10 research outputs found

    Pigmentation Lesions and Salivary Flow Rates on Woman Smokers: Lesi Pigmentasi dan Laju Aliran Saliva pada Wanita Perokok

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    Smoking habit has many negative effects towardswomen’s systemic and oral health. One of them are decrease of salivary flow rate and an appearance of pigmentation lesion in gingiva. The aim of this research is to obtain data regarding salivary flow rate and pigmentation lession on women smokers.This descriptive research used 50 samples by simple random sampling method. The salivary flow rate data was obtained by spitting method and the pigmentation lesion data was described by visual method. The other data wasobtained through filling the questionnaire. By the findings of this research, it was found that the mean value of salivary flow rate and pigmentation lession of women smokerswho consumed1-8 cigarettes per day for 1-2, 2-5 and > 5 years were 0.4 ml/min & 51,7%, 0.4 ml/min & 100%, 0.4 ml/min & 100%. The mean value of  salivary flow rate and pigmentation lession of women smokerswho consumed9-16 cigarettesper day for 1-2, 2-5 and > 5 years were 0.4 ml/min & 100%, 0.4 ml/min & 100%, 0.4 ml/min & 90%. The mean value of salivary flow rate and pigmentation lession of women smokerswho consumed>16 cigarettes per day for 1-2, 2-5 and > 5 years were 0.3 ml/min & 100%, 0.2 ml/min & 100%, 0.2 ml/min & 100%. The conclusion shows that salivary flow rate on women smokers has a lower value compared to normal salivary flow rate or its called oligosialia and most of the subjects have   &nbsp

    Salivary Flow Rates in Various Occlusal Support Zones in Elderly Individuals

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      Introduction: Elderly individuals experience many changes in the oral cavity, one of which is tooth loss. Tooth loss disrupts the relationships between the maxillary and mandibular occlusions, which is detrimental to mastication. Mastication influences salivary secretion due to the salivary-masticatory reflex. Pressure on the teeth during mastication activates mechanoreceptors in the periodontal ligament, which can also stimulate salivary secretion. Objective: This study aimed to describe the salivary flow rates in various occlusal support zones in the elderly based on the Eichner Index. Methods: The study was cross-sectional and used a descriptive research method. The sample population comprised 36 elderly subjects residing in the village of Lebak Gede, Indonesia. Occlusal support zones were classified using the Eichner Index and stimulated salivary flow rates were measured using the Saxon test.  Results: The sample population’s mean salivary flow rate was 1.35 ± 0.65 mL/min. The mean salivary flow rates for Eichner classifications A, B1, B2, and B3, were 1.56 ± 0.78 mL/min, 1.52 ± 0.56 mL/min, 1.18 ± 0.45 mL/min, and 0.95 ± 0.86 mL/min, respectively. Conclusion: The mean stimulated salivary flow rate tended to decrease as occlusal support zones decreased in Eichner classifications A, B1, B2, and B3

    The difference of salivary pH before and after toothbrushing with toothpaste containing Betel leaf (Piper Betle)

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    There has been a long history of the use of plants to improve dental health and oral hygiene. The purpose of this research was to find out the difference of salivary pH before and after toothbrushing with toothpaste containing betel leaf (Piper betel). The type of research used was quasi-experimental. Data collected were analyzed by using a paired t-test. The result shows that there is an increase of salivary pH by an average of 0.48 after toothbrushing with toothpaste containing betel leaf (Piper betel). In conclusion, there is the difference between the salivary pH before and after toothbrushing with toothpaste containing betel leaf (Piper betel)


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    Saliva is a biological fluid that is secreted by the major, minor and other accessories salivary glands. Saliva has a high potential as an indicator that reflects the health of our body. Saliva also plays an important role as a protector, lubricate oral structure with mucin, set a neutral pH through the buffer capacity, clean the oral cavity, stimulate wound healing, help the taste buds in the taste of food, facilitate the process of chewing food, form a bolus and make it easier swallowing, and minimize food particles through the activity of the enzyme amylase and lipase. The use of saliva as a biomarker in diagnosing provide more advantages than the serum and other body fluids due to using non-invasive techniques, cost-efficient, as well as methods for collecting samples for disease screening without the need to train professional personnel. The benefits derived from the saliva as a biomarker are early detection and screening of disease to the development of caries, periodontal disease, tumors and malignancy, hereditary, wound healing, autoimmune disease, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, drug monitoring, forensic, and the psychological influence. At this time, the function of saliva as a diagnostic biomarker is not widely known, therefore the development of salivary further enhance because it can produce functional similarities with serum and reflect the body's physiological status in the oral cavity and systemic disease. &nbsp

    <p>Karakteristik pasien, jenis terapi, dan tingkat imunosupresi hasil terapi pada wanita penderita HIV/AIDS dengan kandidiasis oral</p><p>Patient characteristics, type of therapy, and immunosuppression level of therapy outcomes in HIV/AIDS female patients with oral candidiasis</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) adalah virus yang menyerang sel darah putih dan menyebabkan kumpulan gejala klinis yang disebut Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV/AIDS menjadi faktor predisposisi infeksi kandidiasis oral. Ketidakadilan gender serta minimnya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan hak seksualitas menyebabkan kerentanan penularan infeksi HIV/AIDS terhadap wanita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien, jenis terapi, dan tingkat imunosupresi pada wanita penderita HIV/AIDS dengan kandidiasis oral. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif menggunakan data sekunder berupa rekam medis pasien HIV/AIDS tahun 2013-2017, dengan kriteria inklusi wanita penderita kandidiasis oral,  terapi ARV, tingkat imunosupresi. berdasarkan jumlah sel T CD4. Kriteria eksklusi adalah penderita yang berhenti mengikuti penelitian sebelum selesai. Hasil: Terdapat 116 dari 328 (35%) pasien wanita penderita HIV/AIDS mengalami kandidiasis oral. Kelompok sosial mayoritas adalah ibu rumah tangga. Sejumlah 83 dari 84 sampel (99%) berada pada tingkat imunosupresi berat sebelum penerapan ARV. Jumlah wanita HIV/AIDS dengan kandidiasis oral terbanyak yaitu pada usia 20-30 tahun (44%), 68% berstatus ibu rumah tangga (atau tidak bekerja), dengan pendidikan terakhir mayoritas Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) sebanyak 53%, dan sebanyak 68% status pernikahannya menikah atau memiliki pasangan tetap. Simpulan: Sebagian besar wanita penderita HIV/AIDS mengalami infeksi oportunistik kandidiasis oral. Karakteristik wanita penderita HIV/AIDS adalah mayoritas berusia 20-30 tahun, memiliki tingkat pendidikan SMA, berasal dari kalangan ibu rumah tangga / tidak memiliki pekerjaan, dan memiliki status menikah atau memiliki pasangan tetap. Jenis terapi yang banyak diberikan adalah terapi ARV lini pertama. Tingkat imunosupresi pada wanita penderita HIV/AIDS dengan kandidiasis oral yang diberikan terapi ARV mayoritas masuk ke dalam kategori tingkat imunosupresi sedang. Kata kunci: Wanita, kandidiasis oral, HIV/AIDS.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks white blood cells and causes several clinical symptoms called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV/AIDS is a predisposing factor for oral candidiasis infection. Gender inequality and lack of knowledge regarding reproductive health and sexuality rights lead to the vulnerability of HIV/AIDS infection in women. This study was aimed to determine the patient characteristics, type of therapy, and the immunosuppression level of therapy outcomes of the female patients with oral candidiasis. Methods: The research was descriptive using the secondary data from medical records of HIV-AIDS patients in the period of 2013-2017. Inclusion criteria were female patients with oral candidiasis, treated with ARV-type medication, immunosuppression based on the t-cell CD4 level. Results: There were 116 out of 328 (35%) HIV/AIDS female patients with oral candidiasis. The majority of the social groups were housewives. There was 83 out of 84 samples (99%) at the level of severe immunosuppression prior to the application of ARV medications. The highest number of HIV/AIDS female patients with oral candidiasis was at the age of 20-30 years (44%), 68% were housewives (or unoccupied), the majority of their last education was high school graduate (53%), and 68% of their marital status was married or had a permanent partner. Conclusion: Most HIV/AIDS female patients experience opportunistic infection (oral candidiasis). The patients’ characteristics were the majority in 20-30 years old age group, have a high school education level, homemakers / unoccupied, and have the marital status of married or had a permanent partner. The type of therapy mostly given was first-line ARV therapy. The majority of HIV / AIDS female patients with oral candidiasis who were given ARV therapy were in the moderate immunosuppression level. Keywords: Female, oral candidiasis, HIV/AIDS

    Saliva secretion difference before and after rinsing with baking soda on menopause women

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    Menopause women can experience a decrease in saliva secretion (decrease). To understand the clear picture about saliva secretion, the volume, flow rate, pH and viscosity were then measured. The aim of this research was to obtain a picture about the difference of saliva secretion before and after rinsing with baking soda on menopause women. The type of the research used was a laboratory quasi-experiment with comparative descriptive form. The technique used in this research is the survey method, and samples were taken using the multistage cluster random sampling method, and t-student statistical analysis. This research was conducted with the saliva collected with spitting method on 45 menopause women. The results show that the average volume, flow rate, pH and viscosity before rinsing with baking soda was 1.79 ml, 0.18 ml/minute, 7.40 and 0.81 mm2/second. The average volume, flow rate, pH and viscosity after rinsing with baking soda were 2.66 ml; 0.27 ml/minute; 8.67 and 0.78 mm2/second. Statistical analysis t-student on α = 0.05 shows volume changes, flow rate, pH and saliva viscosity before and after rinsing with baking soda was 0.873; 0.086; 1.273 and 0.037 respectively. The conclusion shows a significant difference between saliva secretion before and after rinsing with baking soda, and saliva secretion after rinsing with baking soda on menopause women

    Correlation between Taste Threshold Sensitivity and MMP-9, Salivary Secretion, Blood Pressure, and Blood Glucose Levels in Smoking and Nonsmoking Women

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    Cigarette smoking can cause taste receptors to increase the taste threshold value. Consequently, the consumption of sugar and salt will not be controlled, therefore causing systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Nicotine and tobacco in cigarettes can stimulate MMP-9 which plays vital physiological roles in normal tissue growth and repair processes. This study aimed to find the correlation between taste threshold sensitivity and MMP-9, salivary secretion, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels in smoking and nonsmoking women. This was a cross-sectional study consisting of young adult women aged 18–24 years. Subjects were divided into two groups: the nonsmoking and smoking groups. In the combined data of both groups, the sweet taste threshold was correlated with age (r = 0.308, p=0.008), blood glucose levels (r = 0.238, p=0.043), and MMP-9 (r = –0.297, p=0.011). The salt taste threshold was only correlated with systolic blood pressure in the smoking (r = 0.440, p=0.032) and combined data groups (r = 0.260, p=0.026). By using partial correlation, it was shown that the relationship between the salt taste threshold and systolic blood pressure was influenced by smoking habits. The sweet taste threshold in women was found to correlate with age, blood glucose levels, and MMP-9 levels. On the other hand, there was a significant relationship between the salt taste threshold in women with systolic blood pressure, which was the only correlation analyzed in sthis study that was found to be influenced by smoking. However, both sweet and salt taste thresholds were not statistically correlated with salivary secretion

    <p><strong>Perbedaan volume, pH saliva dan kondisi rongga mulut wanita perokok dan non perokok</p><strong><em>The differences of salivary volume, pH and oral cavity conditions of women smokers and non-smokers</em><strong>

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    ABSTRAK  Pendahuluan: Prevalensi wanita perokok meningkat dari 4,2% menjadi 6,7% dari tahun 1995-2013. Bahaya rokok dapat berdampak kepada semua orang, namun wanita perokok memiliki risiko yang lebih tinggi. Panas hasil pembakaran rokok dan kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam rokok dapat menyebabkan penurunan aliran darah dan fungsi kelenjar saliva yang memengaruhi kondisi rongga mulut wanita perokok. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perbedaan nilai volume saliva, pH saliva dan kondisi rongga mulut antara wanita perokok dan non perokok. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif komparatif. Data yang digunakan data sekunder dengan pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan Lemeshow. Data objektif volume saliva diperoleh dengan metode spitting dan pH saliva ditentukan menggunakan pH paper test. Data kondisi rongga mulut diperoleh dari pengisian kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini 26 wanita perokok dan 26 wanita non perokok. Data volume dan pH saliva dianalisis dengan uji t independen dan data kondisi rongga mulut dianalisis dengan uji z parametrik dengan nilai signifikansi p<0,05. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada sampel pH saliva (p=9,60) dan adanya kondisi karies (p=0,0523), dan tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada volume saliva (p=1,25), ulserasi (p=0,3989), gusi berdarah (p=0,1237) dan mulut kering (p=0,0864)  antara wanita perokok dan wanita non perokok. Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan nilai pH saliva antara wanita perokok dan wanita non perokok. Tidak terdapat perbedaan pada nilai volume saliva dan kondisi rongga mulut antara wanita perokok dan wanita non perokok. Kata kunci: kondisi rongga mulut; pH saliva; volume saliva; wanita perokok ABSTRACT Introduction: The prevalence of female smokers increased from 4.2% to 6.7% on 1995 untill 2013. The dangers of smoking can affect everyone, but women who smoke have a higher risk. Burning cigarettes  heat and the chemicals in cigarettes can cause a decrease in blood flow and salivary gland function. Then, it will affect the oral cavity condition of the women smoker. This study aimed to determine the difference in the value of saliva volume, salivary pH and oral cavity conditions between women smokers and non-smokers. Methods: This research was a comparative descriptive study. The data used was secondary with consecutive sampling, determination of the number of samples using the Lemeshow formula. Spitting method was used to obtain the objective data of saliva volume and the salivary pH was determined using the pH paper test. Oral cavity data condition was obtained using a questionnaire. The study subjects were 26 women smokers and 26 non- smokers. Salivary volume and pH data were analyzed by independent t-test and oral condition data were analyzed by parametric z-test with a significance value of p<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference in the saliva pH sample (p=9.60) and the presence of caries conditions (p=0.0523), and there was no significant difference in saliva volume (p=1.25), ulceration (p=0.3989), bleeding gums (p=0.1237) and dry mouth (p=0.0864) between women smokers and non-smokers. Conclusion: There was a difference in the salivary pH, and no difference in salivary volume and oral conditions between women smokers and non-smokers. Keywords: oral cavity conditions; salivary pH; salivary volume; women smoker

    <strong>Differences of Micro-CT evaluation of the obturation sealing capability between thermoplastic carrier-based condensing techniques and lateral heat condensation techniques</strong>

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    ABSTRACT  Introduction: Root canal filling is an important part of root canal treatment that aimed to seal the root canal system, to prevent bacterial penetration and their toxins into periradicular tissues and to provide favourable environment for periapical healing. Thermoplasticized technique were developed to produce filling with homogenous mass, to achieve optimal sealing ability and to increase the quality of root canal filling. The aim of this study is to analyzed differences of Micro-Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) evaluation of the obturation sealing capability between thermoplastic carrier-based condensing techniques and lateral heat condensation techniques. Methods: This study was conducted under an in-vitro quasi experimental methode to 36 specimens of maxillaris centralis incisivus which were divided to 3 groups, (A) thermoplasticized carrier-based technique (GuttaCore System), (B) warm lateral condensation technique (heat carrier SystemB), (C) cold lateral condensation as control group. Sealing ability is evaluated based on the measurement results of volume percentages of filling material and sealer, volume of void, and surface density, that which was calculated from the 3D volumetric image of Micro-CT device. Data were statistically analysed using Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test. Result: The result showed significant difference of percentage filling material and sealer volume in apical third (p0.05). Conclusion: Thermoplastized carrier-based technique is not better than warm lateral technique. Keywords: sealing ability; root canal filling; thermoplasticized carrier-based technique; warm lateral technique