10,192 research outputs found

    Shell model and deformed shell model spectroscopy of 62^{62}Ga

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    In the present work we have reported comprehensive analysis of recently available experimental data [H.M. David et al., Phys. Lett. B {\bf 726}, 665 (2013)] for high-spin states up to 17+17^+ with T=0T=0 in the odd-odd N=ZN=Z nucleus 62^{62}Ga using shell model calculations within the full f5/2pg9/2f_{5/2}pg_{9/2} model space and deformed shell model based on Hartee-Fock intrinsic states in the same space. The calculations have been performed using jj44b effective interaction developed recently by B.A. Brown and A.F. Lisetskiy for this model space. The results obtained with the two models are similar and they are in reasonable agreement with experimental data. In addition to the T=0T=0 and T=1T=1 energy bands, band crossings and electromagnetic transition probabilities, we have also calculated the pairing energy in shell model and all these compare well with the available theoretical results.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Conference proceedings: Thermo-mechanical processing of Steels & 5th Gleeble User Workshop India

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    To bring together the national experts, academia, R&D establishments, industries and students on a common platform for learning, sharing and updating the latest developments in the area of thermo-mechanical processing of steels. To provide a platform for Gleeble users in India to discuss the Gleeble related applications, operations and maintenance issues

    Application Oriented New Materials by Spray Forming

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    The development of new materials and processes is projected to be the prime mover for the 21st century. Rapid solidification process was developed in 1960s and gained tremendous interest from the research community. Similarly, spray forming, one of the variants of rapid solidification, was observed as a promise for the synthesis of bulk materials that could not be generally processed by conventional route. As spray forming has already been a well established process and has witnessed commercial production, the present paper attempts to investigate the possibility of employing this technique to produce bulk amorphous / nanocrystalline / quasicrystalline materials, which have shown unprecedented physical and mechanical properties. The effect of process parameters and mechanisms involved in the formation of these materials in bulk has been brought out

    Numerical Study of the Lowest Energy Configurations for Global String-Antistring Pairs

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    We investigate the lowest energy configurations for string - antistring pairs at fixed separations by numerically minimizing the energy. We show that for separations smaller than a critical value, a region of false vacuum develops in the middle due to large gradient energy density. Consequently, well defined string - antistring pairs do not exist for such separations. We present an example of vortex - antivortex production by vacuum bubbles where this effect seems to play a dynamical role in the annihilation of the pair. We also study the dependence of the energy of an string-antistring pair on their separation and find deviations from a simple logarithmic dependence for small separations.Comment: 14 pages, in LATEX, 7 figures (not included

    Synthesis of bulk amorphous and nano-crystalline materials by spray forming

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    Bulk amorphous and nanocrystalline metallic materials have been observed to possess excellent mechanical and physical properties. The conventional process routes to synthesize such materials are restricted by their ability to achieve rapid solidification which limits the dimensions of the materials produced. In the last ten years, spray forming has been used to avoid these limitations by using its layer by layer deposition of undercooled droplets. The available literature indicates that the opportunities provided by this process can be utilized to produce bulk materials in a single step. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to review the developments in the area of spray forming of amorphous and/or nanocrystalline materials. The effect of process parameters, droplet size distribution in the spray, the thermal conditions of droplets prior to deposition and the deposition surface conditions have been discussed in detail. It has been demonstrate that the layer by layer deposition of undercooled droplets of glass forming alloys on a relatively cold deposition surface is the suitable condition to achieve amorphization/nanocrystallization. A critical analysis of the process parameters and the results has been made based on the composition, glass forming ability and possible mechanisms of microstructural evolution
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