28 research outputs found

    Influence of Ethnicity, Gender and Answering Mode on a Virtual Point-to-Origin Task

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    In a virtual point-to-origin task, participants seem to show different response patterns and underlying strategies for orientation, such as ”turner” and ”non-turner” response patterns. Turners respond as if succeeding to update simulated heading changes, and non-turners respond as if failing to update their heading, resulting in left-right hemisphere errors. We present two other response patterns, ”non-movers” and ”spinners”, that also appear to result in failures to update heading. We have three specific goals in mind: (1) extend previous findings of higher turner rates with spatial language response mode using a point-to-origin task instead of a triangle completion task; (2) replicate the gender effect of males more likely responding as turners; (3) examine ethnicity influence. Designed as a classroom study, we presented participants (N = 498) with four passages through a virtual star field. Participants selected the direction pointing to the origin from four multiple-choice items. Response mode was either pictograms or written lan- guage, chosen to compare with similar studies and see if these response modes have an effect on virtual orientation behaviour. Results show a majority of participants (48.35%) classified as non-turners, 32.93% turners, 15.57% as non-movers, and 3.14% as spinners. A multinomial regression model reached 49% classification performance. Written spatial language, compared to pictograms, made turner response patterns more likely; this effect was more pronounced for Chinese participants and among females, but not male Caucasians. Moreover, higher turner numbers for written spatial language extends Avraamides findings of higher turner numbers when participants turned their bodies toward the origin but not when they responded verbally. Using pictorial response mode (i.e., top-down picture of a head) may have increased cognitive load because it could be considered more embodied. It remains to be seen how we can reduce the reference frame conflict that might have caused increased cognitive load. Second, our results are inconsistent with previous research in that males overall did not show more turner behaviour than females. Future research may look at possible underlying factors, such as cultural norms. Third, individualistic cultures (Caucasians) [Greif, 1994] lean towards turner response patterns, whereas collectivist cultures lean towards non-turner response patterns

    Low cost adaptable laser transmitter for ground-based orbital observations

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    Several theoretical laser transmitter concepts for low Earth orbit free space optical applications were investigated. A suitable, cost effective design including a beam steering unit as well as a fully automated laser divergence control was realized and characterized. For this only commercial off the shelf components were used

    Norditerpenoid alkaloids from Delphinium species

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    From the aerial parts of four Delphinium species 11 known and 3 new norditerpenoid alkaloids have been isolated: from D. dissectum Huth: delavaine A/B, deoxylycoctonine, methyllycaconitine;<br/> new: 10-hydroxymethyllycaconitine; from D. excelsum Reichenb.: delcaroline, delectinine, delterine, methyllycaconitine;<br/> new: 10-hydroxymethyllycaconitine, 18-O- methyldelterine and 10-hydroxynudicaulidine; from D. grandflorum L.: delcosine, deltatsine, grandiflorine, methyllycaconitine; from D. triste Fisch.: delcosine, macrocentridine, 14-dehydrodelcosine. The structures of the new alkaloids were established on the basis of MS, H-1, C-13, DEPT, homonuclear COSY, HMQC and HMBC NMR spectroscopic techniques

    Intra- and extracapsular synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint: Rare case and review of the literature

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    Synovial chondromatosis is a benign disease which most commonly appears in large joints and only rarely affects the temporomandibular joint. The diagnosis is quite difficult due to the fact that a large swelling in the preauricular area and the radiographic findings may be misdiagnosed as other benign or malignant diseases. We report an unusual case of intra- and extracapsular chondromatosis of 25 osteochondral loose bodies in the right temporomandibular joint

    Die neue S2k AWMF Leitlinie zur Behandlung der obstruktiven Sialadenitis in kommentierter Kurzform

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    A new and interdisciplinary S2k AWMF guideline for the treatment of obstructive sialadenitis has been published. There have been several technical achievements, for instance in the field of ultrasonography, via sialendoscopy, or by MR-sialography, that have increased the possibilities for diagnosis and treatment of patients with obstructive sialadenitis. In the past, the treatment of choice in case of unsuccessful medical treatment was a complete extirpation of the affected salivary gland. Nowadays, using a variety of modern treatment options (like sialendoscopy, or extracorporeal shock-waves lithotripsy sometimes combined with salivary duct incision), it is possible in most patients, especially in cases of sialolithiasis, to preserve the affected gland. A functional recovery after gland-sparing surgery is described but more data is needed to finally evaluate the long-time results. The new guideline describes all relevant steps to diagnose an obstructive sialadenitis and values all diagnostic tools critically. Finally, all recommendable therapy options are described and valued, too

    Updated S2K AWMF guideline for the diagnosis and follow-up of obstructive sialadenitis – relevance for radiologic Imaging

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    The interdisciplinarily developed German S2k AWMF guideline for the treatment of obstructive sialadenitis represents a new standard in the guideline program of the AWMF, the German Society for Consultants and the clinical disciplines working in the field of diseases of the head and neck region. In the last few years new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities have been established in obstructive chronic Sialadenitis offering individually optimized therapeutic strategies. Only a few years ago extirpation of the whole affected gland was the only relevant therapy option. Nowadays therapeutic options such as interventional sialendoscopy and extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) are available in combination with marsupialization or incision of the duct. If possible the focus is on preserving the main glandular duct. In the following article the relevant aspects for the diagnostic radiologic procedures are presented. Key Points: Radiological methods are a noninvasive alternative to sialendoscopy and should be given preference in the case of acute inflammation. Sonography is the radiological method of first choice. The use of intravenous or intraductal contrast agent is not necessary due to the prestenotically dilated duct system. Citation Format: Vogl TJ, Al-Nawas B, Beutner D et al. Updated S2K AWMF Guideline for the Diagnosis and Follow-up of Obstructive Sialadenitis Relevance for Radiologic Imaging

    The C3PO project: A laser communication system concept for small satellites

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    The satellite market is shifting towards smaller (micro and nanosatellites), lowered mass and increased performance platforms. Nanosatellites and picosatellites have been used for a number of new, innovative and unique payloads and missions. This trend requires new concepts for a reduced size, a better performance/weight ratio and a reduction of onboard power consumption. In this context, disruptive technologies, such as laser-optical communication systems, are opening new possibilities. This paper presents the C3PO1 system, "advanced Concept for laser uplink/ downlink CommuniCation with sPace Objects", and the first results of the development of its key technologies. This project targets the design of a communications system that uses a ground-based laser to illuminate a satellite, and a Modulating Retro-Reflector (MRR) to return a beam of light modulated by data to the ground. This enables a downlink, without a laser source on the satellite. This architecture suits well to small satellite applications so as high data rates are potentially provided with very low board mass. C3PO project aims to achieve data rates of 1Gbit/s between LEO satellites and Earth with a communication payload mass of less than 1kilogram. In this paper, results of the initial experiments and demonstration of the key technologies will be shown