71 research outputs found

    Bacterial Thymidine Kinase as a Non-Invasive Imaging Reporter for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Live Animals

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    Bacteria can be selectively imaged in experimentally-infected animals using exogenously administered 1-(2'deoxy-2'-fluoro-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-[(125)I]-iodouracil ([(125)I]-FIAU), a nucleoside analog substrate for bacterial thymidine kinase (TK). Our goal was to use this reporter and develop non-invasive methods to detect and localize Mycobacterium tuberculosis.We engineered a M. tuberculosis strain with chromosomally integrated bacterial TK under the control of hsp60 -- a strong constitutive mycobacterial promoter. [(125)I]FIAU uptake, antimicrobial susceptibilities and in vivo growth characteristics were evaluated for this strain. Using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), M. tuberculosis P(hsp60) TK strain was evaluated in experimentally-infected BALB/c and C3HeB/FeJ mice using the thigh inoculation or low-dose aerosol infection models. M. tuberculosis P(hsp60) TK strain actively accumulated [(125)I]FIAU in vitro. Growth characteristics of the TK strain and susceptibility to common anti-tuberculous drugs were similar to the wild-type parent strain. M. tuberculosis P(hsp60) TK strain was stable in vivo and SPECT imaging could detect and localize this strain in both animal models tested.We have developed a novel tool for non-invasive assessment of M. tuberculosis in live experimentally-infected animals. This tool will allow real-time pathogenesis studies in animal models of TB and has the potential to simplify preclinical studies and accelerate TB research

    Single Dose Pharmacokinetics of Oral Tenofovir in Plasma, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Colonic Tissue, and Vaginal Tissue

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    HIV seroconversion outcomes in preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) trials of oral tenofovir (TFV)-containing regimens are highly sensitive to drug concentration, yet less-than-daily dosing regimens are under study. Description of TFV and its active moiety, TFV diphosphate (TFV-DP), in blood, vaginal tissue, and colon tissue may guide the design and interpretation of PrEP clinical trials. Six healthy women were administered a single oral dose of 300 mg tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and 4.3 mg (12.31 MBq, 333 μCi) [superscript 14]C-TDF slurry. Blood was collected every 4 h for the first 24 h, then at 4, 8, 11, and 15 days postdosing. Colonic and vaginal samples (tissue, total and CD4+ cells, luminal fluid and cells) were collected 1, 8 and 15 days postdose. Samples were analyzed for TFV and TFV-DP. Plasma TFV demonstrated triphasic decay with terminal elimination half-life median [interquartile range (IQR)] 69 h (58–77). Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) TFV-DP demonstrated biphasic peaks (median 12 h and 96 h) followed by a terminal 48 h (38–76) half-life; C[subscript max] was 20 fmol/million cells (2–63). One day postdose, the TFV-DP paired colon:vaginal tissue concentration ratio was 1 or greater in all subjects' tissue homogenates, median 124 (range 1–281), but was not sustained. The ratio was lower and more variable in cells extracted from tissue. Among all sample types, TFV and TFV-DP half-life ranged from 23 to 139 h. PBMC TFV-DP rose slowly in the hours after dosing indicating that success with exposure-driven dosing regimens may be sensitive to timing of the dose prior to exposure. Colonic tissue homogenate TFV-DP concentrations were greater than in vaginal homogenate at 24 h, but not in cells extracted from tissue. These and the other pharmacokinetic findings will guide the interpretation and design of future PrEP trials.National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (U.S.) (Grant UL1RR025005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Roadmap for Medical Research

    Sympathetic Effects of Internal Carotid Nerve Manipulation on Choroidal Vascularity and Related Measures

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    Purpose: To investigate specific effects of denervation and stimulation of the internal carotid nerve (ICN) on the choroid and retina. Methods: Female Sprague Dawley rats underwent unilateral ICN transection (n = 20) or acute ICN electrical stimulation (n = 7). Rats in the denervation group were euthanized 6 weeks after nerve transection, and eyes were analyzed for changes in choroidal vascularity (via histomorphometry) or angiogenic growth factors and inflammatory markers (via ELISA). Rats in the stimulation group received acute ICN electrical stimulation with a bipolar cuff electrode over a range of stimulus amplitudes, frequencies, and pulse widths. Choroidal blood flow and pupil diameter were monitored before, during, and after stimulation. Results: Six weeks after unilateral ICN transection, sympathectomized choroids exhibited increased vascularity, defined as the percentage of choroidal surface area occupied by blood vessel lumina. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) protein levels in denervated choroids were 61% and 124% higher than in contralateral choroids, respectively. TNF-α levels in denervated retinas increased by 3.3-fold relative to levels in contralateral retinas. In animals undergoing acute ICN electrical stimulation, mydriasis and reduced choroidal blood flow were observed in the ipsilateral eye. The magnitude of the reduction in blood flow correlated positively with stimulus frequency. Conclusions: Modulation of ICN activity reveals a potential role of the ocular sympathetic system in regulating endpoints related to neovascular diseases of the eye

    Quantifying PD-L1 Expression to Monitor Immune Checkpoint Therapy: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Therapeutics targeting programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) protein and its receptor PD-1 are now dominant players in restoring anti-tumor immune responses. PD-L1 detection by immunohistochemistry (IHC) is emerging as a reproducible biomarker for guiding patient stratification for those therapies in some cancers. However, PD-L1 expression in the tumor microenvironment is highly complex. It is upregulated by aberrant genetic alterations, and is highly regulated at the transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and protein levels. Thus, PD-L1 IHC is inadequate to fully understand the relevance of PD-L1 levels in the whole body and their dynamics to improve therapeutic outcomes. Imaging technologies could potentially assist in meeting that need. Early clinical investigations show promising results in quantifying PD-L1 expression in the whole body by positron emission tomography (PET). Within this context, this review summarizes advancements in regulation of PD-L1 expression and imaging agents, and in PD-L1 PET for drug development, and discusses opportunities and challenges presented by these innovations for guiding immune checkpoint therapy (ICT)

    Noninvasive Imaging of Immune Checkpoint Ligand PD-L1 in Tumors and Metastases for Guiding Immunotherapy

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    Immunotherapy holds great promise in cancer treatment. The challenges in advancing immunotherapies lie in patient stratification and monitoring therapy. Noninvasive detection of immune checkpoint ligand PD-L1 can serve as an important biomarker for guidance and monitoring of immunotherapy. Here in, we provide an overview of our efforts to develop clinically translatable PD-L1-specific imaging agents for quantitative and real-time assessment of PD-L1 expression in tumor microenvironment

    Pharmacodynamic Markers for Choline Kinase Down-regulation in Breast Cancer Cells1

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    High levels of choline kinase (ChoK) expression and choline phospholipid metabolites are often associated with malignant transformation, invasion, and metastasis, particularly in breast cancer. These findings have led to the development of novel pharmacologic or gene therapeutic interventions for ChoK-targeted inhibition. To identify pharmacodynamic markers for the therapeutic evaluation of ChoK down-regulation, we investigated the uptake and efflux of [3H]choline, a natural substrate of ChoK, and two other important metabolic indicators of malignancy, namely, [3H]thymidine and [3H]fluorodeoxyglucose, which measure proliferation and glucose metabolic changes, respectively, in ChoK-downregulated cells. Choline uptake in nonmalignant and malignant breast epithelial cell lines expressing graded levels of ChoK showed a ChoK-dependent uptake, retention, and efflux of [3H]choline. Reduced proliferation observed because of ChoK down-regulation resulted in reduced [3H]thymidine uptake and incorporation into DNA within 48 hours of treatment. Reduced [3H]thymidine incorporation levels were consistent with a decreased cell cycle S-phase fraction. No change in [3H]fluorodeoxyglucose uptake was observed between ChoK-downregulated and control cells in any of the three cell lines tested. These results demonstrate the utility of radiolabeled choline or choline analogs and proliferation imaging agents as pharmacodynamic markers for ChoK-targeted therapies and suggest a ChoK-mediated mechanism for tumor sequestration of choline-based imaging agents

    SNP2SIM: a modular workflow for standardizing molecular simulation and functional analysis of protein variants

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    Abstract Background Molecular simulations are used to provide insight into protein structure and dynamics, and have the potential to provide important context when predicting the impact of sequence variation on protein function. In addition to understanding molecular mechanisms and interactions on the atomic scale, translational applications of those approaches include drug screening, development of novel molecular therapies, and targeted treatment planning. Supporting the continued development of these applications, we have developed the SNP2SIM workflow that generates reproducible molecular dynamics and molecular docking simulations for downstream functional variant analysis. The Python workflow utilizes molecular dynamics software (NAMD (Phillips et al., J Comput Chem 26(16):1781-802, 2005), VMD (Humphrey et al., J Mol Graph 14(1):33-8, 27-8, 1996)) to generate variant specific scaffolds for simulated small molecule docking (AutoDock Vina (Trott and Olson, J Comput Chem 31(2):455-61, 2010)). Results SNP2SIM is composed of three independent modules that can be used sequentially to generate the variant scaffolds of missense protein variants from the wildtype protein structure. The workflow first generates the mutant structure and configuration files required to execute molecular dynamics simulations of solvated protein variant structures. The resulting trajectories are clustered based on the structural diversity of residues involved in ligand binding to produce one or more variant scaffolds of the protein structure. Finally, these unique structural conformations are bound to small molecule ligand libraries to predict variant induced changes to drug binding relative to the wildtype protein structure. Conclusions SNP2SIM provides a platform to apply molecular simulation based functional analysis of sequence variation in the protein targets of small molecule therapies. In addition to simplifying the simulation of variant specific drug interactions, the workflow enables large scale computational mutagenesis by controlling the parameterization of molecular simulations across multiple users or distributed computing infrastructures. This enables the parallelization of the computationally intensive molecular simulations to be aggregated for downstream functional analysis, and facilitates comparing various simulation options, such as the specific residues used to define structural variant clusters. The Python scripts that implement the SNP2SIM workflow are available (SNP2SIM Repository. https://github.com/mccoymd/SNP2SIM, Accessed 2019 February ), and individual SNP2SIM modules are available as apps on the Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud (Lau et al., Cancer Res 77(21):e3-e6, 2017; Cancer Genomics Cloud [www.cancergenomicscloud.org; Accessed 2018 November])

    Characterization of chimeric antigen receptor modified T cells expressing scFv-IL-13Rα2 after radiolabeling with 89Zirconium oxine for PET imaging

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    Abstract Background Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy is an exciting cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Unfortunately, CAR-T cell therapy is associated with serious toxicities such as cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and neurotoxicity. The mechanism of these serious adverse events (SAEs) and how homing, distribution and retention of CAR-T cells contribute to toxicities is not fully understood. Enabling in vitro methods to allow meaningful, sensitive in vivo biodistribution studies is needed to better understand CAR-T cell disposition and its relationship to both effectiveness and safety of these products. Methods To determine if radiolabelling of CAR-T cells could support positron emission tomography (PET)-based biodistribution studies, we labeled IL-13Rα2 targeting scFv-IL-13Rα2-CAR-T cells (CAR-T cells) with 89Zirconium-oxine (89Zr-oxine) and characterized and compared their product attributes with non-labeled CAR-T cells. The 89Zr-oxine labeling conditions were optimized for incubation time, temperature, and use of serum for labeling. In addition, T cell subtype characterization and product attributes of radiolabeled CAR-T cells were studied to assess their overall quality including cell viability, proliferation, phenotype markers of T-cell activation and exhaustion, cytolytic activity and release of interferon-γ upon co-culture with IL-13Rα2 expressing glioma cells. Results We observed that radiolabeling of CAR-T cells with 89Zr-oxine is quick, efficient, and radioactivity is retained in the cells for at least 8 days with minimal loss. Also, viability of radiolabeled CAR-T cells and subtypes such as CD4 + , CD8 + and scFV-IL-13Rα2 transgene positive T cell population were characterized and found similar to that of unlabeled cells as determined by TUNEL assay, caspase 3/7 enzyme and granzyme B activity assay. Moreover, there were no significant changes in T cell activation (CD24, CD44, CD69 and IFN-γ) or T cell exhaustion (PD-1, LAG-3 and TIM3) markers expression between radiolabeled and unlabeled CAR-T cells. In chemotaxis assays, migratory capability of radiolabeled CAR-T cells to IL-13Rα2Fc was similar to that of non-labeled cells. Conclusions Importantly, radiolabeling has minimal impact on biological product attributes including potency of CAR-T cells towards IL-13Rα2 positive tumor cells but not IL-13Rα2 negative cells as measured by cytolytic activity and release of IFN-γ. Thus, IL-13Rα2 targeting CAR-T cells radiolabeled with 89Zr-oxine retain critical product attributes and suggest 89Zr-oxine radiolabeling of CAR-T cells may facilitate biodistribution and tissue trafficking studies in vivo using PET
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