3 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of Identification of genomic regions and candidate genes for chicken meat ultimate pH by combined detection of selection signatures and QTL

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    Figure S3. Evolution of haplotype cluster frequencies in region hapFLK-2c (Chromosome 2, from 24,502,152 to 33,353,778 bp). A: each panel corresponds to a population, from G0 (top) to G5plus (bottom). For one given genomic position (on the x-axis), each color band corresponds to one haplotype cluster, and the height of this band gives the cluster frequency. The selection scenario described in the text is based on cluster frequencies at the position of the strongest hapFLK signal, which is indicated by the vertical black line. B: Evolution of the light blue and light green cluster frequencies along generations. As discussed in the text, these clusters are the ones showing the strongest evidence of selection at this locus. (PNG 1608 kb

    Additional file 2: of Identification of genomic regions and candidate genes for chicken meat ultimate pH by combined detection of selection signatures and QTL

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    Figure S2. Evolution of haplotype cluster frequencies in region hapFLK-1c (Chromosome 1, from 18,755,135 to 29,764,967 bp). A: each panel corresponds to a population, from G0 (top) to G5plus (bottom). For one given genomic position (on the x-axis), each color band corresponds to one haplotype cluster, and the height of this band gives the cluster frequency. The selection scenario described in the text is based on cluster frequencies at the position of the strongest hapFLK signal, which is indicated by the vertical black line. B: Evolution of the dark red, red and green cluster frequencies along generations. As discussed in the text, these clusters are the ones showing the strongest evidence of selection at this locus. (PNG 1614 kb

    Additional file 1: of Mapping QTL for white striping in relation to breast muscle yield and meat quality traits in broiler chickens

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    Figure S1. Manhattan plot showing the association of SNPs with WS in the pHu + (a) and the pHu- (b) line. Black line represents the 5% genome-wide threshold, red line the 5% GGA1-wide threshold, blue line the 5% GGA17-wide threshold and purple line the 5% GGA20-wide threshold. (DOCX 1204 kb