16 research outputs found

    Patogenitas Spodoptera litura Multiple Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SpltMNPV) yang Dilindungi Ekstrak Kencur (Kaempferia galanga) Terhadap Lama Hidup Larva Spodoptera litura

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    Spodoptera litura is pest which causes leaf damage and distrub the process of photosynthesis that could result in loss of yields. This research aimed to describe the effect of adding the Kampferia galanga extract on SpltMNPV and to certain the effective concentration of Kampferia galanga extract as chemical protective material SpltMNPV of sun exposure to the length of life of S. litura larvae. The research design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment was SpltMNPV+kaolin 1:4 which added with various concentrations of the Kampferia galanga extract 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Each unit experiments used 10 S. litura larvaes. Data obtained in the form length of life of S. litura larvae were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the treatment of SpltMNPV+kaolin 1:4 with various concentrations of Kampferia galanga extract (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) affected the length of life S. litura at 6 days, 6 days, 6 days, 5 days, and 5 days respectively with percentage of S. litura survive larvae at 28%, 22%, 12%, 12%, and 10% respectively. Treatment SpltMNPV + 1:4 kaolin + 15% Kampferia galanga extract was the most effective treatment in lenght of life of S. litura larvae

    Patogenitas Spodoptera litura Multiple Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus (SpltMNPV) dengan Bahan Pembawa Tepung Bengkuang yang Terpapar Sinar Matahari terhadap Lama Hidup Larva Spodoptera litura

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    Spodoptera litura Multiple Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus (SpltMNPV) is one of insects pathogens that infect armyworm so they can be as a natural armyworm enemies. The SpltMNPV are sensitive against the sun so that could reduce its pathogenicity level. This research aimed to determine the effective concentration of bengkuang flour to protect SpltMNPV against the sun exposure to maintain the length of life against armyworms. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment consisted of one factors, namely bengkuang flour concentration with 4 treatments. The treatments were SpltMNPV + kaolin 1:4 added by bengkuang flour concentrations 0%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% respectively. The result showed that SpltMNPV + kaolin 1:4 added by bengkuang flour concentrations of 0%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% affected the length of armyworm life in 7 day, 7 day, 6 day, and 5 day respectively with percentage of armyworms 25%, 25%, 20%, and 5% respectively. The 5% concentration of bengkuang flour was the effective concentration to protect of SpltMNPV against the sun exposure

    Hepatoprotective effects of Curcumin-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles on CCl 4 -induced Hepatotoxicity Wistar rats

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    It has been reported that curcumin has a hepatoprotective effect, but its low solubility limited its utilization. Recently there was so many emerging research of advanced curcumin formulation, such as nanoparticles curcumin. In our previous study, curcumin has been loaded into mesoporous silica nanoparticles (C-MSN). This study was performed both to evaluate of C-MSN hepatoprotective effect in CCl4-induced rats. Sixteen rats were divided into four groups, namely normal and CCl4 control, curcumin, C-MSN group. Treatment was given according to its group for fourteen days consecutively. At day 14, three hours after the last administration, CCl4 (1,25 ml/kgBB) were administered orally. Twelve hours later the rats were sacrificed, and blood samples were drawn from their hearts. Blood serum examination result revealed that C-MSN caused a significantly lower ALT and AST than CCl4 control group (851±271 U/L vs 1734±275 U/L; 295±155 U/L vs 1348±235 U/L; p<0.05). Its effect on hepatic serum level resembled curcumin group. However, the result was not supported by histology examination which showed a higher number of necrotic hepatic cells in C-MSN group than in the curcumin group (147±9 vs 80±16; p<0.05). From this study, it can be concluded that C-MSN revealed an excellent hepatoprotective property, but it was suspected that MSN itself has the toxic effect on the liver. A further study of MSN toxicity was needed to support its safety use.

    Patogenitas Spodoptera litura Multiple Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus (SpltMNPV) dengan Bahan Pembawa Tepung Bengkuang yang Terpapar Sinar Matahari terhadap Lama Hidup Larva Spodoptera litura

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    Spodoptera litura Multiple Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus (SpltMNPV) is one of insects pathogens that infect armyworm so they can be as a natural armyworm enemies. The SpltMNPV are sensitive against the sun so that could reduce its pathogenicity level. This research aimed to determine the effective concentration of bengkuang flour to protect SpltMNPV against the sun exposure to maintain the length of life against armyworms. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment consisted of one factors, namely bengkuang flour concentration with 4 treatments. The treatments were SpltMNPV + kaolin 1:4 added by bengkuang flour concentrations 0%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% respectively. The result showed that SpltMNPV + kaolin 1:4 added by bengkuang flour concentrations of 0%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% affected the length of armyworm life in 7 day, 7 day, 6 day, and 5 day respectively with percentage of armyworms 25%, 25%, 20%, and 5% respectively. The 5% concentration of bengkuang flour was the effective concentration to protect of SpltMNPV against the sun exposure

    Uji efek pemberian sediaan kurkumin-msn terhadap kadar ALT, AST, dan ALP pada tikus wistar jantan yang diinduksi karbon tetraklorida

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    Kunyit memiliki kandungan kurkuminoid dan minyak atsiri. Banyak penelitian menyebutkan kurkumin memiliki efek hepatoprotektor, tetapi sedikit yang mempertimbangkan sifat kurkumin yang rendah di serum dan jaringan karena kelarutan kurkumin yang buruk dalam air. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan membuat kurkumin dalam bentuk nanopartikel (kurkumin-MSN). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis efek hepatoprotektor dari kurkumin-MSN dengan parameter kadar ALT, AST, dan ALP pada tikus Wistar yang diinduksi karbon tetraklorida. Tikus dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok (n=4): K1 (CMC-Na 0,5%), K2 (CMC-Na 0,5%), K3 (ekstrak kurkumin 10 mg/200gBB), K4 (kurkumin-MSN 50 mg/200 gBB), K5 (tablet kurkumin 1,8 mg/200 gBB), K6 (kurkumin-MSN 9 mg/200 gBB). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 14 hari. Pada hari ke-14 3 jam setelah pemberian senyawa kurkumin, pada kelompok K2-K6 diberikan CCl4 (1,25 ml/kgBB) dan ditunggu selama 12 jam. Kemudian tikus dikorbankan dan darah dikumpukan secara intracardial. Kurkumin-MSN memiliki kadar ALT, AST, dan ALP yang lebih rendah (p<0,05) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol CCl4 tetapi penurunannya tidak berbeda bermakna pada pemeriksaan kadar ALP. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kurkumin-MSN memiliki efek hepatoprotektor lebih baik dari pada kurkumin

    Hepatoprotective effects of Curcumin-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles on CCl 4 –induced Hepatotoxicity Wistar rats

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    It has been reported that curcumin has a hepatoprotective effect, but its low solubility limited its utilization. Recently there was so many emerging research of advanced curcumin formulation, such as nanoparticles curcumin. In our previous study, curcumin has been loaded into mesoporous silica nanoparticles (C-MSN). This study was performed to evaluate of C-MSN hepatoprotective effect in CCl4-induced rats. Sixteen rats were divided into four groups, namely normal and CCl4 control, curcumin, C-MSN group. Treatment was given according to its group for fourteen days consecutively. At day 14, three hours after the last administration, CCl4 (1.25mL/kgBB) were administered orally. Twelve hours later the rats were sacrificed, and blood samples were drawn from their hearts. Blood serum examination result revealed that C-MSN caused a significantly lower ALT and AST than CCl4 control group (851±271U/L vs 1734±275U/L; 295±155U/L vs 1348±235U/L; p<0.05). Its effect on hepatic serum level resembled curcumin group. However, the result was not supported by histology examination which showed a higher number of necrotic hepatic cells in C-MSN group than in the curcumin group (147±9 vs 80±16; p<0.05). From this study, it can be concluded that C-MSN revealed an excellent hepatoprotective property, but it was suspected that MSN itself has the toxic effect on the liver. A further study of MSN toxicity was needed to support its safety use