7 research outputs found

    Introduction to Bioaerosols Assessment and Control, 2nd Edition

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    Risk Assessment Assessment for the Presence of Bioaerosols Sampling Purpose/ Necessity Interpretation Controls Ventilation Other Control

    E-Cigarettes: A Hazy Hazard

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    • Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs) are battery-powered devices that deliver vaporized nicotine and other substances, such as flavorings, to users without smoke or combustion. They are commonly marketed as smoking cessation tools and, as such, are promoted as being a healthier alternative to smoking. • A common misperception is that that e-cigarettes only release water vapor. In reality, though, these devices release nicotine and other chemicals in a vapor form that can expose both the user (a.k.a., the vaper), as well as those in the immediate vicinity, to those contaminants. While the health risks of e-cigarettes compared to regular cigarette smoking is greatly reduced, many toxic compounds are still present. • The rapid increase in use of electronic cigarettes has generated a potential concern for indoor air quality in that there is still limited data on potential exposures and human health risks for users, or for others through second- and third-hand exposures

    Engineering Controls for Bioaerosols in Non-Industrial/Non-Healthcare Settings

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    The list of disease pathogens that can be transmitted in the air is extensive. This list includes the common cold, SARS, measles, Hansen’s disease (leprosy), polio, influenza, Legionella (Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever), and tuberculosis (TB). TB, SARS-CoV-1, avian influenza, varicella, and now SARS-CoV-2 all have received public notice due not only to their known or assumed ability to be transmitted in the air rapidly from one individual to another, but also for their virulence. Other bioaerosols that can be transmitted through the air include bacteria, fungal spores and fragments, dust mites, and pollen. This document was developed to address control of bioaerosols transmission, primarily through ventilation and other engineering controls. This monograph will focus on engineering controls in non-industrial/ non-healthcare facilities such as office buildings, schools, public assembly, theaters, and governmental buildings. It does not, however, address ventilation in residences, either single or multi-family

    Electronic Cigarettes and the IH

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    In 2014, AIHA’s Indoor Environmental Quality and Risk Committees delivered a groundbreaking white paper on electronic cigarettes, which revealed the potential hazards associated with the use of such products in the indoorenvironment. Since the original white paper was published, a significant amount of scientific research has been performed, identifying additional hazards from flavorings, potential health effects not previously described, andconcerns related to surface deposition and thirdhand exposure. As a result, the IEQ and Risk Committees recently updated the white paper, which can be found at http://bit.ly/ecigpaper2019

    Introduction to Bioaerosols Assessment and Control, 2nd Edition

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    Risk Assessment Assessment for the Presence of Bioaerosols Sampling Purpose/ Necessity Interpretation Controls Ventilation Other Control

    E-Cigarettes: A Hazy Hazard

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    • Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs) are battery-powered devices that deliver vaporized nicotine and other substances, such as flavorings, to users without smoke or combustion. They are commonly marketed as smoking cessation tools and, as such, are promoted as being a healthier alternative to smoking. • A common misperception is that that e-cigarettes only release water vapor. In reality, though, these devices release nicotine and other chemicals in a vapor form that can expose both the user (a.k.a., the vaper), as well as those in the immediate vicinity, to those contaminants. While the health risks of e-cigarettes compared to regular cigarette smoking is greatly reduced, many toxic compounds are still present. • The rapid increase in use of electronic cigarettes has generated a potential concern for indoor air quality in that there is still limited data on potential exposures and human health risks for users, or for others through second- and third-hand exposures

    Engineering Controls for Bioaerosols in Non-Industrial/Non-Healthcare Settings

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    The list of disease pathogens that can be transmitted in the air is extensive. This list includes the common cold, SARS, measles, Hansen’s disease (leprosy), polio, influenza, Legionella (Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever), and tuberculosis (TB). TB, SARS-CoV-1, avian influenza, varicella, and now SARS-CoV-2 all have received public notice due not only to their known or assumed ability to be transmitted in the air rapidly from one individual to another, but also for their virulence. Other bioaerosols that can be transmitted through the air include bacteria, fungal spores and fragments, dust mites, and pollen. This document was developed to address control of bioaerosols transmission, primarily through ventilation and other engineering controls. This monograph will focus on engineering controls in non-industrial/ non-healthcare facilities such as office buildings, schools, public assembly, theaters, and governmental buildings. It does not, however, address ventilation in residences, either single or multi-family