48 research outputs found

    Optical observations of the fast declining type Ib supernova iPTF13bvn

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    We present optical UBVRI photometry and medium resolution spectroscopy of the type Ib supernova iPTF13bvn, spanning a phase of ∼\sim −13 -13\,d to +71 +71\,d with respect to BB-band maximum. The post maximum decline rates indicate a fast decline with Δm15(B)=1.82\Delta m_{15}(B) = 1.82. Correcting for a galactic extinction E(B−V)MW=0.045E(B-V){\rm_{MW}}=0.045 and host galaxy extinction of E(B−V)host=0.17E(B-V){\rm_{host}}=0.17, the absolute VV-band magnitude peaks at MV=−17.23 ± 0.20_V=-17.23\, \pm \,0.20. The bolometric light curve indicates that ∼0.09\sim 0.09 M⊙_{\odot} of 56^{56}Ni was synthesized in the explosion. The earliest spectrum (−13-13d) shows the presence of He~{\sc i} 5876 \AA\ feature at a velocity of ∼\sim15000 km s−1^{-1}, which falls rapidly by the time the SN approaches the epoch of B-band maximum. The photospheric velocity near maximum light, as indicated by the Fe~{\sc ii} 5169~\AA\ feature, is ∼9000\sim 9000 km s−1^{-1}. The estimate for the 56^{56}Ni mass, together with the estimates for the ejected mass (MejM_{\rm{ej}}) and kinetic energy of the explosion (EkE_{\rm{k}}) indicate that iPTF13bvn is a low luminosity type Ib supernova, with a lower than average ejected mass and kinetic energy. Our results suggest that the progenitor of iPTF13bvn is inconsistent with a single Wolf-Rayet star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 12 figure

    Multiparton Cwebs at five loops

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    Scattering amplitudes involving multiple partons are plagued with infrared singularities. The soft singularities of the amplitude are captured by the soft function which is defined as the vacuum expectation value of Wilson line correlators. Renormalization properties of soft function allows us to write it as an exponential of the finite soft anomalous dimension. An efficient way to study the soft function is through a set of Feynman diagrams known as Cwebs (webs). We obtain the mixing matrices and exponentiated colour factors for all the Cwebs at five loops that connect six massless Wilson lines. Our results are the first key ingredient for the calculation of the soft anomalous dimension at five loops.Comment: 46 pages, 29 figures, 27 tables and 1 ancillary fil

    iPTF13bvn: The First Evidence of a Binary Progenitor for a Type Ib Supernova

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    The recent detection in archival HST images of an object at the the location of supernova (SN) iPTF13bvn may represent the first direct evidence of the progenitor of a Type Ib SN. The object's photometry was found to be compatible with a Wolf-Rayet pre-SN star mass of ~11 Msun. However, based on hydrodynamical models we show that the progenitor had a pre-SN mass of ~3.5 Msun and that it could not be larger than ~8 Msun. We propose an interacting binary system as the SN progenitor and perform evolutionary calculations that are able to self-consistently explain the light-curve shape, the absence of hydrogen, and the pre-SN photometry. We further discuss the range of allowed binary systems and predict that the remaining companion is a luminous O-type star of significantly lower flux in the optical than the pre-SN object. A future detection of such star may be possible and would provide the first robust identification of a progenitor system for a Type Ib SN.Comment: Accepted to AJ on July 26. Slight changes from original, however delayed by slow refereeing proces

    Multi-wavelength observations of multiple eruptions of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a

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    We report the optical, UV, and soft X-ray observations of the 2017−20222017-2022 eruptions of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a. We infer a steady decrease in the accretion rate over the years based on the inter-eruption recurrence period. We find a ``cusp'' feature in the r′r' and i′i' band light curves close to the peak, which could be associated to jets. Spectral modelling indicates a mass ejection of 10−7^{-7} to 10−8^{-8} M⊙_{\odot} during each eruption, and an enhanced Helium abundance of He/He⊙_{\odot} ≈\approx 3. The super-soft source (SSS) phase shows significant variability, which is anti-correlated to the UV emission, indicating a common origin. The variability could be due to the reformation of the accretion disk. A comparison of the accretion rate with different models on the MWD\rm M_{WD}−M˙-\dot{M} plane yields the mass of a CO WD, powering the ``H-shell flashes'' every ∼\sim 1 year to be >1.36>1.36 M⊙_{\odot} and growing with time, making M31N 2008-12a a strong candidate for the single degenerate scenario of Type Ia supernovae progenitor.Comment: Submitted to AJ, 22 pages, 14 figures, 5 table

    Multiwavelength Observations of Multiple Eruptions of the Recurrent Nova M31N 2008-12a

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    We report the optical, UV, and soft X-ray observations of the 2017–2022 eruptions of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a. We find a cusp feature in the r′ - and i′ -band light curves close to the peak, which could be related to jets. The geometry of the nova ejecta based on morpho-kinematic modeling of the Hα emission line indicates an extended jet-like bipolar structure. Spectral modeling indicates an ejecta mass of 10−7–10−8 M ⊙ during each eruption and an enhanced helium abundance. The supersoft source phase shows significant variability, which is anticorrelated to the UV emission, indicating a common origin. The variability could be due to the reformation of the accretion disk. We infer a steady decrease in the accretion rate over the years based on the intereruption recurrence period. A comparison of the accretion rate with different models on the MWD–Ṁ plane yields the mass of a CO white dwarf, powering the H-shell flashes every ∼1 yr, to be >1.36 M ⊙ and growing with time, making M31N 2008-12a a strong candidate for the single degenerate scenario of the Type Ia supernovae progenitor

    The luminous type Ia supernova 2022ilv and its early excess emission

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    We present observations and analysis of the host-less and luminous type Ia supernova 2022ilv, illustrating it is part of the 2003fg-like family, often referred to as super-Chandrasekhar (Ia-SC) explosions. The ATLAS light curve shows evidence of a short-lived, pulse-like early excess, similar to that detected in another luminous type Ia supernova (SN 2020hvf). The light curve is broad and the early spectra are remarkably similar to SN 2009dc. Adopting a redshift of z=0.026±0.005z=0.026 \pm 0.005 for SN 2022ilv based on spectral matching, our model light curve requires a large 56^{56}Ni mass in the range 0.7−1.50.7-1.5 M⊙_{\odot}, and a large ejecta mass in the range 1.6−2.31.6-2.3 M⊙_{\odot}. The early excess can be explained by fast-moving SN ejecta interacting with a thin, dense shell of circumstellar material close to the progenitor (∼1013\sim 10^{13} cm), a few hours after the explosion. This may be realised in a double-degenerate scenario, wherein a white dwarf merger is preceded by ejection of a small amount (∼10−3−10−2\sim 10^{-3}-10^{-2} M⊙_{\odot}) of hydrogen and helium-poor tidally stripped material. A deep pre-explosion Pan-STARRS1 stack indicates no host galaxy to a limiting magnitude of r∼24.5r \sim 24.5. This implies a surprisingly faint limit for any host of Mr≳−11M_r \gtrsim -11, providing further evidence that these types of explosion occur predominantly in low-metallicity environments.Comment: Accepted to ApJL after minor revisio

    SN 2020udy: A new piece of the homogeneous bright group in the diverse Iax subclass

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    We present optical observations and analysis of a bright type Iax SN~2020udy hosted by NGC 0812. The light curve evolution of SN~2020udy is similar to other bright Iax SNe. Analytical modeling of the quasi bolometric light curves of SN 2020udy suggests that 0.08±\pm0.01 M⊙_{\odot} of 56^{56}Ni would have been synthesized during the explosion. Spectral features of SN 2020udy are similar to the bright members of type Iax class showing weak Si {\sc II} line. The late-time spectral sequence is mostly dominated by Iron Group Elements (IGEs) with broad emission lines. Abundance tomography modeling of the spectral time series of SN~2020udy using TARDIS indicates stratification in the outer ejecta, however, to confirm this, spectral modeling at a very early phase is required. After maximum light, uniform mixing of chemical elements is sufficient to explain the spectral evolution. Unlike the case of normal type Ia SNe, the photospheric approximation remains robust until +100 days, requiring an additional continuum source. Overall, the observational features of SN 2020udy are consistent with the deflagration of a Carbon-Oxygen white dwarf.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Unprecedented early flux excess in the hybrid 02es-like type Ia supernova 2022ywc indicates interaction with circumstellar material

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    We present optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of the 02es-like type Ia supernova (SN) 2022ywc. The transient occurred in the outskirts of an elliptical host galaxy and showed a striking double-peaked light curve with an early excess feature detected in the ATLAS orange and cyan bands. The early excess is remarkably luminous with an absolute magnitude ∼−19\sim -19, comparable in luminosity to the subsequent radioactively-driven second peak. The spectra resemble the hybrid 02es-like SN 2016jhr, that is considered to be a helium shell detonation candidate. We investigate different physical mechanisms that could power such a prominent early excess and rule out massive helium shell detonation, surface 56^{56}Ni distribution and ejecta-companion interaction. We conclude that SN ejecta interacting with circumstellar material (CSM) is the most viable scenario. Semi-analytical modelling with MOSFiT indicates that SN ejecta interacting with ∼0.05 \sim 0.05\,M⊙_{\odot} of CSM at a distance of ∼1014\sim 10^{14} cm can explain the extraordinary light curve. A double-degenerate scenario may explain the origin of the CSM, either by tidally-stripped material from the secondary white dwarf, or disk-originated matter launched along polar axes following the disruption and accretion of the secondary white dwarf. A non-spherical CSM configuration could suggest that a small fraction of 02es-like events viewed along a favourable line of sight may be expected to display a very conspicuous early excess like SN 2022ywc.Comment: Accepted to ApJL after minor revisio