90 research outputs found

    Population genetic analysis of host-parasite coevolution

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    The population dynamics studies using RAPD and multilocus enzyme polymorphism analysis of parasites (7 Lithuania helminths population of trematodes N. attenuatus and N. ephemera), their intermediate hosts (7 population of snail L. stagnalis and P. corneus) and definitive hosts (563 individuals of 7 ducks species collected over period of 22 years from I I different geographical location in Palaearctic) have shown fluctuations of different genotypes in space and time. Co-evolution of the host population structure is thus determinant with regard to that of the parasiteVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Sarcocystis spp. in birds of the order Anseriformes

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    Genetic analysis roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Lithuania

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    Biologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Lietuvos stirnų (capreolus capreolus l.) genetinis kintamumas remiantis atsitiktinai pagausintos polimorfinės DNR ir izofermentų analize

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    Pastaraisiais metais buvo tiriama kanopinių žvėrių biologija, morfologija ir jų poveikis kraštovaizdžiui, tačiau duomenų apie Lietuvoje gyvenančių stirnų genetinę įvairovę beveik nėra. Norint nustatyti Lietuvos stirnų genetinę įvairovę, buvo atlikti APPD (atsitiktinai pagausintos polimorfinės DNR) ir izofermentų tyrimai. Iš 39 stirnų raumenų ir kepenų pavyzdžių iš- skirta DNR. Naudojant penkis ROTH-180 molekulinius žymenis Lietuvos stirnų populiacijoje nustatyti 57 polimorfiniai APPD lokusai, kurių fragmentų dydžiai svyravo nuo 150 iki 3 000 bazių porų. Įvertinus įvairių vietovių stirnas, genetinis kintamumas buvo skirtingas: genetinės distancijos pagal Nei svyravo nuo 0,04 iki 0,76. Panaudojant keturias izofermentų sistemas (NSP, EST, MDH ir ME) tarp trijų rajonų stirnų nustatytas 0,468 heterozigotiškumas ir 9 polimorfiniai lokusai: Est-2, Est-3, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Me-1, Me-2, Nsp-1, Nsp-2, Nsp-3In recent decades, ungulate biology, morphology and ecology as well as the significance of roe deer in the cultural landscape have been studied but data on the genetic diversity of roe deer in Lithuania is still sparse. To determine the genetic diversity of roe deer in Lithuania RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and enzyme studies were performed. DNA from the total of 39 roe deer individuals were extracted. Five ROTH-180 primers were used and fifty-seven RAPD polymorphic loci ranging from 150 to 3 000 base pair were found. The evaluation of different locations roe deer genetic variability was different: the genetic distances according to Nei ranged from 0.04 to 0.76. Using four isoenzyme systems (NSP, EST, MDH and ME) between roe deer of three districts were analysed. Observed average heterozygosity was 0.468 and 9 polymorphic loci: Est-2, Est-3, MDH-1, MDH-2, Me-1, Me-2, NSP -1, NSP-2, NSP-3 were detectedBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Molekulinė ekologija : mokymo priemonė

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    Bibliogr.: p. 82Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Genetic analysis of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) using DNA markers

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    DNA markers play a major role in genetic analysis of mammals. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic structure of roe deer in Lithuania using microsatellite and D-loop sequences analysis. Seven microsattelite derived from rein deer (Rangifer tarandus) with published primer sequences were used. Total number of alleles per locus varied from 2 to 9 and number of effective alleles varied from 2,0 to 7,5. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that genetic diversity of the populations yielded 79 % of the total genetic diversity and among populations 21 % of the total genetic diversity. Mitochondrial DNA was amplified using L-Pro and H-493 primers, which amplify a 436 bp fragment from the first hypervariable domain of the mtDNA control region. Six haplotypes and two haplogroups were identified in population of roe deer in Lithuania. A total 41 variable sites were detected in mtDNA variable region. H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 haplotypes were specific in roe deer from Lithuania. Haplotype diversity Hd = 0.854 and nucleotide diversity Pi = 0.01981 were calculated. Results of DNA markers analysis revealed high level molecular genetic variation in roe deer population in LithuaniaBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysis of the genetic structure of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) using the mtDNA cyt b molecular marker

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    Biologijos katedraGamtos tyrimų centrasGamtos tyrimų centro Ekologijos institutasGamtos tyrimų centro Ekologijos institutas, [email protected] Didžiojo universiteta