65 research outputs found

    An Improved Approach for Contrast Enhancement of Spinal Cord Images based on Multiscale Retinex Algorithm

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    This paper presents a new approach for contrast enhancement of spinal cord medical images based on multirate scheme incorporated into multiscale retinex algorithm. The proposed work here uses HSV color space, since HSV color space separates color details from intensity. The enhancement of medical image is achieved by down sampling the original image into five versions, namely, tiny, small, medium, fine, and normal scale. This is due to the fact that the each versions of the image when independently enhanced and reconstructed results in enormous improvement in the visual quality. Further, the contrast stretching and MultiScale Retinex (MSR) techniques are exploited in order to enhance each of the scaled version of the image. Finally, the enhanced image is obtained by combining each of these scales in an efficient way to obtain the composite enhanced image. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is validated by using a wavelet energy metric in the wavelet domain. Reconstructed image using proposed method highlights the details (edges and tissues), reduces image noise (Gaussian and Speckle) and improves the overall contrast. The proposed algorithm also enhances sharp edges of the tissue surrounding the spinal cord regions which is useful for diagnosis of spinal cord lesions. Elaborated experiments are conducted on several medical images and results presented show that the enhanced medical pictures are of good quality and is found to be better compared with other researcher methods.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, International Journal of Imaging and Robotics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1406.571

    Spartan: Efficient and general-purpose zkSNARKs without trusted setup

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    This paper introduces Spartan, a new family of zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs) for the rank-1 constraint satisfiability (R1CS), an NP-complete language that generalizes arithmetic circuit satisfiability. A distinctive feature of Spartan is that it offers the first zkSNARKs without trusted setup (i.e., transparent zkSNARKs) for NP where verifying a proof incurs sub-linear costs—without requiring uniformity in the NP statement’s structure. Furthermore, Spartan offers zkSNARKs with a time-optimal prover, a property that has remained elusive for nearly all zkSNARKs in the literature. To achieve these results, we introduce new techniques that we compose with the sum-check protocol, a seminal interactive proof protocol: (1) computation commitments, a primitive to create a succinct commitment to a description of a computation; this technique is crucial for a verifier to achieve sub-linear costs after investing a one-time, public computation to preprocess a given NP statement; (2) SPARK, a cryptographic compiler to transform any existing extractable polynomial commitment scheme for multilinear polynomials to one that efficiently handles sparse multilinear polynomials; this technique is critical for achieving a time-optimal prover; and (3) a compact encoding of an R1CS instance as a low-degree polynomial. The end result is a public-coin succinct interactive argument of knowledge for NP (which can be viewed as a succinct variant of the sum-check protocol); we transform it into a zkSNARK using prior techniques. By applying SPARK to different commitment schemes, we obtain several zkSNARKs where the verifier’s costs and the proof size range from O(log2n)O(log^2{n}) to O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) depending on the underlying commitment scheme (nn denotes the size of the NP statement). These schemes do not require a trusted setup except for one that requires a universal trusted setup. We implement Spartan as a library in about 8,000 lines of Rust. We use the library to build a transparent zkSNARK in the random oracle model where security holds under the discrete logarithm assumption. We experimentally evaluate it and compare it with recent zkSNARKs for R1CS instance sizes up to 2202^{20} constraints. Among transparent zkSNARKs, Spartan offers the fastest prover with speedups of 3636--152×152\times depending on the baseline, produces proofs that are shorter by 1.21.2--416×416\times, and incurs the lowest verification times with speedups of 3.63.6--1326×1326\times. The only exception is proof sizes under Bulletproofs, but Bulletproofs incurs slower verification both asymptotically and concretely. When compared to the state-of-the-art zkSNARK with trusted setup, Spartan’s prover is 2×2\times faster for arbitrary R1CS instances and 16×16\times faster for data-parallel workloads. Spartan’s code is available from: https://github.com/Microsoft/Spartan

    CycleFold: Folding-scheme-based recursive arguments over a cycle of elliptic curves

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    This paper introduces CycleFold, a new and conceptually simple approach to instantiate folding-scheme-based recursive arguments over a cycle of elliptic curves, for the purpose of realizing incrementally verifiable computation (IVC). Existing approach to solve this problem originates from BCTV (CRYPTO\u2714) who describe their approach for a SNARK-based recursive argument, and it was adapted by Nova (CRYPTO\u2722) to a folding-scheme-based recursive argument. A downside of this approach is that it represents a folding scheme verifier as a circuit on both curves in the cycle. (e.g., with Nova, this requires \approx10,000 multiplication gates on both curves in the cycle). CycleFold’s starting point is the observation that folding-scheme-based recursive arguments can be efficiently instantiated without a cycle of elliptic curves—except for a few scalar multiplications in their verifiers (2 in Nova, 1 in HyperNova, and 3 in ProtoStar). Accordingly, CycleFold uses the second curve in the cycle to merely represent a single scalar multiplication (\approx1,000--1,500 multiplication gates). CycleFold then folds invocations of that tiny circuit on the first curve in the cycle. This is nearly an order of magnitude improvement over the prior state-of-the-art in terms of circuit sizes on the second curve. CycleFold is particularly beneficial when instantiating folding-scheme-based recursive arguments over “half pairing” cycles (e.g., BN254/Grumpkin) as it keeps the circuit on the non-pairing-friendly curve minimal. The running instance in a CycleFold-based recursive argument consists of an instance on the first curve and a tiny instance on the second curve. Both instances can be proven using a zkSNARK defined over the scalar field of the first curve. On the conceptual front, with CycleFold, an IVC construction and nor its security proof has to explicitly reason about the cycle of elliptic curves. Finally, due to its simplicity, CycleFold-based recursive argument can be more easily be adapted to support parallel proving with the so-called binary tree IVC

    Quarks: Quadruple-efficient transparent zkSNARKs

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    We introduce Xiphos and Kopis, new transparent zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs) for R1CS. They do not require a trusted setup, and their security relies on the standard SXDH problem. They achieve non-interactivity in the random oracle model using the Fiat-Shamir transform. Unlike prior transparent zkSNARKs, which support either a fast prover, short proofs, or quick verification, our work is the first to simultaneously achieve all three properties (both asymptotically and concretely) and in addition an inexpensive setup phase, thereby providing the first quadruple-efficient transparent zkSNARKs (Quarks). Under both schemes, for an R1CS instance of size n and security parameter λ\lambda, the prover incurs Oλ(n)O_{\lambda}(n) costs to produce a proof of size Oλ(logn)O_{\lambda}(\log{n}). In Xiphos, verification time is Oλ(logn)O_{\lambda}(\log{n}), and in Kopis it is Oλ(n)O_{\lambda}(\sqrt{n}). In terms of concrete efficiency, compared to prior state-of-the-art transparent zkSNARKs, Xiphos offers the fastest verification; its proof sizes are competitive with those of SuperSonic [EUROCRYPT 2020], a prior transparent SNARK with the shortest proofs in the literature. Xiphos’s prover is fast: its prover is \approx3.8×3.8\times of Spartan [CRYPTO 2020], a prior transparent zkSNARK with the fastest prover in the literature, and is 376376×\times faster than SuperSonic. Kopis, at the cost of increased verification time (which is still concretely faster than SuperSonic), shortens Xiphos’s proof sizes further, thereby producing proofs shorter than SuperSonic. Xiphos and Kopis incur 1010--10,000×10,000\times lower preprocessing costs for the verifier in the setup phase depending on the baseline. Finally, a byproduct of Kopis is Lakonia, a NIZK for R1CS with Oλ(logn)O_{\lambda}(\log{n})-sized proofs, which provides an alternative to Bulletproofs [S&P 2018] with over an order of magnitude faster proving and verification times

    SuperNova: Proving universal machine executions without universal circuits

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    This paper introduces SuperNova, a new recursive proof system for incrementally producing succinct proofs of correct execution of programs on a stateful machine with a particular instruction set (e.g., EVM, RISC-V). A distinguishing aspect of SuperNova is that the cost of proving a step of a program is proportional only to the size of the circuit representing the instruction invoked by the program step. This is a stark departure from prior works that employ universal circuits where the cost of proving a program step is proportional at least to the sum of sizes of circuits representing each supported instruction—even though a particular program step invokes only one of the supported instructions. Naturally, SuperNova can support a rich instruction set without affecting the per-step proving costs. SuperNova achieves its cost profile by building on Nova, a prior high-speed recursive proof system, and leveraging its internal building block, folding schemes, in a new manner. We formalize SuperNova’s approach as a way to realize non-uniform IVC, a generalization of IVC. Furthermore, SuperNova’s prover costs and the recursion overhead are the same as Nova’s, and in fact, SuperNova is equivalent to Nova for machines that support a single instruction

    BabySpartan: Lasso-based SNARK for non-uniform computation

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    Lasso (Setty, Thaler, Wahby, ePrint 2023/1216) is a recent lookup argument that ensures that the prover cryptographically commits to only small values. This note describes BabySpartan, a SNARK for a large class of constraint systems that achieves the same property. The SNARK is a simple combination of SuperSpartan and Lasso. The specific class of constraint systems supported is a generalization of so-called Plonkish constraint systems (and a special case of customizable constraint systems (CCS)). Whereas a recent work called Jolt (Arun, Setty, and Thaler, ePrint 2023/1217) can be viewed as an application of Lasso to uniform computation, BabySpartan can be viewed as applying Lasso to non-uniform computation

    HyperNova: Recursive arguments for customizable constraint systems

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    This paper introduces HyperNova, a recursive argument for proving incremental computations whose steps are expressed with CCS (Setty et al. ePrint 2023/552), a customizable constraint system that simultaneously generalizes Plonkish, R1CS, and AIR without overheads. A distinguishing aspect of HyperNova is that the prover’s cost at each step is dominated by a single multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) of size equal to the number of variables in the constraint system, which is optimal when using an MSM-based commitment scheme. To construct HyperNova, we generalize folding schemes (CRYPTO 22) to allow instances from two (potentially) different NP relations, that share a compatible structure, to be folded; we refer to this generalization as multi-folding schemes. Furthermore, we devise a public-coin multi-folding scheme for instances in CCS and linearized CCS (a variant of CCS that we introduce). This construction can be viewed as an early stopping version of Spartan (CRYPTO 20), applied to a carefully-crafted polynomial that includes claims about prior linearized CCS instances. The prover’s work in the multi-folding scheme is a linear number of finite field operations and the verifier’s work is a logarithmic number of finite field operations and a single group scalar multiplication. We then construct incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) from non-interactive multi-folding schemes with the lowest prover costs. We also provide an alternate realization of HyperNova with a black box use of Nova, which nearly eliminates the need for deferred arithmetic when instantiated with a cycle of elliptic curves. As an additional contribution, we describe nlookup, a lookup argument, that is particularly suited for recursive arguments based on folding schemes. Specifically, at a particular step in an incremental computation, for m lookups into a table of size nn (m<<n)(m << n), the prover’s work is dominated by O(n)O(n) finite field operations and it requires only O(mlogn)O(m \cdot \log{n}) degree-2 constraints and O(logn)O(\log{n}) hash evaluations in the incremental computation. nlookup is currently not suitable for efficiently encoding bitwise operations, but it provides a powerful tool for efficiently encoding (large) finite state machines and proving their transitions with recursive arguments

    Nitric oxide contributes to oxygen demant - supply balance in hypoperfused right ventricle

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    Customizable constraint systems for succinct arguments

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    This paper introduces customizable constraint system (CCS), a generalization of R1CS that can simultaneously capture R1CS, Plonkish, and AIR without overheads. Unlike existing descriptions of Plonkish and AIR, CCS is not tied to any particular proof system. Furthermore, we observe that the linear-time polynomial IOP for R1CS in Spartan (CRYPTO 20) extends easily to CCS, and when combined with a polynomial commitment scheme, it yields a family of SNARKs for CCS, which we refer to as SuperSpartan. SuperSpartan supports high-degree constraints without its prover incurring cryptographic costs that scale with the degree of constraints (only field operations scale with the constraint degree). Moreover, as in Spartan, it does not employ superlinear-time and hard-to-distribute operations such as FFTs. Similar properties were achieved for Plonkish by HyperPlonk (EUROCRYPT 23) via a different route. However, it is unclear how to prove CCS instances (or even R1CS instances) with HyperPlonk (or Plonk itself), without overheads. Furthermore, unlike HyperPlonk, SuperSpartan can prove uniform instances of CCS (including AIR) without requiring a linear-time preprocessing for the verifier, and for those instances, SuperSpartan provides “free” addition gates. SuperSpartan for AIR is the first SNARK for AIR with a linear-time prover, transparent and sublinear-time pre-processing, polylogarithmic proof size, and plausible post-quantum security. In particular, SuperSpartan for AIR provides a faster prover than existing transparent SNARKs for AIR (which are sometimes referred to as STARKs)