406 research outputs found

    Expression of Msx1 and Dlx1 during Dumbo rat head development: Correlation with morphological features

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    The Dumbo rat possesses some characteristics that evoke several human syndromes, such as Treacher-Collins: shortness of the maxillary, zygomatic and mandibular bones, and low position of the ears. Knowing that many homeobox genes are candidates in craniofacial development, we investigated the involvement of the Msx1 and Dlx1 genes in the Dumbo phenotype with the aim of understanding their possible role in abnormal craniofacial morphogenesis and examining the possibility of using Dumbo rat as an experimental model for understanding abnormal craniofacial development. We studied the expression of these genes during craniofacial morphogenesis by RT-PCR method. We used Dumbo embryos at E12 and E14 and included the Wistar strain as a control. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis demonstrated that Msx1 and Dlx1 are expressed differently between Dumbo and Wistar rats, indicating that their low expression may underly the Dumbo phenotype

    Expression of Msx1 and Dlx1 during Dumbo rat head development: Correlation with morphological features

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    The Dumbo rat possesses some characteristics that evoke several human syndromes, such as Treacher-Collins: shortness of the maxillary, zygomatic and mandibular bones, and low position of the ears. Knowing that many homeobox genes are candidates in craniofacial development, we investigated the involvement of the Msx1 and Dlx1 genes in the Dumbo phenotype with the aim of understanding their possible role in abnormal craniofacial morphogenesis and examining the possibility of using Dumbo rat as an experimental model for understanding abnormal craniofacial development. We studied the expression of these genes during craniofacial morphogenesis by RT-PCR method. We used Dumbo embryos at E12 and E14 and included the Wistar strain as a control. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis demonstrated that Msx1 and Dlx1 are expressed differently between Dumbo and Wistar rats, indicating that their low expression may underly the Dumbo phenotype

    L'imagerie des vertiges périphériques.

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    Clinical imaging investigation of vertigo is actually mainly performed using MRI, which offers a detailed analysis of cochieo-vestibular nerve and labyrinth. Computed tomography is reserved to the analysis of bony structures. Several causes of vertigo are described, e.g. tumours, labyrinthitis, malformations, Ménière's disease, otoscierosis, trauma, cholesteatomas and postoperative changes. The interest of imaging is discussed. The necessity to perform paraclinical tests prior to diagnostic imaging to optimise the choice of imaging is emphasized.English AbstractJournal ArticleReviewinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Médecine et université.

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    Editorial: Radiologie et recherche fondamentale

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    Oreille interne: développement et anatomie

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    La formation de la tête des vertébrés: Faits et hypothèses

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    One of the most important features of vertebrates is that, as craniates, they have a head. They present some developmental similarities with the cephalochordates, which constitute a brother group of the vertebrates. The amphioxus has a rudimentary brain vesicle, with a frontal single eye. The vertebrates differ by formation of a " new " skull, largely developed from neural crest and placodic cells. At the light of common literature, we discuss here a possible scenario in which an enlargement of the primary neural induction process gives rise to an extension of the forebrain, followed by increased neural crest cell migration.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Les preuves embryologiques de l'Ă©volution

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    Autant que la paléontologie, l'embryologie fournit de nombreuses preuves à l'appui de l'évolution des espèces.La connaissance du mode d'action et de la répartition spatiale et temporelle des gènes du développement permet de dégager des mécanismes qui expliquent les modifications des programmes de développement embryonnaire pouvant mener à des innovations évolutives.Le plan d'organisation des embryons de vertébrés est initialement très semblable dans les différents taxons, et les dissemblances morphologiques s'expliquent par des programmes ontogénétiques modifiés. On est donc bien loin de la loi biogénétique fondamentale de Haeckel, qui postulait que 'l'ontogenèse résumait la phylogenèse'.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Ontogenèse et hominisation: le point de vue de l'embryologiste

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    Dessiner.pour enseigner

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