4 research outputs found

    Unique function for describing stress and strain behaviour of fire-affected concrete

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    U radu je predložena jedinstvena analitička funkcija za aproksimaciju EC2 krivulja koje opisuju ovisnost naprezanja i deformacije betona na temperaturama u požaru. Na osnovu predložene funkcije dobivena je familija krivulja koje se razlikuju samo po vrijednosti jednog parametra - maksimalne temperature pri požaru. Prikazani su numerički eksperimenti kojima je dokazano da se jednom funkcijom može opisati ponašanje betona u požaru i predloženi su smjerovi daljnjih istraživanja.A unique analytic function for the approximation of EC2 curves describing dependence of stress and strain of concrete at fire-generated temperatures is presented n the paper. The proposed function enables generation of a family of curves differing only in the value of a single parameter - maximum temperature during fire. Numerical experiments demonstrating that fire behaviour of concrete can be described with a single function are presented, and directions for further study are proposed


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    The climate trends and climate scenario for the Republic of Serbia show a continuous increase in annual average temperature and change in precipitation patterns. In line with the forthcoming national program for adaptation to climate change, the objective of this research is a brief review of relevant decision support tools. For this purpose, 150 tools from three databases had been analyzed: 1) Climate-ADAPT, European Climate Change Adaptation Platform 2) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Portal database and 3) U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit managed by the Climate Change Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Tools are analyzed with respect to four criteria: adaptation aspect, spatial level, types and application.Klimatski trendovi i klimatski scenario za Republiku Srbiju pokazuju kontinuirano povećanje prosečne godišnje temperature i promene ukupne prosečne količine padavina. U skladu sa predviđenim nacionalnim programom prilagođavanja efektima klimatskih promenama, cilj ovog istraživanja je kratak pregled relevantnih alata za podršku odlučivanju. U tu svrhu je analizirano 150 alata iz tri baze podataka: 1) Climate-ADAPT, evropska platforma za prilagođavanje klimatskim promenama 2) Portal za Upravljanje Znanjem u Prilagođavanju na klimatske promene Okvirne Konvencije Ujedinjenih Nacija i 3) “United States Toolkit” pod upravom Programa za klimatske promene Nacionalne uprave za okeane i atmosferu (NOAA). Alati su analizirani u odnosu na četiri kriterijuma: aspekt prilagođavanja, prostorni nivo, tip alata i primenu


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    In regards to waste treatment and management, both in the European Union and in the Republic of Serbia, a candidate for EU membership, it is necessary to improve municipal waste management systems, transform them into sustainable management systems and treat waste as a resource in order to preserve the environment and protect human health. In May 2018, an amendment to Directive 2008/98/EC, Directive 2018/851 was adopted, which refers to waste treatment in EU member states and which is in line with all other laws and regulations of the European Union. The total production of municipal waste in the 35 European countries participating in the data collection decreased by 3% in absolute terms and the average amount of waste per person by 7%. The aim of this paper is to compare the amount of municipal waste generated by residents of urban areas in the Republic of Serbia and in the Member States of the European Union.Kada je u pitanju tretiranje i upravljanje otpadom kako u Evropskoj uniji, tako i u Republici Srbiji koja je kandidat za člana EU, u cilju očuvanja životne sredine i zdravlja ljudi, potrebno je unaprediti sisteme za upravljanje komunalnim otpadom i transformisati ih u sisteme za održivo upravljanje otpadom kao resursom. Maja 2018. godine, usvojena je dopuna Direktive 2008/98/EC, Direktivom 2018/851 koja se odnosi na tretiranje otpada u zemljama koje su članice EU, i koji je u skladu sa svim ostalim zakonskim i podzakonskim aktima Evropske unije. Ukupna proizvodnja komunalnog otpada je u 35 evropskih država koje su učestvovale u prikupljanju podataka, opala je za 3% u apsolutnom iznosu i prosečna količina otpada po osobi za 7%. Cilj rada je sagledavanje količina komunalnog otpada koju generišu stanovnici urbanih sredina u Republici Srbiji i u državama članicama Evropske unije, kako bi se izvršilo njihove poređenje

    Impact of a building shape factor on space cooling energy performance in the green roof concept implementation

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    The reduction of energy demand for space cooling requires adequate solutions at building and built environment scales in order to achieve sustainability goals. Since many existing buildings have inadequate envelopes for reducing heat gains in summer and heat losses in winter, environmentally friendly renovation techniques have to be considered. The roofs of existing buildings were identified as a field of intervention which could contribute to providing both energy savings and environmental benefits. The aim of the paper was to evaluate the contribution of green roofs to energy savings for space cooling depending on the building shape factor. Two groups of building models, with vertical and horizontal expansions, were analysed. The comparative analyses of the building models with conventional and green roofs showed small reduction of energy consumption less than 1% in case of well-insulated roofs with the addition of the extensive green roof. The comparison of different building models with green roofs of the same volume, which is in this case the same cooling area, indicated a more effective solution for green roofs implementation with the aim to improve energy performances of existing buildings using this passive design technique