thus, simple approaches for the generation of such glucosides would be highly beneficial. We purified and characterized a novel glucosyltransferase from plant cell suspension cultures of Rauvolfia serpentina, which showed rather low substrate specificity. We obtained its cDNA and expressed the active recombinant protein in bacteria (Escherichia coli) with excellent plant-specific glucosylation efficiencies. Compared with the plant system, the bacteria delivered the new enzyme, which was in the form of a soluble or matrix-bound enzyme, approximately 1800 times more efficiently for the synthesis of a wide range of glucosides. More importantly, the engineered E. coli strain allowed for in vivo glucosylation and release of the product into the culture medium, as shown by the formation of arbutin, which is a potent inhibitor of human melanin biosynthesis with commercial value