4 research outputs found

    Morfometry Study of Hemipenis Biawak Air Varanus Salvator on Length Measurement of Snouth Vent Length (Svl) Andbody Weight

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    Varanus salvator is a water reptile that has various kinds depends on the habitat. Varanus salvator has been hunted by people for hundreds or even thousands of years, therefore the populations decreased. People used Varanus salvator as a source of protein and as medicine for particular parts of the body. Informations about Varanus salvator reproductive anatomy was highly needed as the base of conservation. The objective of this research was to know the corelation of snouth vent length and body weight to the size of hemipenes. Forty male Varanus salvator in random sizes was measured in snoth vent length and body weight, then the measurement's result was analized and correlated with the size of hemipenes. The size of hemipenes was the length of hemipenes, the diameter of radix hemipenes, the diameter of corpus hemipenes and the diameter of glands hemipenes. The datas was processed using Anova test, Linear regression test, correlation test, and double correlation test.The result showed that body weight and snouth vent length correlated to the size of hemipenes because the value of correlation test showed p>0,5. Based on double correlation test, the result showed that snouth vent lengt was more correlated to the size of hemipenes. The value of double corrrelation test showed z<1,96

    Efektifitas Daya Pisah Electric Separating Sperm (ESS) terhadap Spermatozoa Kromosom X dan Y pada Kambing Sapera

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemisahan alat Electric Separating Sperm (ESS) terhadap spermatozoa kromosom X dan Y pada sisi anoda dan katoda dengan variabel meliputi presentase viabilitas, motilitas, abnormalitas dan morfometri spermatozoa. Metode pengambilan semen menggunakan vagina buatan, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan makroskopis dan mikroskopis, apabila menunjukkan hasil yang baik dilanjutkan dengan pengenceran semen dengan Tris Kuning Telur dan dilakukan pemisahan. Terdapat tiga perlakuan pada penelitian ini yaitu P1 (3 menit), P2 (7 menit), P3 (10 menit) dengan enam kali pengulangan pada sisi anoda dan katoda. Data pada tiap variabel (viabilitas, motilitas dan abnormalitas) diperiksa menggunakan analisis statistik ANOVA dan untuk melihat adanya pemisahan spermatozoa kromosom X dan Y dilakukan pengukuran terhadap kepala menggunakan morfometri. Hasil pemisahan tertinggi yaitu pada P3 dengan perbandingan pemisahan X : Y sejumlah 65,00:35,00 pada sisi katoda, kemudian pada sisi anoda persentase perbandingan X : Y yaitu 59,00:41,00. Hasil kualitas spermatozoa setelah pemisahahn menunjukkan presentase viabilitas terbaik terdapat pada P1 yaitu 75,00a±2,00 pada sisi anoda dan 76,50a±2,17 pada sisi katoda. Motilitas spermatozoa P1 menunjukkan motilitas progresif spermatozoa dengan rataan 60,83a±2,04 pada anoda dan 61,67a±2,58 pada sisi katoda. Presentase abnormalitas tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antar perlakuan

    The Steroid Hormone Profile in Etawah Crossbreed Goat While Ovulation Induced Using the Selectsynch Method

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    This study aimed to provide alternative information and solutions in an effort to increase reproductive productivity in etawah crossbreed goats (PE). The sample used in this study was 10 female PE with an average age of 2.5 - 3 years and primiparous at least . Ovulation induction was performed using 0.1 mg intra-muscular Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), after seven days injection of Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) was given as much as 2.5 mg submucosa of the vulva, followed by a second injection of GnRH as much as 0,2 mg intramuscular in samples that have really experienced heat and selected selectively according to the signs of natural heat shown by the sample and followed by insemination as much as 2 doses or 0.50 ml of frozen semen. Blood sampling was performed at H0, H7th, H14th and H21th after insemination. All blood samples were collected and progesterone and estrogen hormone profiles were examined using the ELISA method. From the results of the ELISA test, the mean progesterone hormone profile H0 = 4.798 ng / ml, H7th = 4.887 ng / ml, H14th = 4.824 ng / ml, H21th = 5.148 ng / ml. The profile of the hormone estrogen at H0 = 19,461 pg / ml, H7th = 17,457 pg / ml, H14th = 18,248 pg / ml, H21th = 17,515 pg / ml. This study showed an increase in the levels of the progesterone hormone at H0 to H7th, then slightly decreased in H14th and a significant increase in H21th. For the estrogen hormone, there is a decrease from H0 to H7th then there is a slight increase in H14th and decreases again in H21th

    Persentase Motilitas dan Viabilitas Spermatozoa Kambing Sapera dalam Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur dan Susu Skim Kuning Telur Before Freezing

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan persentase motilitas dan viabilitas semen kambing Sapera terhadap evaluasi semen segar dan before freezing dengan penambahan pengencer tris kuning telur dan susu skim kuning telur. Metode penelitian ini adalah pengambilan semen, evaluasi semen segar (pemeriksaan makroskopis dan mikroskopis), pengenceran semen, gliserolisasi, ekuilibrasi dan evaluasi before freezing. Penelitian ini terdiri dari P0, P1 dan P2, masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari sembilan ulangan. P0 adalah semen segar kambing Sapera, P1 adalah semen kambing Sapera+pengencer tris kuning telur dan P2 adalah semen kambing Sapera+pengencer susu skim kuning telur. Data yang diperoleh dengan Uji T2 sampel dependent, membandingkan P0 dan P1 serta P0 dan P2. Data menunjukkan perbedaan sangat nyata (p<0,01) pada perlakuan P0 dan P1 persentase motilitas 76,11%; 65,56% dan viabilitas 82,33%;72,22%. P0 dan P2 persentase motilitas 76,11%;61,11% dan viabilitas 82,33%;67,78%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penelitian persentase motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa kambing Sapera mengalami penurunan dari semen segar pada tris kuning telur dan susu skim kuning telur before freezing