19 research outputs found

    Parametric studies of failure mechanisms in thermal barrier coatings during thermal cycling using FEM

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    Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are widely used on different hot components of gas turbine engines such as blades and vanes. Although, several mechanisms for the failure of the TBCs have been suggested, it is largely accepted that the durability of these coatings is primarily determined by the residual stresses that are developed during the thermal cycling. In the present study, the residual stress build-up in an electron beam physical vapour deposition (EB-PVD) based TBCs on a coupon during thermal cycling has been studied by varying three parameters such as the cooling rate, TBC thickness and substrate thickness. A two-dimensional thermomechanical generalized plane strain finite element simulations have been performed for thousand cycles. It was observed that these variations change the stress profile significantly and the stress severity factor increases non-linearly. Overall, the predictions of the model agree with reported experimental results and help in predicting the failure mechanisms

    Study of brittle-to-ductile-transition in Pt-aluminide bond coat using micro-tensile testing method

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    The Brittle-to-ductile-transition-temperature (BDTT) of free-standing Pt-aluminide (PtAl) coating specimens, i.e. stand-alone coating specimens without any substrate, was determined by micro-tensile testing technique. The effect of Pt content, expressed in terms of the thickness of initial electro-deposited Pt layer, on the BDTT of the coating has been evaluated and an empirical correlation drawn. Increase in the electrodeposited Pt layer thickness from nil to 10 μm was found to cause an increase in the BDTT of the coating by about 100°C

    Microtensile testing of a free-standing Pt-aluminide bond coat

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    A finite element method (FEM)-based study has been carried out for the design of flat microtensile samples to evaluate tensile properties of Pt-aluminide (PtAl) bond coats. The critical dimensions of the sample have been determined using a two-dimensional elastic stress analysis. In the present testing scheme, the ratio of the dimensions of the holding length to the fillet radius of the sample was found important to achieve failure within the gage length. The effect of gage length and grip head length also has been examined. The simulation predictions have been experimentally verified by conducting microtensile test of an actual PtAl bond coat at room temperature. The sample design and testing scheme suggested in this study have also been found suitable for evaluation of tensile properties at high temperature

    Mechanism of failure in a free-standing Pt-aluminide bond coat during tensile testing at room temperature

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    The room temperature (RT) tensile behaviour of a free-standing high activity Pt-aluminide bond coat has been evaluated by microtensile testing technique. The coating had a typical three-layer microstructure. The stress-strain plot for the free-standing coating was linear, indicating the coating to be brittle at RT. Different fracture features were observed across the coating layers, namely quasi-cleavage in the outer layer and inner interdiffusion zone, and cleavage in the intermediate layer. By employing interrupted tensile test and observing the cross-sectional microstructure of the tested specimens, it was determined that failure of the microtensile samples occurred by the initiation of a single crack in the intermediate layer of the coating and its subsequent inside-out propagation. Such a mechanism of failure has been explained in terms of the fracture features observed across the sample thickness. This mechanism of failure is consistent with fracture toughness values of the individual coating layers

    Photonic integrated WDM switches and filters for ultra-wideband (O to L) optical networks

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    We experimentally demonstrate multi-band (O- to L-band) monolithic and hybrid photonic integrated wavelength selective switches with fast switching and different data format and data-rates for flexible low-cost 5G/6G optical metro and access distribution networks. We also present results on photonic integrated multiband optical cross-connect switches.</p

    Large anthropogenic impacts on a charismatic small carnivore: Insights from distribution surveys of red panda <i>Ailurus fulgens</i> in Nepal

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    <div><p>Protected areas are key to preserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services. However, their ability to ensure long-term survival of threatened andendangered species varies across countries, regions and landscapes. Distribution surveys can beparticularly important for assessing the value of protected areas, and gauging their efficacy incatering to species-specific requirements. We assessed the conservation value of one such reserve for a charismatic yet globally endangered species, the red panda <i>Ailurus fulgens</i>,in the light of on-going land-use transformation in Nepal. We conducted field surveys forindirect signs of red pandas along forest trails in 25-km<sup>2</sup> sampling grid cells (n = 54) of Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, and confronted a set of ecological hypotheses to the data using hierarchical occupancy models. We estimated overall occupancy at Ψ(SE) = 0.41 (0.007), with relatively high site-level detectability [<i>p</i> = 0.93 (SE = 0.001)]. Our results show that despitebeing a subsistence form of small-scale resource use, extraction of bamboo and livestock grazing negatively affected panda occurrence, albeit at different intensities. The amount of bamboo cover,rather than the overall proportion of forest cover, had greater influence on the panda occurrence. Despite availability of bamboo cover, areas with bamboo extraction and anthropogenic disturbances were less likely to be occupied by pandas. Together, these results suggest that long-term persistence of red pandas in this reserve and elsewhere across the species’ range will require preventing commercial extractionof bamboo, coupled with case-specific regulation of anthropogenic exploitation of red panda habitats.</p></div