41 research outputs found
Design Guide for Pitch-Up Evaluation and Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of Possible Limitations Due to Wing-Aspect-Ratio Variations
A design guide is suggested as a basis for indicating combinations of airplane design variables for which the possibilities of pitch-up are minimized for tail-behind-wing and tailless airplane configurations. The guide specifies wing plan forms that would be expected to show increased tail-off stability with increasing lift and plan forms that show decreased tail-off stability with increasing lift. Boundaries indicating tail-behind-wing positions that should be considered along with given tail-off characteristics also are suggested. An investigation of one possible limitation of the guide with respect to the effects of wing-aspect-ratio variations on the contribution to stability of a high tail has been made in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot tunnel through a Mach number range from 0.60 to 0.92. The measured pitching-moment characteristics were found to be consistent with those of the design guide through the lift range for aspect ratios from 3.0 to 2.0. However, a configuration with an aspect ratio of 1.55 failed t o provide the predicted pitch-up warning characterized by sharply increasing stability at the high lifts following the initial stall before pitching up. Thus, it appears that the design guide presented herein might not be applicable when the wing aspect ratios lower than about 2.0
Effectiveness of Boundary-layer Control, Obtained by Blowing over a Plain Rear Flap in Combination with a Forward Slotted Flap, in Deflecting a Slipstream Downward for Vertical Take-off
The wing employed in this investigation had a 67-percent-chord slotted flap in combination with a 33-percent-chord plain rear flap equipped with a full-span blowing nozzle. The tests were conducted in a static-thrust facility at the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory. The investigation indicated that the plain rear flap alone with a low momentum coefficient for boundary-layer control provided larger turning angles than the combined slotted and plain flaps without boundary-layer control
Experimental investigation at high subsonic speeds of the effects of leading-edge radius on the aerodynamic characteristics of a sweptback-wing - fuselage combination with leading-edge flaps and chord-extensions
Investigation of Interference of a Deflected Jet with Free Stream and Ground on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Semispan Delta-Wing VTOL Model
An investigation of the mutual interference effects of the ground, wing, deflected jet stream, and free stream of a semispan delta-wing VTOL model at zero and low forward speeds has been conducted in the 17-foot test section of the Langley 300-MPH 7-by 10-foot tunnel. The model consisted of two interchangeable semispan clipped delta wings, a simplified fuselage, and a high-pressure jet for simulation of a jet exhaust. Attached to the wing behind the jet were various sets of vanes for deflecting the jet stream to different turning angles. The effect of ground proximity gave the normally expected losses in lift at zero and very low forward speeds (up to about 60 or 80 knots for the assumed wing loading of 100 lb/sq ft); at higher forward speeds ground effects were favorable. At low forward speeds, out of ground effect, the model encountered large losses in lift and large nose-up pitching moments with the model at low angles of attack and the jet deflected 90 deg or 75 deg (the angles required for VTOL performance and very low forward speeds). Rotating the model to higher angles of attack and deflecting the jet back to lower angles eliminated these losses in lift. Moving the jet rearward with respect to the wing reduced the losses in lift and the nose-up moments at all speeds within the range of this investigation
Investigation of the Effects of Propeller Diameter on the Ability of a Flapped Wing, with and Without Boundary-layer Control, to Deflect a Propeller Slipstream Downward for Vertical Take-off
Effect at high subsonic speeds of fuselage forebody strakes on the static stability and vertical-tail-load characteristics of a complete model having a delta wing
Experimental Investigation of Various Wing-mounted External Stores on a Wing-fuselage Combination Having a Sweptback Wing of Inverse Taper Ratio
Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Sliding Flap in Deflecting a Propeller Slipstream Downward for Vertical Take-off
Effect at High Subsonic Speeds of Fuselage Forebody Strakes on the Static Stability and Vertical-Tail-Load Characteristics of a Complete Model Having a Delta Wing
A wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds has been conducted to determine the effect of fuselage forebody strakes on the static stability and the vertical-tail-load characteristics of an airplane-type configuration having a delta wing. The tests were made at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 0.92 corresponding to Reynolds numbers from 3.0 x 10(exp 6) to 4.2 x 10(exp 6), based on the wing mean aerodynamic chord, and at angles of attack from approximately -2 to 24 deg. The strakes provided improvements in the directional stability characteristics of the wing-fuselage configuration which were reflected in the characteristics of the complete configuration in the angle-of-attack range where extreme losses in directional stability quite often occur. It was also found that the strakes, through their beneficial effect on the wing-fuselage directional stability, reduced the vertical-tail load per unit restoring moment at high angles of attack. The results also indicated that, despite the inherent tendency for strakes to produce a pitch-up, acceptable pitching-moment characteristics can be obtained provided the strakes are properly chosen and used in conjunction with a wing-body-tail configuration characterized by increasing stability with increasing lift