156 research outputs found

    Beadle and Neurospora, Some Recollections

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    Beadle and Neurospora, Some Recollection

    Genetic basis for an aberrant ascus in N. crassa

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    Genetic basis for an aberrant ascus in N. crass

    Procedure for preparing individual asci of Neurospora for electron microscopy

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    Procedure for preparing individual asci of Neurospora for electron microscop

    Formation of heterokaryons by fusion of isolated hyphal tips on solid medium in petri plates

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    Formation of heterokaryons by fusion of isolated hyphal tips on solid medium in petri plate

    Abnormal ascus mutants

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    Abnormal ascus mutant

    Phenocopies of Neurospora mutants induced by biotin deficiency

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    Phenocopies of Neurospora mutants induced by biotin deficienc

    Studies of the genetics and physiology of a nitrate non-utilizing strain of Neurospora

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    Studies of the genetics andphysiology of a nitrate non-utilizing strain of Neurospor

    Ascospore arrangements in the aberrant asci of a Neurospora crassa mutant

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    Ascospore arrangements in aberrant asci of N. crassa mutan

    Dominance modification

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    Dominance modificatio

    Spore and ascus mutants in N. tetrasperma

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    Spore and ascus mutants in N. tetrasperm
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