161 research outputs found

    Electron mobility and localization in dense He4 gas

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    The mobility was measured for gas densities 2< rho <40*1020 atoms cm-3, and for gas temperatures 4<T<300K. Refinements of former treatments of electron localization via the bubble model are presented which demonstrate a strong correlation between the mobility 'edge' and a localization criterion. Detailed agreement between theory and experiment is not realized, but the general features of the density and temperature dependence of the mobility are reproduced in a consistent manner.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48846/2/jbv6i5p908.pd

    A Model of Brain Circulation and Metabolism: NIRS Signal Changes during Physiological Challenges

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    We construct a model of brain circulation and energy metabolism. The model is designed to explain experimental data and predict the response of the circulation and metabolism to a variety of stimuli, in particular, changes in arterial blood pressure, CO2 levels, O2 levels, and functional activation. Significant model outputs are predictions about blood flow, metabolic rate, and quantities measurable noninvasively using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), including cerebral blood volume and oxygenation and the redox state of the CuA centre in cytochrome c oxidase. These quantities are now frequently measured in clinical settings; however the relationship between the measurements and the underlying physiological events is in general complex. We anticipate that the model will play an important role in helping to understand the NIRS signals, in particular, the cytochrome signal, which has been hard to interpret. A range of model simulations are presented, and model outputs are compared to published data obtained from both in vivo and in vitro settings. The comparisons are encouraging, showing that the model is able to reproduce observed behaviour in response to various stimuli

    Chromosomal disorders:estimating baseline birth prevalence and pregnancy outcomes worldwide

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    Chromosomal disorders, of which Down syndrome is the most common, can cause multi-domain disability. In addition, compared to the general population, there is a higher frequency of death before the age of five. In many settings, large gaps in data availability have hampered policy-making, programme priorities and resource allocation for these important conditions. We have developed methods, which overcome this lack of data and allow estimation of the burden of affected pregnancies and their outcomes in different settings worldwide. For example, the methods include a simple equation relating the percentage of mothers 35 and over to Down syndrome birth prevalence. The results obtained provide a starting point for consideration of services that can be implemented for the care and prevention of these disorders

    Vortex Dynamics in Superfluid Systems: Cyclotron Type Motion

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    Vortex dynamics in superfluids is investigated in the framework of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The natural motion of the vortex is of cyclotron type, whose frequency is found to be on the order of phonon velocity divided by the coherence length, and may be heavily damped due to phonon radiation. Trapping foreign particles into the vortex core can reduce the cyclotron frequency and make the cyclotron motion underdamped. The density fluctuations can follow the vortex motion adiabatically within the phonon wave length at the cyclotron frequency, which results in a further downward renormalization of the cyclotron frequency. We have also discussed applications on the dynamics of vortices in superconducting films.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure include

    Modelling Blood Flow and Metabolism in the Preclinical Neonatal Brain during and Following Hypoxic-Ischaemia

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    Hypoxia-ischaemia (HI) is a major cause of neonatal brain injury, often leading to long-term damage or death. In order to improve understanding and test new treatments, piglets are used as preclinical models for human neonates. We have extended an earlier computational model of piglet cerebral physiology for application to multimodal experimental data recorded during episodes of induced HI. The data include monitoring with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and the model simulates the circulatory and metabolic processes that give rise to the measured signals. Model extensions include simulation of the carotid arterial occlusion used to induce HI, inclusion of cytoplasmic pH, and loss of metabolic function due to cell death. Model behaviour is compared to data from two piglets, one of which recovered following HI while the other did not. Behaviourally-important model parameters are identified via sensitivity analysis, and these are optimised to simulate the experimental data. For the non-recovering piglet, we investigate several state changes that might explain why some MRS and NIRS signals do not return to their baseline values following the HI insult. We discover that the model can explain this failure better when we include, among other factors such as mitochondrial uncoupling and poor cerebral blood flow restoration, the death of around 40% of the brain tissue. Copyright

    Airway smooth muscle relaxation results from a reduction in the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations induced by a cAMP-mediated inhibition of the IP(3 )receptor

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    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that the contractile state of airway smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in response to agonists is determined by the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations occurring within the SMCs. Therefore, we hypothesized that the relaxation of airway SMCs induced by agents that increase cAMP results from the down-regulation or slowing of the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations. METHODS: The effects of isoproterenol (ISO), forskolin (FSK) and 8-bromo-cAMP on the relaxation and Ca(2+ )signaling of airway SMCs contracted with methacholine (MCh) was investigated in murine lung slices with phase-contrast and laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: All three cAMP-elevating agents simultaneously induced a reduction in the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations within the SMCs and the relaxation of contracted airways. The decrease in the Ca(2+ )oscillation frequency correlated with the extent of airway relaxation and was concentration-dependent. The mechanism by which cAMP reduced the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations was investigated. Elevated cAMP did not affect the re-filling rate of the internal Ca(2+ )stores after emptying by repetitive exposure to 20 mM caffeine. Neither did elevated cAMP limit the Ca(2+ )available to stimulate contraction because an elevation of intracellular Ca(2+ )concentration induced by exposure to a Ca(2+ )ionophore (ionomycin) or by photolysis of caged-Ca(2+ )did not reverse the effect of cAMP. Similar results were obtained with iberiotoxin, a blocker of Ca(2+)-activated K(+ )channels, which would be expected to increase Ca(2+ )influx and contraction. By contrast, the photolysis of caged-IP(3 )in the presence of agonist, to further elevate the intracellular IP(3 )concentration, reversed the slowing of the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations and relaxation of the airway induced by FSK. This result implied that the sensitivity of the IP(3)R to IP(3 )was reduced by FSK and this was supported by the reduced ability of IP(3 )to release Ca(2+ )in SMCs in the presence of FSK. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the relaxant effect of cAMP-elevating agents on airway SMCs is achieved by decreasing the Ca(2+ )oscillation frequency by reducing internal Ca(2+ )release through IP(3 )receptors

    Ammoniated electron as a solvent stabilized multimer radical anion

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    The excess electron in liquid ammonia ("ammoniated electron") is commonly viewed as a cavity electron in which the s-type wave function fills the interstitial void between 6-9 ammonia molecules. Here we examine an alternative model in which the ammoniated electron is regarded as a solvent stabilized multimer radical anion, as was originally suggested by Symons [Chem. Soc. Rev. 1976, 5, 337]. In this model, most of the excess electron density resides in the frontier orbitals of N atoms in the ammonia molecules forming the solvation cavity; a fraction of this spin density is transferred to the molecules in the second solvation shell. The cavity is formed due to the repulsion between negatively charged solvent molecules. Using density functional theory calculations for small ammonia cluster anions in the gas phase, it is demonstrated that such core anions would semi-quantitatively account for the observed pattern of Knight shifts for 1-H and 14-N nuclei observed by NMR spectroscopy and the downshifted stretching and bending modes observed by infrared spectroscopy. It is speculated that the excess electrons in other aprotic solvents (but not in water and alcohols) might be, in this respect, analogous to the ammoniated electron, with substantial transfer of the spin density into the frontier N and C orbitals of methyl, amino, and amide groups forming the solvation cavity.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures; to be submitted to J Phys Chem

    Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. Second year annual report

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    What is the purpose of Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme? Glastir is the main scheme by which the Welsh Government pays for environmental goods and services whilst the Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (GMEP) evaluates the scheme’s success. Commissioning of the monitoring programme in parallel with the launch of the Glastir scheme provides fast feedback and means payments can be modified to increase effectiveness. The Glastir scheme is jointly funded by the Welsh Government (through the Rural Development Plan) and the EU. GMEP will also support a wide range of other national and international reporting requirements. What is the GMEP approach? GMEP collects evidence for the 6 intended outcomes from the Glastir scheme which are focussed on climate change, water and soil quality, biodiversity, landscape, access and historic environment, woodland creation and management. Activities include; a national rolling monitoring programme of 1km squares; new analysis of long term data from other schemes combining with GMEP data where possible; modelling to estimate future outcomes so that adjustments can be made to maximise impact of payments; surveys to assess wider socio-economic benefits; and development of novel technologies to increase detection and efficiency of future assessments. How has GMEP progressed in this 2nd year? 90 GMEP squares were surveyed in Year 2 to add to the 60 completed in Year 1 resulting in 50% of the 300 GMEP survey squares now being completed. Squares will be revisited on a 4 year cycle providing evidence of change in response to Glastir and other pressures such as changing economics of the farm business, climate change and air pollution. This first survey cycle collects the baseline against which future changes will be assessed. This is important as GMEP work this year has demonstrated land coming into the scheme is different in some respects to land outside the scheme. Therefore, future analysis to detect impact of Glastir will be made both against the national backdrop from land outside the scheme and this baseline data from land in scheme. A wide range of analyses of longterm data has been completed for all Glastir Outcomes with the exception of landscape quality and historic features condition for which limited data is available. This has involved combining data with 2013/14 GMEP data when methods allow. Overall analysis of long term data indicates one of stability but with little evidence of improvement with the exception of headwater quality, greenhouse gas emissions and woodland area for which there has been improvement over the last 20 years. Some headline statistics include: 51% of historic features in excellent or sound condition; two thirds of public rights of way fully open and accessible; improvement in hedgerow management with 85% surveyed cut in the last 3 years but < 1% recently planted; 91% of streams had some level of modification but 60% retained good ecological quality; no change topsoil carbon content over last 25 years. What is innovative? GMEP has developed various new metrics to allow for more streamlined reporting in the future. For example a new Priority Bird species Index for Wales which combines data from 35 species indicates at least half have stable or increasing populations. The new GMEP Visual Quality Landscape Index has been tested involving over 2600 respondents. Results have demonstrated its value as an objective and repeatable method for quantifying change in visual landscape quality. A new unified peat map for Wales has been developed which has been passed to Glastir Contract Managers to improve targeting of payments when negotiating Glastir contracts. An estimate of peat soil contribution to current greenhouse gas emissions due to human modification has been calculated. Models have allowed quantification of land area helping to mitigate rainfall runoff. We are using new molecular tools to explore the effects of Glastir on soil organisms and satellite technologies to quantify e.g. small woody features and landcover change. Finally we are using a community approach to develop a consensus on how to define and report change in High Nature Value Farmland which will be reported in the Year 3 GMEP report