6 research outputs found

    Correlation between Land Use and Urban Public Transport: Case Study of Zagreb

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    Investment in the transport system with the aim of fostering attractiveness and land use in urban structures is of great interest for planners and investors. Investment in urban public transport would especially contribute to revitalising distinct city areas. The samples of high population density and diversified area use are organised around accessible means of urban public transport.The main objective of this case study was to find an adequate model for the solution of urban public transport on the location Novi Jelkovec in Zagreb after the construction of a new urban settlement, with the aim to revitalise the peripheral parts of the city. The theoretical assumption on the influence of better organised transport on land use is hereby researched through the example of correction of timetables and reduction of travelling time between nodes on the line in the Novi Jelkovec settlement. In preparing this paper the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, mathematical and statistical methods, methods of interviewing. The theory of correlation of land use and urban public transport is based on models that develop the “compact city”. The obtained research results confirm the significance of the correlation between urban land use and urban public transport. It can be concluded that this paper proves the influence of the correlation between land use and urban public transport on the concrete example of Novi Jelkovec. Its implementation could result in solving the concrete traffic problem and along with it a faster urbanisation of the new settlement

    Testing the Logistics Model of Supplying Military Vehicles with Spare Parts

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    The use of advanced transport means understands alsotheir supply by spare and consumable parts. In order to solvethe problem of the required quantities, costs of purchase andstorage of the parts, it is necessary to solve the problem of stocksmanagement. The wear of tyres for military vehicles in extremeexploitation conditions is of random character. How fast thetyres will wear on the all-ten·ain and heavy motor vehicle dependson the driver's skill and the external conditions (weather,terrain). All the conditions are of random character and in orderto determine as accurately as possible the wear of tyres it isnecessary to monitor the wear of tyres within a certain time period,and to find the approximate probability of tyre wear in thefuture period of time. When the probability of tyre wear is determined,stochastic supply management model is used to calculatethe value of the stocks which allows optimal planning ofstocks of spare parts at minimal costs. The stochastic model allowsoptimal calculation for the purchase of consumable partsof transport means whose consumption depends on the randomconditions and events


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    Cilj rada je opisati utjecaj multimedije tijekom procesa poučavanja na ishode učenja studenata. U formalnom i neformalnom, kao i u primarnom, sekundarnom i tercijarnom obrazovanju koristi se multimedija i internetske tehnologije. Dostupnost računala i interneta omogućuje da se koristi tekst i slike kao tradicionalni, ali i zvuk, video, animacije, simulacije i ostali multimedijalni elementi. Rad donosi osvrt na uporabu različitih tehnologija, njihov pozitivan, ali i negativan utjecaj. Odabrano je 17 studenata u kontrolnoj i 23 u eksperimentalnoj skupini. Kontrolna skupina koristila je tradicionalne metode poučavanja. Za eksperimentalnu skupinu korištena je multimedija, resursi dostupni na internetu i suvremene tehnologije. U istraživanju je uočena povezanost studentskih postignuća i uporabe multimedije. Nove tehnologije studentima i edukatorima pružaju niz mogućnosti, inovativnih pristupa, samostalnog i timskog rada, raznovrsnijeg i dostupnijeg poučavanja, ali i neke opasnosti za vještine pisanja, računanja i socijalne vještine.The aim of the paper is to describe the impact of multimedia during the teaching process on student learning outcomes. Multimedia and internet technologies are used in formal and informal, as well as in primary, secondary and tertiary education. The availability of computers and the internet makes it possible to use text and images as traditional, but also audio, video, animations, simulations and other multimedia elements. The paper gives an overview of the use of different technologies, their positive but also negative impact. There was selected 17 students in the control group and 23 students in the experimental group. The control group used traditional teaching methods. Multimedia, internet resources and modern technologies were used for the experimental group. The study found an association between student achievement and the use of multimedia. New technologies provide students and educators a lot of opportunities, innovative approaches, independent and teamwork, more diverse and accessible teaching, as well as some dangers for writing, numeracy and social skills

    Assessment and evaluation of force–velocity variables in flywheel squats

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    Research into flywheel (FW) resistance training and force–velocity–power (F–v–P) profiling has recently gained attention. Ground reaction force (GRF) and velocity (v) during FW squats can be predicted from shaft rotational data. Our study aimed to compare the inter-set reliability of GRF, v, and F–v–P relationship output variables calculated from force plates and linear encoder (presumed gold-standard) and rotary encoder data. Fifty participants performed two sets of FW squats at four inertias. Peak and mean concentric and eccentric GRF, v, and F–v–P outcomes from mean variables during the concentric phase of the squat were calculated. Good to excellent reliability was found for GRF and v (ICC > 0.85), regardless of the measure and the variable type. The F–v–P outcomes showed moderate to good reliability (ICC > 0.74). Inter-measure bias (p < 0.05) was found in the majority of GRF and v variables, as well as for all the calculated F–v–P outcomes (trivial to large TEs) with very large to perfect correlations for v (r 0.797–0.948), GRF (r 0.712–0.959), and, finally, F–v–P outcomes (ICC 0.737–0.943). Rotary encoder overestimated the force plates and linear encoder variables, and the differences were dependent on the level of inertia. Despite high reliability, FW device users should be aware of the discrepancy between the measures

    Single Fuel Concept for Croatian Army Ground Vehicles

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    During the process of approaching the European associationsand NATO the Republic of Croatia has accepted the singlefuel concept for all ground vehicles of the Croatian Army.Croatia has also undertaken to insure that all aircraft, motorvehicles and equipment with turbo-engines or with pressurizedfuel injection, for participation in NATO and PfP led operationscan • operate using the kerosene-based aviation fuel(NATO F-34). The paper gives a brief overview and the resultsof the earned out activities in the Armed Forces of the Republicof Croatia, the expected behaviour of the motor vehicle andpossible delays caused by the use of kerosene fuel (NATOF-34) as fuel for motor vehicles. The paper also gives the advantagesand the drawbacks of the single fuel concept. By acquiringnew data in the Croatian Armed Forces and experienceexchange with other nations about the method of using fuelF-34, the development of the technologies of engine manufacturingand its vital parts or by introducing new standards in theproductjon of fuels and additives new knowledge will certainlybe acquired for providing logistics support in the area of operations,and its final implementation will be a big step forward forthe Republic of Croatia towards Europe and NATO

    Inventory Management Models in the Supply System of Spare Parts for Military Vehicles

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    The term inventory implies various material means whichare for a certain period of time excluded from the productionprocess or transport with the aim of being used at a later pointin time, as the need might arise.The work analyses an example of the operation method ofone system according to the model of rejecting unsatisfied demands,with the task of determining the op1imal invento1y volumeand !he ordering levels in order 10 minimise the annualcosts