9 research outputs found

    River Floodplain 1D/2D Hydraulic Modelling Combined with Recent LiDAR DTM Technology

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    The study presents problem of floods management for lowland rivers and provides solution for such complex task. The paper aims to elaborate a methodology for flood management model on large lowland rivers using precision digital terrain models (DTM) and combined 1D/2D unsteady flow model. The river Danube on the territory of Serbia was used with its tributaries for the development of the model. The length of the hydraulic model is 715 km and the achieved accuracy of the model, by comparing the calculated and observed levels on 10 water stations, is below 10 cm. Combined 1D/2D HEC-RAS model is adjusted by making use of the resulting high-resolution input. The ability of the combined 1D/2D model, based mainly on the high-accuracy input data, provides an accurate estimate of flood wave propagation. The result of this paper is a defined methodology providing sufficient accuracy to the hydraulic model of flood wave propagation in case of large lowland rivers, requiring acceptable short calculation time. Also, the methodology to specify relevant flood stage (design flood) which is used to determine levee crest elevation is developed in this paper

    A Methodology Proposal for Selecting the Optimal Location for Small Hydropower Plants

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    The hydropower potential in the Republic of Serbia, as the most important renewable energy source, has been estimated at around 17000 GWĀ·h per year, where approximately 2000 GWĀ·h could be obtained from small hydropower plants (SHP). Small hydropower plants in Serbia currently produce 150 GWĀ·h. Accordingly, the share of the electricity production from small hydropower plants in the total electricity production in Serbia is too small. The paper presents a model for the selection of optimal locations for small hydropower plants, which includes an ecological criterion, along with technical and economic criteria. The ecological criterion is eliminatory, i.e. those parts of the watercourse that border on or pass through protected natural assets are not taken into account when considering potential optimal locations for SHPs. All technical and economic criteria are included in the calculation of the weighted arithmetic mean with the aim of determining the optimal position for the construction of small hydropower plants. The model is implemented in the SHPOP software and its application is demonstrated on five watercourses in Southeastern Serbia

    Tehničke smernice za obezbeđivanje protivpožarne vode iz javnih vodovodnih sistema

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    In many European countries as well as in America there is no current common legislation requiring that public waterworks provide fire flows. Most public water supply systems provide fire water services to their community. In our country public waterworks do not have any decrees, regulations or technical norms either at state or local levels regarding fire flow supply from the public water supply system. Criteria for providing fire water and their classification are analyzed in this paper. Guidelines are recommended based on the determined parameters and criteria to improve the fire water supply from public distribution water systems. Recommended Technical guidelines are in compliance with the new Fire Prevention Act [19].U mnogim evropskim zemljama i Americi trenutno nema jedinstvenih zakona koji od javnih vodovodnih kompanija zahtevaju da obezbede protivpožarne protoke. Većina javnih vodovodnih sistema pruža protivpožarne usluge zajednici koju opslužuju. U naÅ”oj zemlji javna vodovodna preduzeća ne poseduju uredbe, propise i tehničke normative u vezi sa obezbeđenjem protivpožarnog protoka iz javnog vodovodnog sistema, kako na državnom tako i na lokalnom nivou. U radu je prikazan predlog tehničkih smernica-preporuka za poboljÅ”anje obezbeđivanja vode za protivpožarne potrebe iz javnih vodovodnih distributivnih sistema. Predlog tehničkih smernica je usaglaÅ”en sa novim Zakonom o zaÅ”titi od požara

    Future quantities of sludge from wastewater treatment plant on the territory of AP Vojvodina

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    In the framework of the research, an assessment of the future amount of waste sludge that would be generated after the construction of the planned 200 waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) that should be built on the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in the Republic of Serbia was carried out. It is estimated that the annual production of waste sludge will be slightly more than 81 thousand tons (dry sludge) per year. The methods of sustainable use (circular economy of sludge) and the method of safe disposal of sludge resulting from wastewater treatment were also analyzed. Starting from the possible use in Anaerobic Digestion processes for recharging biogas, the residual sludge from Anaerobic Digestion is excellent for use in agriculture. Well-watered sludge can also be used in the cement production industry, or if the sludge is burned (to reduce the final amount of waste), the ash can be used in the construction industry for the production of bricks or concrete/mortar, and finally sludge has potential for possible use for recharging biofuel, bio-plastic etc. Finally, there is a real potential for the use of waste sludge in AP Vojvodina

    Tehničke smernice za obezbeđivanje protivpožarne vode iz javnih vodovodnih sistema

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    In many European countries as well as in America there is no current common legislation requiring that public waterworks provide fire flows. Most public water supply systems provide fire water services to their community. In our country public waterworks do not have any decrees, regulations or technical norms either at state or local levels regarding fire flow supply from the public water supply system. Criteria for providing fire water and their classification are analyzed in this paper. Guidelines are recommended based on the determined parameters and criteria to improve the fire water supply from public distribution water systems. Recommended Technical guidelines are in compliance with the new Fire Prevention Act [19].U mnogim evropskim zemljama i Americi trenutno nema jedinstvenih zakona koji od javnih vodovodnih kompanija zahtevaju da obezbede protivpožarne protoke. Većina javnih vodovodnih sistema pruža protivpožarne usluge zajednici koju opslužuju. U naÅ”oj zemlji javna vodovodna preduzeća ne poseduju uredbe, propise i tehničke normative u vezi sa obezbeđenjem protivpožarnog protoka iz javnog vodovodnog sistema, kako na državnom tako i na lokalnom nivou. U radu je prikazan predlog tehničkih smernica-preporuka za poboljÅ”anje obezbeđivanja vode za protivpožarne potrebe iz javnih vodovodnih distributivnih sistema. Predlog tehničkih smernica je usaglaÅ”en sa novim Zakonom o zaÅ”titi od požara

    Rationalisation and reliability improvement of fire-fighting systems - the Novi Sad case study

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    Water supply systems are commonly used to supply fire-fighting water in most EU countries. To provide fast access to water, the standard practice is to install a huge number of hydrants along the entire water supply network. Pipe diameters and working pressures in the network are designed for a combination of the maximum hourly water demand and fire-fighting needs. However, in poorly managed water supply systems most of the hydrants are out of order. Although hundreds of hydrants exist in the network, the reality is that fire water tankers are usually refilled at just a few locations that are equipped with reliable hydrants maintained by the fire brigades. This paper presents a somewhat different approach for the provision of fire-fighting water. The approach discussed in the paper is based on the concept being introduced in the city of Novi Sad, Serbia, by cooperative efforts of the municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company and the fire-fighting service. In addition to presenting the experience gained in the case study, some generic conclusions are drawn. As an alternative to having a number of unreliable and small hydrants distributed throughout the network, the new concept proposes the construction of several strategically positioned filling stations, with high-flow-rate pillar hydrants and good access roads for the manoeuvering of fire water tankers. If properly designed and distributed around the city, such filling stations would increase the reliability of fire-fighting operations. The filling stations' design methodology presented in this paper is composed of a fire-risk spatial assessment, a hydraulic check of water supply network operations and a worst-case traffic load analysis. By employing the proposed methodology, not only can the reliability of fire-fighting operations be increased, but if accepted and implemented the methodology can lead to leakage reduction and improvements in water quality and the system's energy efficiency. In the test case of Novi Sad, a large number of hydrants were replaced by 14 filling stations that have been designed and constructed. A hydraulic model of the water supply network was calibrated using pressure-drop tests and flow capacity measurements of the existing hydrants. The model was used to examine the performance of the designed filling stations during their parallel operation. The paper presents the results of the test application and recommendations for the possible implementation of the concept

    Mountain Road-Culvert Maintenance Algorithm

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    The objective of this research was to determine the probability of road overtopping occurrence for a road culvert caused by surface runoff from the upstream catchment. A hydrologicalā€“hydraulic model was used for the development of an algorithm for road culvert maintenance based on the overtopping occurrence probability (CMOOP algorithm) for small mountain catchments. The hydrological model defines the regression dependence between the runoff hydrograph peak values and the probability of occurrences, whereas the hydraulic model calculates the culvert flow capacity by including in the calculation the level of sediment that culvert is filled with. The relationship between occurrences of overtopping and peak runoff value was defined using the runoff hydrograph transformation model in the accumulation on the upstream side of the road. In addition to the calculation of overtopping occurrence probability for the existing culvert condition, the CMOOP algorithm was used to analyze the impact of rehabilitation and reconstruction works from the perspective of legally based safety criterion for road overtopping occurrence probability (SCROOP). The CMOOP algorithm was appled to 67 concrete culverts located in a mountain road section in the Republic of Serbia. The results show that the application of rehabilitation works on selected culverts will increase the percentage of culverts that satisfy SCROOP from 49.25% to 89.55%, which confirms that the accumulated stone sediment is the main reason for the SCROOP unfulfillment

    Effects of reactive filters based on modified zeolite in dairy industry wastewater treatment process

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    Application of adsorbents based on organo-zeolites has certain advantages over conventional methods applied in food industry wastewater treatment process. The case study presented in this paper examines the possibilities and effects of treatment of dairy industry wastewater by using adsorbents based on organo-zeolites. The obtained results indicate favorable filtration properties of organo-zeolite, their high level of adsorption of organic matter and nitrate nitrogen in the analyzed wastewater. This paper concludes with recommendations of optimal technical and technological parameters for the application of these filters in practice

    Impact assessment of mine drainage water and municipal wastewater on the surface water in the vicinity of Bor

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    Mining and copper production in Bor, in the past hundred years, had a huge impact on the environment of town, but also in a wide region. In the area of Bor, in the zone of Mining and Smelting Company (RTB) activity, over 29,000 ha of land under forests and fields is degraded. The area of degraded agricultural land in the Bor municipality is over 60% of total agricultural land. Wastewater, generated in the sites of RTB Bor, pollute the Bor River and Krivelj River, which still flow into the Timok River and Danube River. These pollutions are often presented by low pH value, increased content of heavy metal ions, suspended particles and fine particles of flotation tailings, which is deposited in the valleys of these rivers on the area of over 2000 hectares. During the decades of exploitation of ore from the open pit Bor at different locations ("Visoki Planir" - also called ā€œOÅ”treljski planirā€, "Severni planir" dump of ore body "H" (RTH)) gangue and tailings were delayed. The largest amount of tailings, about 150 million tons, was postponed on location Visoki planir. The effect of the mining waste and the impact of the whole process of processing copper ore to the final products on the environment, was conducted during the 4th study period of the project "Management of mining waste-tailing dump in the Bor region," supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion Science (Eng. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and the Japan international cooperation Agency and the Ministry of environment, Mining and Spatial planning of the Republic of Serbia. Influence of season on the level of pollutants in soil and water, the impact on water quality in the river Timok and the River Danube, was conducted during first three periods of project. This paper presents the results of the third study period. The third period of research, which was conducted over a period of 17. 10. 2012 to 17. 01.2013 year, included a review of pollution sources and define their impact on the environment. The study included the following sources of pollution: mining waste and drainage water originating from the active mine (Bor pit , field 1 Krivelj large tailings, flotation tailings in Bor RTH, metallurgical water), as well as the drainage water from the flotation tailings, which are no longer in operation (field 2 flotation tailings Great Krivelj, drainage water from the old Bor flotation tailings), the old inactive landfill mine gangue (Saraka landfill, Veliki planir - tailings from the old Bor mine, landfill mine gangue from mine RTH) and the city - urban waste water, which are discharged without treatment directly into the watercourse Bor River. Wastewater directly pollute Bor River and Krivalj River