157 research outputs found

    Epidemiology and treatment for thyroid cancer

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    The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones which are important in the normal regulation of the metabolism of the body. Thyroid cancer is the most common malignancy of the endocrine system consisting of several subtypes like papillary carcinoma, and follicular carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, and anaplastic carcinoma. Treatment depends on a number of factors, including the type of thyroid cancer, the size of the nodule, the patient's age, and whether the cancer has spread. Most cases of thyroid cancer can be cured with treatment like Radiation therapy chemotherapy and radioactive iodine. Recommended thyroid treatment approaches depend on the type of thyroid disease, and in some cases, the severity of the condition. © 2011 Srilatha B, et al

    Efficient Scheme For Payment Minimization And Qos Services To Clients In Cloud

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    A new technique namely payment minimization error-tolerant algorithm which reduces the payment to clients is proposed in this paper.From cloud organization suppliers' perspective, advantage is a champion amongst the most basic examinations, and it is essentially controlled by the course of action of a cloud organization stage under given business division demand. In any case, a solitary long haul leasing plan is typically grasped to outline a cloud stage, which can't guarantee the organization quality yet prompts bona fide resource waste. In this anticipate, a twofold asset leasing plan is formed firstly in which temporary renting and whole deal renting. Double renting scheme provides profit to service providers but it can’t minimize the payment to clients based on services taken by clients in order to overcome this problem, the proposed scheme isdemonistrated to give better quality service to clients and also minimizes the payments for clients

    A Noval Converter For Integrated Wind – Pv Energy System

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    Environmentally friendly solutions are becoming more prominent than ever as a result of concern regarding the state of our deteriorating planet. This paper presents a new system configuration of the front end rectifier stage for a hybrid wind/photovoltaic energy system. This configuration allows the two sources to supply the load separately or simultaneously depending on the availability of the energy sources. There is no need for additional input filters to eliminate the high frequency harmonics, because the PV cell is operated by the new converter. The fused multi input rectifier stage also allows Maximum Power Point Tracking(MPPT) to be used to extract maximum power from the wind and sun when it is available. An adaptive MPPT algorithm will be used for the wind system and a standard perturb and observe method will be used for the PV system. Operational analysis of the proposed system will be discussed in this paper. Simulation results are given to highlight the merits of the proposed circuit

    Quantifying the effects of hydration on corneal stiffness with optical coherence elastography

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    Several methods have been proposed to assess changes in corneal biomechanical properties due to various factors, such as degenerative diseases, intraocular pressure, and therapeutic interventions (e.g. corneal collagen crosslinking). However, the effect of the corneal tissue hydration state on corneal stiffness is not well understood. In this work, we induce low amplitude (< 10 μm) elastic waves with a focused micro air-pulse in fresh in situ rabbit corneas (n = 10) in the whole eye-globe configuration at an artificially controlled intraocular pressure. The waves were then detected with a phase-stabilized swept source optical coherence elastography system. Baseline measurements were taken every 20 minutes for an hour while the corneas were hydrated with 1X PBS. After the measurement at 60 minutes, a 20% dextran solution was topically instilled to dehydrate the corneas. The measurements were repeated every 20 minutes again for an hour. The results showed that the elastic wave velocity decreased as the corneal thickness decreased. Finite element modeling (FEM) was performed using the corneal geometry and elastic wave propagation speed to assess the stiffness of the samples. The results show that the stiffness increased from ~430 kPa during hydration with PBS to ~500 kPa after dehydration with dextran, demonstrating that corneal hydration state, apart from geometry and intraocular pressure, can change the stiffness of the cornea

    Controller Implementation for PV Interconnection Based Three-Phase UPS Systems Operating Under Highly Nonlinear Loads

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    In this paper we have multi functional converters to inter connect the both the dc and ac grids to handle power quality issues of the micro-grids. Multifunctional inverters can not only interface the renewable energy resource into the utility grid, but also can compensate the harmonic and reactive current in the micro-grid as an auxiliary service. Therefore, to enhance the power quality of the micro-grid by optimal utilization of the limited and valuable capacity becomes a technical challenge. In this paper, two optimal control objectives of MFGTIs are presented based on a comprehensive power quality evaluation algorithm by means of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) theory. The two proposed strategies are analyzed about the powers and voltage and currents as results, and the paper also discusses how to use them in practice for the best performance. Simulation of proposed svpwm verifies the feasibility of the proposed optimal control strategies

    Kloniranje, ekspresija i karakterizacija paraflagelarnog gena Rod 2 bičaša Trypanosoma evansi

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    Paraflagellar rod is the major structural component of the trypanosomatid flagellum and is identified as a complex lattice of filaments which runs parallel to the axoneme throughout most of the flagellar length. The present study was carried out to investigate the existence of the paraflagellar rod (PFR 2) gene in Trypanosoma evansi infecting Indian cattle. Local isolates of T. evansi collected from naturally infected cow were multiplied in Wistar rats. Complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized from the RNA of host cell free T. evansi parasites by reverse transcription. The gel purified PCR product (PFR 2 gene of T. evansi) was cloned into the pTZ57R/T vector system. The nucleotide sequence of the PFR 2 gene of the T. evansi S.V.V.U. isolate (Accession No. KT277497) obtained in the present study revealed 100% homology with T. evansi China isolate and 99% homology with T. evansi Izatnagar and Bikaner isolates. The recombinant protein was sub-cloned into pET 32a and expressed in the BL21 (DE3) pLysS expression system. The PFR 2 gene of T. evansi S.V.V.U. isolate was further characterized by determination of its protein profile with SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Indirect ELISA was optimized for detection of the specific antibody titre against the recombinant protein of the PFR 2 gene of T. evansi. In the kinetoplastid species the PFR 2 gene is highly conserved. Therefore the PFR 2 gene was suggested as a vaccine candidate, as well as a diagnostic antigen.Paraflagelarni štapić glavna je strukturna komponenta tripanosomskog biča i dio je kompleksa filamenaza koji teku paralelno s aksonemom duž biča. Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se ispitalo postojanje paraflagelarnog gena Rod 2 (PFR2) u bičaša Trypanosoma evansi koji invadira goveda u Indiji. Lokalni izolat T. evansi prikupljen od prirodno invadiranih krava umnožen je u Wistar štakora. Komplementarna DNA (cDNA) sintetizirana je iz RNA obrnutom transkripcijom iz stanica neinvadiranih nositelja T. evansi parazita. Pročišćeni PCR produkt (gen PFR2 bičaša T. evansi) kloniran je u vektorski sustav pTZ57R/T. Nukleotidna sekvencija gena PFR2 bičaša T. evansi, izolat S.V.V.U. (pristupni broj KT277497) dobivena u ovom istraživanju pokazala je 100 %-tnu sličnost s izolatom T. evansi China i 99 %-tnu s izolatom T. evansi Izatnagar i Bikaner. Rekombinantni protein ponovno je kloniran u sustavu pET 32a i prikazan u sustavu BL21 (DE3) pLysS. Gen PFR2 bičaša T. evansi, izolat S.V.V.U. dalje je karakteriziran određivanjem proteinskog profila metodama SDS-PAGE i Western blotting. Indirektni test ELISA optimiziran je za dokaz titra specifičnih protutijela za rekombinantni protein gena PFR2 bičaša T. evansi. U kinetoplastida gen PFR2 izrazito je očuvan. Stoga bi se gen PFR2 mogao upotrijebiti za cjepivo te kao dijagnostički antigen

    In vivo versus in vitro protein abundance analysis of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 reveals changes in the expression of proteins involved in virulence, stress and energy metabolism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Shigella dysenteriae </it>serotype 1 (SD1) causes the most severe form of epidemic bacillary dysentery. Quantitative proteome profiling of <it>Shigella dysenteriae </it>serotype 1 (SD1) <it>in vitro </it>(derived from LB cell cultures) and <it>in vivo </it>(derived from gnotobiotic piglets) was performed by 2D-LC-MS/MS and APEX, a label-free computationally modified spectral counting methodology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 1761 proteins were quantitated at a 5% FDR (false discovery rate), including 1480 and 1505 from <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>samples, respectively. Identification of 350 cytoplasmic membrane and outer membrane (OM) proteins (38% of <it>in silico </it>predicted SD1 membrane proteome) contributed to the most extensive survey of the <it>Shigella </it>membrane proteome reported so far. Differential protein abundance analysis using statistical tests revealed that SD1 cells switched to an anaerobic energy metabolism under <it>in vivo </it>conditions, resulting in an increase in fermentative, propanoate, butanoate and nitrate metabolism. Abundance increases of transcription activators FNR and Nar supported the notion of a switch from aerobic to anaerobic respiration in the host gut environment. High <it>in vivo </it>abundances of proteins involved in acid resistance (GadB, AdiA) and mixed acid fermentation (PflA/PflB) indicated bacterial survival responses to acid stress, while increased abundance of oxidative stress proteins (YfiD/YfiF/SodB) implied that defense mechanisms against oxygen radicals were mobilized. Proteins involved in peptidoglycan turnover (MurB) were increased, while β-barrel OM proteins (OmpA), OM lipoproteins (NlpD), chaperones involved in OM protein folding pathways (YraP, NlpB) and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis (Imp) were decreased, suggesting unexpected modulations of the outer membrane/peptidoglycan layers <it>in vivo</it>. Several virulence proteins of the Mxi-Spa type III secretion system and invasion plasmid antigens (Ipa proteins) required for invasion of colonic epithelial cells, and release of bacteria into the host cell cytosol were increased <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Global proteomic profiling of SD1 comparing <it>in vivo vs. in vitro </it>proteomes revealed differential expression of proteins geared towards survival of the pathogen in the host gut environment, including increased abundance of proteins involved in anaerobic energy respiration, acid resistance and virulence. The immunogenic OspC2, OspC3 and IpgA virulence proteins were detected solely under <it>in vivo </it>conditions, lending credence to their candidacy as potential vaccine targets.</p

    Noncontact elastic wave imaging optical coherence elastography for evaluating changes in corneal elasticity due to crosslinking

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    The mechanical properties of tissues can provide valuable information about tissue integrity and health and can assist in detecting and monitoring the progression of diseases such as keratoconus. Optical coherence elastography (OCE) is a rapidly emerging technique, which can assess localized mechanical contrast in tissues with micrometer spatial resolution. In this work we present a noncontact method of optical coherence elastography to evaluate the changes in the mechanical properties of the cornea after UV-induced collagen cross-linking. A focused air-pulse induced a low amplitude (μm scale) elastic wave, which then propagated radially and was imaged in three dimensions by a phase-stabilized swept source optical coherence tomography (PhSSSOCT) system. The elastic wave velocity was translated to Young’s modulus in agar phantoms of various concentrations. Additionally, the speed of the elastic wave significantly changed in porcine cornea before and after UV-induced corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). Moreover, different layers of the cornea, such as the anterior stroma, posterior stroma, and inner region, could be discerned from the phase velocities of the elastic wave. Therefore, because of noncontact excitation and imaging, this method may be useful for in vivo detection of ocular diseases such as keratoconus and evaluation of therapeutic interventions such as CXL